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November Crop Report

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Wheat sowiDg was delayed this fall by the dry weather that prevailed previous to the tniddle of September. The rains tbat Ix'lmh on the I2th of that month placed the ground in condition that il could be worlced, and wheat was sowed from this time on until ncar the tniddle of October. A much larger perd ntage than usual was sowed the early parí oí tatober. Tho arca Bowed this year compared witli acreage Bowed in ïsi'L' is estimated as f olio ws.: Southern counties, 7" per cent: central counties, it per cení; northern counties, 91 per cení and state, 77 per cent. The reduction in área here ndicated is no greater than it was easonable to expect, and is doe in parí , the dry weather. Wheat is doing fairly well. It íssinall cause lato sowed, bul is yet growing, nd but little damage lias been done by nsects. Lesa than a dozen eorresponlents in the Bouthern counties report iamage by Lnaects. Compared with ■itality and growtt oí average years the verage concutíon is as follows: Southrn mnntics, 88 per cent ; central, 90 per ent; northern, 98 per cent, and State 9 per cent. Tlie per ceut for tbe southrn counties is tlie sanie as in 1891, but h-e points above the condition Novm,er 1. 1892. The total number of buehels oí wheat eported marketed in October is 1,127,iii. The number of bushela reported narketed in the three months August, September and October is 4,654,020, vhich is 797,117 bushela less than reiorted marketed in the same montbs ast year. Corn in the southern counties is estiaated to yield -i-i bushel of ears per acre, n the central 54, the northern 01, ana t no t:itc -17. The average jdeldl of corn in lie State fora long series of years is ibout 60 buahels of ears. ïlie acreage of clover seei lmrvested in the southern counties is aboot twothirds, and in the State seven-tenths o) ,ui average. The yield in the southern counties is 1.12 bushels, in the central 1.47 bushels, and in the State L.20 bushcls per acre. The yield of the Binall, or June dover, is very light, hut thé mammolli ielils iairlv wefl. Potatoes are estimati1'! ti yield as follows: Southern counties, 54 pen-ent ; central, 62 per cent; nortíiern, is per cent, and State, 57 per cent, of an average erop. 'The condition of live Btock is rather below the condition one year ig, the averages, however, are all above 90 per cent. 1 lio Btatiatica t lana m ianns iu viay of this year, as Bhown by returns .made by supervisors, are as follows: Total aumber of farms in the stad', 141,235; acres. .f knproved land, 8,366,022: acres of unimproved land, 4,347,S7G; average si.c cif farms, 90.02 acres. The Btatistics of wheat, corn and oata raised in 1892, and acres of wheat in L893, as shofrn by tln farm Btatistics, are as follows : Acres of wheat, 1,622,244; bushels, 25,284,190; yield per acre, [5.59 buehels. Acres of wheat in Vlay L893, 1,582,127. Acres of corn in '-- 700,570; bushels of ears, 34,599,246, average per acre W.'-W bushels. Acres of oata in IS'.il'. 825,833; bushels 24,638,7S7. average per acre. 29.84 busliels.


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Ann Arbor Courier