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LLnn Arbor Fruit Farm Smal] Fruit and trees from Ellwanger nd Barry, the oldest nursery in the United States. Raspberry and Blacklerrv Shrubs, Domeetic Wines, I'lynouth liuck Egge, and Artichokes. E. BAUR. Ann Arbor Mieh. A Nice Thing to Know ]s WHBEE TO GBT A fias Lié oí Wan Mul While down town, or .' in with a triend for a littíe cbat and enjoy a 'lish of ICE CREAMOR SODA Where the BurroundingB are in keeping with our licst bornes, and, when you leave, cannoi help but feel proud that Aim Árbor hus Buch a place. If you cali at the ROY AL CAFE, Cor. Washington and Fifth Ave., Once, yon will cali again. MRS. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. vr WALL PAPER WALTPAPER Of all tlie Latest Debíais. IFTEIOIES th.e LO"WEST I _AT OSCAR O. SOEG, T3ae 3Decora.tor. 70 S. MAIK ST.. ANN ARBOR. COAL. Every Day in the Year, Every Pound You Pay for. Is What You can Depend on, If you leave your order with E. B. HALL, No. 4 W. Huron St. I do nut buy trom hand to mouth, but have the L1RGEST STOCK IN THE STATE Outside of Detroit. Nerve $s Blod Tonic A „ Builoei .. ■ ,.-v - . prí'boi. ttfy MEDICINE CO.. c fur sj.50. JP sclienectady, K.v. YO UB FUTURE efe 3 ■ s s . y V tos f 3, IS IN YOUR OWN HAK1. Pnimistry assumes to teil what tlie lines in your I hand indícate. It wül amase yoa, 1f flothing more. The above dia-,Tam almost exjilains Ittelf. The length of the LINE OF LIFü hidicatea probable age to which you wiii uve. saca niuvvnuni irives you thirty years. Well-marked LINE ÜF HEAD denotes brain powcr : clenr LINE OF j FOKTUNE. faino or ricnes. Boili combtDed mean euccess in life ; biit yoa must keep np with inoderu idean to win it. Yoa will tind plenty of (hese in Demore' s Family Magazine, po uriradively pieaented that every memlier of the family is enter tained. It is a dozen magazines tn one. ACLEAK LINE OF HE A KT begpeake tenderness: : Btralgbl LINE OP FATE. peaceful life: the revese if crooked. A irell - aefined LINE OF HEALTH epares you doctors bilis ; eo will the licjiHi1 i:inr in Deniore8t's. No othcr magazine raibllshesen many stories to interest tlie home circlc. Y"on il! be subject to extremes of liigh spiritf or (lespomU eney if you have the UIRDLE OF VENÍS well marked; keep np yonr spirits by having Demorest'a Magazine to reaá. By abícribtiig u it f;r t yon will recelve agr:illery of exquistte works of art of "reat valué, besides the niperb premlnni picture, írxSáinchea, "I'raa Daisy!" which Ualmosl a real baby, and eqnnl to the original oil painting wbico cost í-'i K); and yon will nava a macazlne thot cannbt be equaled by any in the woiki f r lts l.eiiiinl lllustrations an t pubject matter, tl. ai will kop you posted on all the lopics of the d:iy. aiid all the "fads. and different items of interest bont the hoiiüchold, beskles faralfhlng interestiiig r matter, both grave and gay. for the rhole family ; i and while Demorest's is not a fasbion mi Itafaahion pasea are perfect, and yon getwltb it, 'irec of cost, nll the patterns yon wih to use cluring the year, and in any pize yon choope. Send in youf subscription at once, oiily $2 00. nnd you will ■■eallyget over $25.00 in v.'ilue. Addrefsthe publisher, W. Jenning? Demorcst. ló East 14th St., i'v 1 orK. II you un: uiiju 'juaiii' ■ 'i jh ■"- Macizini'. srnd fora epecimen copv. A lartn-(JUADKN(LE mc-ans honesty; a larjre THIAN'i. !.!