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Motor Line Time. Taking effect Sundín, Ort. ;. Leave Ann Arbor. from Coiirt House, at 7 :25, 9:10, and 10:40a. m., 12:55 2:40,4:40,7:10,9:10 Leave Ypiilanti nt 7:15.9:00, and 10:30 a. m., and 2 :30, 4 ::, 7 :00, 9 :00 and 10 :30 p. m. Sl.VDAÏ TIMK. Leave Ann Arbor from Court House ut 1 : 10, 3 :40. 1 :25, 5 :40, 7 An and !i :40 p. m. Leavi Ypsilanti at 1 :30, 3 :30, 5 :30. 7 :30 and NlghtSOl cntertainments the lust train will be held to accommOdate thone wisliiiiK to altend if conductor is notifled. All cars run on city time. Coupon tickets 15 cents, for sale by conductora. J.E. BEAL.Pres. OPENÏNG AND CLOSIBG OF THE MAILS OB'-FTCJC HOUB8. LOCAL TIME. General Delivery and J 7.30 A. M. to 6.00 P M. Stam). Windows.. I 7.15 P. M. to 7.45 p. M. Money-Order and Registry Departments 8.00 a. m. to 6.00 p. M. Carrier Windows 7.15 p. U, to 7.1S r. K. Sandays- General Dellvery, stamp and Carrier Windows 9-00 A. 10.00 A. M Maiïs Mails GOING EAST. Close DlBTEIBL'TED. Chicago Express Pouch 8.00 A. M. Detroit & Grand Rapid R. P. 0 10.40 A. M. 11.4.1 A. M. Jacksón.Battle Crcek.Kalamazoo,and Chicago Ex. Touches 5.30 p. M. Express Pouch Mac. City & Detroit R. P.O. Tr.SW. 4.25 r. m Exp. Pouches to Detroit and Ypsilanti 4.25 P. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 5.2o p. M. 7.15 p. m. Detroit & Chicago E. P. O. East of Battlc Creek ... .00 P. M. 7.30 A. M. Express Pouch to Detroit s-00 P. M. GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. p o 7.30 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.15 A. M. 9.00 A. M. Ex. Pouch f rom Ypsilanti 10.00 a. m Chicago, Kalamazoo, Battle ('reek and Jackson Express Pouches ... . 1 j0 P. M Express Pouch from Detroit 2-tó P.M. Detroit & Grand Rapids r p o ■ 6-00 7.15 P. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.00 P. M. 7.30 A. M. GOING NOETH. Frankfort & Toledo R. P.O. 7.15 A. M. 8.00 A. M. Express Pouch from Toledo 12.30 P.M. Frankfort & Toledo R. P.O. 4.15 P.M. 5.15 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Kxpress Pouches to Toledo and Milán 6.4OA. M Frankfort & Toledo R.P.O. 11.35 A. M. 12.30 P. M. Krunkfort & ToledoR.P.a _8.00 P. M. 7.30 A. M. MESSENGER SERVICK : Mail leaves for Weinsburgh.Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 12.00 M Mail arrivés from Weinsburgh, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays... .5.45 P.M. Mail ai rives from Dixboro and Geer. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 11.00 A. M. Mail leaves for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdavs,Thursdays and Saturdays, 12.00 M. EUGENE E. BEAL. Ann Arbnr. Mi.h.. Oct. 1,1893. Postviaster. WANT COLUMN. 3hort advertisements uot to exceed three line, or Lost or Fouud Houses for Sale or Reut, Wants, etc, inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situatious wanted. free. DRKSSMAKIXG- At home or by the day. ITrench Bystain. Ctill at Xo. 7 S. lirown streef, or address E, C. W., Box 140:!. Ann Arbor. 90-'J3 DRE88MAKING by the Baker System. Work done promptly and sntiííaction euarantei-d. Mks. t'. M. 8PBINGEB, 31 N. üniverstty Ave. 08 FARM TO RENT- A fine 21(1 acre fUrm at Argentlne, Geuesee Co., flve miles from Hyron, n the Aun Arbor railroad. All tools, Btook and crops may he purehased at a cheap figure. A spiendld opportunlty fot i nood farmer, The farm is in the edge of the village wlth post ornee, chureh, milis, store, ele. WANTED- Ladies or gentlemen to canvass. Quaranteed Í15 per weelt. Cali oraddress 36 Kummit'st.. Ann Arbor. 91 rO RENT- Good 2-story house on South State Street road, just beyond Hamilton Park, on Morgan farm. Apply at Courier office. 91 LOST- A dadles Silver Wateh, marked on Inslde ba'-k case, "Babe '92." Leave at Courier office and get fteward. 91 WAXTED- By a young man of good habits, a position ín Dry Uoods or Clothing store. FOR SALE- A young Jersey Buil, refclstered Sired by a grand son of Stoke Poeis Sth and Matilda4th. Dam sired by a grand son of Stoke Pogis 3rd, sire of 27 cows with a:i average of over 20 pouuds of butter a week. Address J. F. Avery, Saline, Mich. 89 TO PURCHASE a fruit and vegetable farm, forty or sixty acres, within one mile, or leas, of cltv liniits of Ann Arbor, or Ypsilanti. Give f il 1 1 descriiition, location and bottoni, cash price. Address ■' W," care Courier. 89 FOR SALE- ïwo Furnis. Mr. North's farm near county farm and Bullock-Everett farm in Salera town. Andrew E. Glbson, 30 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. (jm ROOMS TO LET for light housekecping- 3rd door Hamilton Block. Mean beat water- all modern improvemeuts. Apply at Room 3, 3rd floor. tf Seio Tax-Payers' Attention! I will beat theofflce o' tne County Treasurer in the ('ourt House tn the city of Ann Arbor, onThursday. Doe. 14, 31, and 28 to collect townshlp taxes, and itu1 remalnder of the mouth ar my ollice in Deiter vil lage. Jay Keith, Treaaurer Dexter, Xov. 21st, 1S93. %


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier