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Tibe lateet lad- fall faehioaw. Leí t be reoorúed Indelibly In yoor memory iIi.-h fche A. A. I.. I. wili vuproduee 1 1 1 1 1 ■ Mldway Plalíance ni tite Itink Nov. 21st to 25th. Tbeee warm raijis tius tall are : tíhiBg uiiliciril oí hcrcl oínrc. A (all rain has been alinost uith'nii exceptiiu folliiAvcd by a freezo up. Perhiapo Hu? olimate is changinu;. in.ii-.iiTs had dreauua o; coastinií Ín thfir lieads as tlicy íirst loofced out of xhv wtoctow this morning. But neHJw-r the drefuna ar the llght flurry oí anow mi Ove grouml lfteted loaisr. Au (lrv.-ii ,:■ tu vuu ly electricity ■vill Ik; put in 1 !ir new store of David Rineey on JmmumIi st. H wili use tli! upper atocles far gborage ol His slix-k, white ihi' '.,-i Co. U occupy gwnmd il' It is truly Avonili'i-iul to ivh.-it strails ;i (ica)i bocurdiiQg house can Bometimee be Id tarto. other d;iy e woiuan carne rushin.ií intn B a bakrry jast before dbmer, and caJled for four pie. i n' g-oods were quicily Jome up for her and abe, without paylmg for t hem. Jiastencd out oï "tlie store. The was aniaziMlandfienl a lerk out alter lier, Irat tía ivimiiiii waa too tleet tor htm and getting 1o lier house ïii-st took the pies off the pams, rail up stairs and Ihrew thein out oí the whidow, waying t the clerk : "Then-'s your pie tíUB." Olio of uur rxch.-iimcs remarks : "A t hree-year oíd Jíirl was t.'iu.iílit to close her evenlug prayer, duríntí the K'inporai-y abeence ni her tather, ''and piense watoib over my papa.'1 It houndod vei-y gweet, bul the mot her's amazeineiit may lie lmagtned wiien iildrd "and yoiu bettor keep au cye on mamma, tw ." ShSawiassee Amerlcaii : "'Tlic Aun Arhor MilHng ('()iii]Kiny buiifílit C. J. Siu.ii-t's elcvator and moved it to mh side oí the '1'. A. A. tracke. The Aun ArUov Milllng Company liave tWO lariíc ïlnui'iiifi milis u'it'.i a e;iIaciiy ol 500 barreta per d;iy, and ■ inently -vviii consame a large aintmnit oí w'Jieíit." The laüand Ix'auue norial, postponed fronn last I'riday welling im 10couait oí ttue death ni one ol' its membei-s, will be givon next Friday evenÍDg, N((V. 17, in tile parlOTB oí the Oliurfth OÍ Clirist. A nhort iimsical and liberary prögramme hae been arraimed. The next regular entertainmeait 011 tihe conrse will be a Wagner oveiiinií, Miiuday .v. 20th, under tflie direiti.ia ai Mr. V. .T. Oorey, OÍ J'.ostoil. The animal nn-etinií o the Michigan Con.ei-eii.e oí luiturian and er ('hnstiau cbuxchee, was held laai week TuesÖay, Wednesday aml Tlnu-sday at Mt. l'leasamt. Rev. W. I. siinonds, oí r.attie Crcck, preacfoed tbe opalng sermón. Rev. .1. T. Soin(cHand oí tíb&a city. reed a paper cm ■'h.v I Itelieve ka l'i-a.vcr." Pro-f v. il. Pettee oí th ütttóvewity, was eiected vico prcetdemt tí tihe conlereace for tilie coming yoai-. Tbere is onc mitea-nce In tJiat shimld be stopped. Hardly a day pawea but wiai üke pedestrlans on sonie oí our biisinc-.s Btreets have to tliu-k iimlt-r a dirty, dusty CO 1 .slnilc. OT gO awiay Ottt inl the streel arouucl a eoal wa.üon to avoid it. '1 11 ! ci.ll dcKviT. RS - 'jü 8OIU instanC'S, ii.ii all -appear to own ti sWewalks, a ml U) whali-vcr lliry destpe to, rcgerdteas of the fu-t that the sMewialia lifluui; tu jicilrst i-i.-ins, md every pt'i'snn who piares au obstruction thereoo breaka tb law. Therc shouid bc same way derteed of dellveril bo Imsiiirss liiiuses, that WÜ1 uut dfecommoóe bo many peopte. 'Xlie Burdlck & Wood Co., nianufacturer.s oí I' axtd Chemical apparatue, mul (loer gradea oí lnatrumejittí íor universitics, coUegea and schools, have moved into the south store of the Courier block. This conipanjr has bought out that deliaitiiieait of tlie Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co., with whom Mr. Burdick bad been assoctated for a number of ycars ai ijistrumcnt maker, and start iff witJi a fine trade already wortod op. In ihrit line thcro ore no s-uperiors in tiil-s country, and they have tbe ut nidut cooílKjence oí the teaoüen and piroíessors here, both hi Hig-h Scfaool and 1lie University. Wbea a li-isip.i t '-cl ynutli goea asi.iav. (ï-H'nds trather around him in order to restore hum to tbe patb ol virtue. ( int lrms.-i and tündnesa ar.' led iiiinii liim to win him latk ;main to Innocence and peaoe. No ome would suspect ttait lie had ever sinned. Bat when a poor conllding iih-1 i betreyed si, e recelTestbe brand u. sii-icly. an;l hein-i-fort 11 drivi'ii frinn tlie waya oí virtud. The betr.-i.vcr is Imnorcd. reapected and csbeemed ; bul hto mJned, heartbrcfceii vk'tini kimws there te m pest tor her tihde stol oí the grare. Society haa do helptag hand for her- no mile oí peace- no voice of forglveneM. Xluese are earbMy moralttüee- tihey are unfcnown oí hcavcn. Thiere is a deep nnnii in i hem and ïrai'ful are the coosequeacee. Itoe tn}uttee o so.MH-ioty is viiilly Imm;i-:H to miad In sudb ccusee.


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Ann Arbor Courier