■:, eeneroBitT-, lone PIE8T DIVISIÓN OP TIUMi;. MrongwÏH; LONG SECOND DmBIOK, reasonin facnlty. The MOVNT OF Jl'PITEK htokeni ambition'; that of SATURN, pmdinre ; the.t-l'N. iovc of splendor : MARS.courase; MOOK. imniiiinition : VENÜS, love of pleaaure ; and MKKf'l'H , Intelligcnce. Tske oor advice as above and yon will be sare to ossess the lust and most valuabl ualitv. t At the expense of little fy ! money and lus spare J2&jíS)Lj { i time cbtain a fair work-LVni { t inf education. i' - ' ) iSTUDYATHOMEi THROUGH THE SFRAGUE UNIVERSITY I OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, ( Comprising the leading correspondence schools ntheworld. I I SUBJECTS TAUGHT. ■ i i ■■ i ne SCI1OOI oí L3W preparen pupws lur animaal'" ' I 21 Va to the bar, by an extended, thorouh course. Has f fll over 1,600 student in every part of the country. t InlintllllOftl This school teaclies jmni, IIKNOLMVI and literary work from the i t Hlllin-ftrfcr IIU "' of the ablest tcacl.ers o( t ' UUU8 ILUI IIIU bockkeeping in America. fPlinnT Ullin Thisschoolteathesshort-handl.y f NHIInl-HftllU '"= lat sy.ttm, and trom the S J ÚIIUIII IIHIIU gmn,,K th, best expert wolk. J nnrm UJ I ITIftl i RKrrK and LA I N -■■■■■ "'" ' 4 UIILLn gilU LH I III ,list„ryt fr„„, the J J tion to the most advanced work in the classics. The aliovi schools teach hy the ence methud nnljr, and recogulze rfo rlvals in I their reHpecthe helds. Addmti statiny in r ( C'-.fA ) } DETROIT, MICH. f JmL DIEFFENBACH'S V5B. PR0TAG0N CAPSULES; viVW s"re Cllrc for 1"'' Men, aa cSJm _JV provedby reporta of lea dinKphy fSlBSk w Mioiaus. State age in ordering. BO Wm BB jQIPricc.Sl. intuíosme Froe. nfl lUliiA O A Aífe and speody 1 # ÉflH BV Y Mil cure for Olee. IHmBD J Qfl t% U Stricture nnd al] VIHv nnn:tur:il (üwuharKcs. l'ricfiê. BF fREEKSPECIFÏCÜT ■-- - Vand Skin Dlsensfi, fSci-ii nlon Sores andHyphilltlc AfTectlouN, with outmercury. irice, Ïi8. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. LL 18 Wisconsin Street, KILWAÜKEE, WI8. LtfppFfifag Both the metbod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasaut aud refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet pronaptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleauses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitúa! constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and aeceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its pHects, prepared only from the most healtliy and agreeable substances, its raany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and" 1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand vnll procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.ï. SHILOfTS CONSUMPTION CURE„ The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Propnetor?, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, me it promptly, and relief I is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consamptkm, use it. A:-k yoar Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo ets., 50 ets. and Si 00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. Unlike the Dutch Process ÍKo Alkalies . Other Ciiemicals are used in the preparation of W.BaterKo.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed witli Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester.Mass. Ulllt[l'ls L. ..f:A ij.ui i. " I Cures Cotuttlputiuu. i;entuierfComul .oii, baves Doctora Billw. Bampletree (AitiiKi.nTKACo.siy Vi'.i.íihSt., N .. ript'fsSjckHeadachs i , , i UIL II Enll nUmLH work bv address ! tos the 'vm:k vu ir: Mfg. .. Manvij.u-:. K. I., mfprs. of Normaodie Plushes. Send H I c'iiis for samples, particnlará, and secure I agency. Meution this p pASÏHÜA? SCHIFFW) ANN'S Asthma Cure liever faila to pive instant rülief in the worst cabes, íind effeóu esrea vher other filL Trial Pnr!t? l''IÍEE nf Druggists or bj all. Addrw DB, R. SOHIFFMAÑN, 8U PanUaian.


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Ann Arbor Courier