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Bev. w. O. w.i t ii-s. ■; Detroit, wom in Ann AxtOT Tnrsrïay. Mi-s. Dr. I). -. UcLadbüan la wit trfenda in Detroit tibia weck. Regent Wihitman ta uniltT the wcarlkT (or a few daya. Aid. Prettyman Ie eobertalnlng iiis liniilicr ICmcrson, Of ('liii-aun. I'i-o;'. St.-inlcy tuaa a serere cold tlral coiiiincs liim tO liis home. Mrs. Kczia TbompBon nee Rogers, oJ .lacksmi, as in ttoe city yeeterilay. r.cri Vniiii. ot Plnckney, speni 8unday in Ann ArbOT, lus gister Graoe. .Mr. oud Mis. J, E. licld. ui Alpona, bn i be city tor a. time, visit ing ri'lativc.s. Mr. i ml Mis. II. I). Mars, oí Bpring si., aro bhe happy paréate o; an 8 pi.-uini boy. W. E. Holt, oí the Bettevne Gazette ]i;is been ;i genial Cowter caller lurinií ilh' cok. Miss M. Brovra, ■; ,i,-iic st., is spaodlng íilie week ;it her oíd home, Walled Lake. Miss Hattir Lxmg, oí M 111er ave, is speiwJtng 1 1 1 1 - winter in Toledo, O., witlli rt'lntives. Jay KoLtili, oí !'xirr, breasttrer of Scio townsliip, was in the city Mond.iy on iHisiness. D.ivid AUaliy, oí Chicago, is in the city visit iiiLT hls Urother Wm. Allaby and O'tlicr irU'iuls. D. D. Travis, of Goopeff is in tlie city. visit liis sou and (latiKliter- and nov granddaugbter. Mrs. Moloncy, of Detroit, was in tibe city Tnesday, caltod hcre by the death erf Uti. McPlherwMi. Mi-s. O. ■■ I!rO't, WibO vteltlng reiatives amd friends in Ann Arhor, baj retianned bo Seattte, Wasiihigton. Among tule ilcasant callen at this o.ïirr duriiiii ttue week waa ES. O. Iti-wcv, (il tfae 'rimes. OwOflSO. TJiie reoeptJooe glven by Rev. and Mis. .1. M. QetetOO Thrsday aftennooii and evcnlng were di'li.irhtiul. Mi-s. Jollín IUirir gave au elegant fivc o'dock toe m i'ridny evenlng-, in bKMtQr oí lier friend. Mrs. .Ia nies Iy. Baboock. The recptitn at Mayor and Mi's. I?. M. Ttamis u's last. Wednesday (ivvuini;'. was a larjic and unusually hrilliaait one. Miss Blue M. West. oi Pori Huron, Snprenie Record Kee])cr of tJie L. O. T. M'e w tilie in-hl, was tile g-uest of l'.nwiT over Sunilay. Mrs. ESUsabeth Waaty, ol Muskegoo, is si lin.u: L brut her Steele Proctor, ui Ctoddes ave., and expecta to remain two or tluree weekfl. Mis. Dr. Oook, oï Dt-troit, Great Medical Exaanlmec ol ttoe Lady Maccabeeö, was in. tilie city1 ytistorday aml ;i 1 1 riidccl tbe UaiKim-t last i-V('iiin.2r. 'niiw morninji Jotua Beytor and sis ter Mi.-s Ucii.i. lrit Adkville, N. C.uolLna, to remaiu duriiiK the winter, on account oí tbe lomer't health. Tlve eccond marrtege aimlversary of Mr. mul Mrs. Hinry Allnuiiid of W. Huiron st.. was made the Mcasion oí a pleasaint suirpri(e by tlieir friends last Saitmrday ovcminir. Tliis is to introduce Mise Ella Travis, wbo canil', M comes a ray of sunliylit, into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo'hn E. Travis, ol E. William st., lasi SaUirday móming. Abcut a dozen or more frleade of MLss 1'lorHii-c Simvlt and Miss Lena Miciiacl ge.'ve thi'm a pleasant surprise last ■vcniiifi. The evenlng as made a very happy ome.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier