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Revival meetings will bruin al t li ; ■ M. E. cihmrch next -iniday. A animber o-f tires íi.-ivr been plantea om tihe hospital grounds. The Ann Arborite cm flnd somethiüiu: to fi to alvnost every evenlng ín tino week, uow. the booketxyree will be cIosimI nfc 8 o'clock evfy evenlng, except Satunliiy 6Vnlng8. It s lumoiinciil a gift of $5,000 Jms beeai made to the building ii Trinity Lrtitheran ('lun-cli. Apples, lint not vwy good ones, are being peddled alimil town, (ruin wagooB, at. $1 per buelnel. And ntnv tli.i: electlon la over buck■wüieat cakes eome in tor ajiin'oval. Ou.r ailvice is to vote ■■yes." Mp. E; F. MfllS fyeaiewusly dun.u cd a large ainouait of material for tune sewimg school last Saturday. Tlie meeting at Tuit y Club next Moudiay cvenúifí will takf the lonn oJ . BOdal. All are conlially in ited. Who is thy neighbor? He whom thou Haat power to aid and bless; Whose acbing heart or burning brow Tby soothiug band may press. Thy ueighbor ? Pass uo inourner by : lViiiaps thou canst redeem A breaJcing beurt from misery; Go, share tby lot with bim. A Fair wnranii - Mi. Potter l'almer. The $30,000 oí sewr bowls have ■ieeii BOtd to Spitser & Co., of Toledo, (Miii), WtlO talir. the cnlirc Issue at par. Ui-v. Dr. CiiIhtii ('xchaniri'il pulpita wLih llev. Dr; K.van. oí tlif M. E. cliureh of YpBilaotl, Siinday cvoning M. .1. Lebmaa bas moved lato tlie Masojiic Block wiiere lio Iia.s ]is law offices on ttte north ehJe of the an1 ra nee. IÍ the Inilians made this late slimmer tJiat tin' tint week or ten day.s of November gave us, ühey (lid a gooil joí. The ncw city öffl (- are aHout com])l'tcl and j-cady for occupancy. Tliej' are vrry line. Th ■ fui-iihun' lias not becui placed fcherein yet. The next lecibare in the 8, I. A. ciiiü-st' -vili ík (li'livi'ivd by Jobn Temple Graven, in Unlverlty Hall, cm Saturi!a évemJng, s'ov. is. C'kis. Kisele. a lail ilwnil 1 ." years old, had lus collar borne, broken Sund.-iy while playini? on the coinmons opposite St. Thomas' school. The $2,000 polioy held by the late Janics M. Stafford in tlie Knijïhts of Honor, was pettt ly B. F. AVatts (n.incc kccp.-r. tn ilis widow ycstcril.-iy. ! ' On öaterday last, AXkneattoag1 Sliii'iilci' f-hipped one car load of flour to ilaine ; anotlier to Xew llani]isliiri' ; aniil a. tliinl to New York. Rev. Mr. Olinjïer, a Corean mission.u-y, Jillcd Uio pulpit of the M. E. cihurcJi tast Bunday morning. He garre the audiesice a missioaiary sermón. Tune ciinr.ii riiion is meeting wlth excellent BOCCeaa in (HspoeinK of seaeoti tickets. TJiere is a general dcetre to "be in it."' tibe sianjí ezpreaRÍOO Joilni Zelgrler dled very anddenly at his home on West Liberty street, Sunday p. m., and funeral services vere held yesterday, Fposh the family ri'sideiiLM'. Same of the professional potato peddlere have the mallest ïmshds tliat you ever lonkod at. It takes a ïiiicrnsci;]),' to [tod a busihel after it is emptied. Tlie G-real Km'-uMw Commlttee of the L. O. T. M'a held a taieeting here Monday and Tucsday, at tlie office of Miss Bower, the Great Record Keeper ior thte BI a te. 'l'iic meert ai the M. I".. ehurch last Friday was excellent, jiiid Jias s, 'ldmu been ouirpassed by any jriven in the rity. The lare auiiit-ucf enjoyed it Immense!?. Onions have a thick skin, indicatIng a mild winter, eo It is said, while the heavy co-rn husks indícate a severe winter. The onioiis are the strongest. Hope tliey'll win this time. There are lots of boys loafing about tJie etreets contmually. Tliey are takimg lessons in the school ot vice, that will land them either in the penitent iary oir put them on the road as tramp. Now tlnat the electric lights are used so extensively in dwellinfrs, it wxuld be a nice VbJBlg to have the lijfht so that it could be used in the morninfï, Bay froni 5 o'clock a. m.. until dayliffht. The Amn Arboi (as Co. expects to move iaito t'heir office in tJie new Imildinií oí David Uinscy's, on S. -Ith ave, Uy Dei-, lst. II t lnv do thcri' will have to be BOme tall liustlinii by the contract (n-s to get it Ilnlsbed. Tin' lectuii-e of Jadge Ooofey iK'fare tlie Unity Club. on Monda y evening lasi, u]u-,n "Tbe liiilucnce of Habita OÍ Tüiouiiht Upon Inst itutions." was a íciiiaikably fine in-oduction, and ougtirt to be prtoted and recelve wlde circula (ion. The Young Feople'a Soci t y oí Christina Kndca nr. is to huid a. county convention in Saline villaje, on Frld.iy, Dec. Lat, during aiternooin and evenin. As il is a post TbaafcSglVLog meeting, it üi probaWy be a good ono. Cltj Cterk is the hardeert worked official Omeê la in this city. without exception. Any private Citizen requiring t.he work to be done he dovs for the city wonld have tH pay $2,001 1 lK'i-cor. And vet be ooly gete $800. Tlie candidates the poetofflce have all "go tihelr skatcs on" jast now and aic SeCUring j.amrs lo petltioas in a liM'ly laannci-. The various cjindiilalcs ut pic.-int ore: Capt. J. F. Scbuh, S. W. Beafcee, ESdward Din'fy and Dr. Joiha Knpp. The Toung Meia'fi League, an aeconnt of the OTgajüzatlon ol whlch will le foaind in atnOtJier column, is B )ai-dy step in t lic rlgbt direct tOO. li. i"s dcvoutly to be hoped that it will n'; forward to sucerss without any liitchcs or halts. It is a worthy cause. He failed for sixty thousand, Took a last look" at the wreek, And when uext tlicy found him, Was suspended by the Deck. Hls creditors said he drank : His wlfe said he was robbed; Wliile hi.s monuyed country partner Simply sat around aud sotjbed. But the wlly coroner (His braln was extra slzed) Said the man was plainly crazy, For he'd never advertlsed. Bbv. GrtadaO it.yiioids, of Boefaon, one of tlw most eminent dergymen in tJie Unltartan body, will preach at. the riiit;irian clmi-ch next Sunilay monüng and í'vciiinií. Mr. ' Sunderl'nnd'f MTiiniii annoiiiiciMl (or tJic evenbng on "Jeus and Miraclcs"' will be postpoiied oij week. Botne 250 or :!(.)i) Aun Arbor people went to Detroit on t eiCttreion last Fridav. lOacli mul cvci-y one oearly, carried omi ar more packagee al gooái an iin-ir return home. It was a alce Miíhíí for Detroit nirrtliants, luit not a niet' tliinir ior Aun Arhor mercbamtB. Prof. H. I. Willits, wtDO is OCCUpyIng tJic. C'linrcii ol the Dleclples dnrlng tlie iihscnic ott Kcv. Mr. Vounir, is (lclivci-iiig a serles oí sermons on meo and young women, tliat are provlng oí jinuJi Interest. He taska bheee youmg people why they rJo oot -itiriid cihuirch more regularly and givea tlic answers. Emaiiucl Mark Staebler, a raenibcr oí the ireslnnan dental class, died at tlhe Jiome i luw paréate oa herry ht ., in tlie :!d ward. on Thnrsday last, Nov. Otli, o typhoUl f ever. and funeral hervicis wi'i-i' iield Saturday p. m., from St. Amlrew's cliurch. He was ;i yoTing man of mneto promfee, and Jiiis death is very snd indeed. Tlhe Owosso Anicric-an piihüslics tliis item : "It iis nnnomucd tliat IIm. Olíais. Kliine, au Ann Arbov lawyer, leen lookin.ií ti i rvidnicc against tlhe T. A. A. & N. M. Boad in connec■tioo witïi tlve wreek at Ilainburjr. and will commtnee suits tor Mrs. Dcüolim. Mre. AlHci-ts and tlie relativas oí Milligaa in tlie euin or $20, ooo each." Mi,ss Nina M. Pall, ot Mr. and Mrs. ObfUB. H. Fall, 1h to 1e niarried on Dec. 4tih, to Mr. Walter S. Hubbard. Tlie ecreniony is to takr Vlacc at the home of her parents at Tüos Angeles, Cal. Carde to lis efiect were recelved toere this week. The bride has many frieoda in Ann Arbor Wtuo will Bood tlu-ir very best wishes lor a happy marrted life. Mrs. (icorjiia Adams Ilatliboius wlle of l'rof. Jolm H. T. McPhei-son, of tlie l'niwrsity of Gecurgla, died on Pnnd.iv Nov. 13, at tdie residence oí her motliiT Mrs. EUzabetb A. EtathIidiii', on X. División si., of consumption. Funeral service were held last evening ia St. Andrew's eimreh, at 8:30 O'clock, and tlu' n'iiiain.s 1akin to (iwn. X. Y.. iutennent. The (id people are romdly anticipatlng it ! The yotmg mem are anx(ously waltlmg tor it ! The younii womeB are sinhinii for it ! The childrcn are erying ior it ! What 1 Why tiit Midway Plaisance to le gtvea Nnv. 21et to 25th, at the Rink, ly the Ann Ai-bor Ldght Infaiitry. It te tobe the grandeat show on earth. Don't allow your memory to skip it. The animal pratee meeting of the Miseknary Bcelettes will 1h held in ttao Presbyterian chwch next Friday nit 3 i. m. Aü excellent prosrainnie has beeai prepared. Mr. Wallacr RadcUtfe, oí Petroijt, will give an account rf lier recent trip to Alaska, mnul a retiM-ned missiomary trom Corea will als teil oí the work in that lamd. All ladies who are lovers of niis.viiHiary worU. are earnesUy reqiH'sted to atttind. The San Francisco papers .;ive full accounts ol the Ierse wedding of Clinton E. Worden to M. Evelyn Towne-Sliaw, ai Crace Episcopal Cilrurch. Anerwanis ilirec hundred uesi.s .at l.iwn to a spleiulid banquet it the home oí the liride's iatlier vrtio :-- vire president al the South rn Paciilc mail. A few jiiir.hts beiore i h i wedding a large .areweil benquel was temlereil -Mi'. Worden at iJiie l' Club oí wJiich !n; is a meniber. Tliis a viry jv. lierche af f air. Kev. is. Fay Mills, il).' evangelist, will come here wifch an asistant and a musical tlirector. lic will have üve meetímgs a't the Preabyteriaa ihure'.i in the. cveninii. and jirasnnneetitaei toitmoem and alternoon in the M. K. church. Atoo ome Saturvlay eveninji arad One Sunday evenlng meeting at Iniversity Hall. and jirayer nieil iaiis with student s durtng the Sabbatb. Mr. Wilsey with his traiiied cfaoir oí 185 niemUers, will help to ïumish c-ellent iiiusii-. Coiinty Clert Brown, ü miembèT of tüi "Wa.shtcnaw county har. and also ', ,i the senior l:iw CÜaSB, ! rieil his iirst Satunlay böfore .lustiee I'.enÖ6tt. A colored ni.iu ly t!ie name oí r.rown. Jias been arreeted ior complieity iu a Wiatch Bteallng case. and employcd the semtOT law ürown to delend him. it howed the colored l'.rown's good judgnaent, for alter hearing the eloquent plea oí the counsel, Jury hardly lelt their Beata beiore retuüfting verdict of "mot tiuilty.'' Like tlhe Count in the ptay ol .Monte Chrteto, Luwyer P.rown ïvw liolds up hls ri.-ht, hanil and extcndini;- tlie index finger, tallies one. Has its good pointe- The porcupine. Hev. Walter Elliot, Paulist, of New York City, gpeaka every evening for ome wvck at Newberry Hall, on living suiijct.. eommenctng Frlday evenmg, Noy. IStiii hls subject belng : "Types ui ('h.-iractri-. ir the Klememts of True Bfanluood and Womaahood." Oni Saturday evonniií : "Can we get along WttbOWt the Bible ?" On &xmday cvrjiinu : "Tliroc InlaülbllltieS- Reasom, Cliuvili, llible." Monday evening : 'Inteinpcrance ; or AVhy I un a Total Alwtamer." Tuosday érenlos : PWhat Becomí of Our Dead ?" Wednesday ereoing : "Aviiy I am a Catholic.'' Thursday evening : '"Tlie Yoice of Coiicicncc- whose Yoice is it ?" On Suntlay morning Rev. Mr. Blliot is to fill tiie pulpit of St. TJhomas' clmrch, hls subject being '"Tlie ConfoKsional. its Origin and Object." At Newberry Hall a qustion 1m will be placed at the entrance and the speaker will be glad to answer all qweetloae on moral and rt'liííions topic-.


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