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Freedom has a aew poetoMlce, aamed Eokort. Mary E. Scott bafl moved from .Moorevillc t Tpelleoti. At Saline last week 20 pupils l.-fl K attrml tile (crinan BC&OOl. The iwsv M. C. paamnget station nt Wayne is one tlln?y brag a bout. ('. Saley. oí Hridicwater. lias b.-i-n nuffei'ujg froin a run away accident. Teoamaeli HemW speska í 'Col. ('has. H. Kline. oí Aun Arbor." BUHUeM sent 300 people to toe Wortd'i Fair. Tliat. was hliss in(lcrd. Yon can ebaot partrtdge and quall - if yon can íind ilicin- sp to Dec. 15 t.h. The Baptist So.-i.'ty oí Salem celelu-atcd ils r.lst a.nnivcrsary lasi week ]'rid:iy. Ut. Ki-Jiard Wbeeler, oí Sylvan. lias bad a new sheep barn bnilt on her farm. a cttlseo'a lecture come la what the J'imUncy people are attemptlng to get up. A cliinlHT is wantod to replace tiae pope in tin1 ftag staíí oí the school hmisr al Saline. ,i more red ea bo be found ai rtfc. Labe. Farmerí lia ve Unir jklog all d Mr. Méllale has rettrod tKHB blacksmithintc tit Salmi, and the i: ,],nv Haywood & Bou. ■ih' Byroo Herald statee bhat fche l'armrr's Allian;-' in thal tOWHShlp Jias w.nuul up its aííairs. Mr. ahd Mrs. C. A. I [cndrick have oíd their millinery store at Ypsilant, and removed to Detroit. The Bottfab l.ycni Exoetekw reachea tlTiü a íice .lUinit once every nnmtli OT tWO. Wílftt'a the canse V Chaii-man Th)s. YOUBff, oí J.yndon, was in Aun Arlxr last 'J'hursday. signthe reinaining co'.inty orders. The editor oí' 1 lio l'ih.t says .i thc cditifr oí the Wayne Review is to man-v a Dearbom givl soon. Celery ralscrs ai Tecinnaeíi cultívate 1-n awea, and expect to realUse $48,000 ihis year írom their crop. Kcv. Wm. Renten La to preac t,he Tliaiiksii-ivinir MfmCO, at The Coolíreiíaiiinial rhnreli. Salmi, on the 801 .1. Sritiw, oi Salem, f-ll trom bop if ttue hay niDw lm iiis bcurn rere.ntly and vecpived iiiitr srvrrc injuri Wm. A. I'riii'.ili has mnvccl his t'amiiy back to Dtndee Iram Presque Isle. He win ■..iitinin' his lamber business n] thcrc. Xortiiviiic can no Voagex süig "our tire ciinipany is the tiert company," mr abe IWLBm't any. They liavc all -. ;iril. An i'iit.Tiaiiiinrin is tO be sivni NovriniK'v 17tii, tn Hay wood'í Hall, 8al.■in. by the ladics ; the W. ". T. ü. ui 1 lia I ]ilaiT. On Friday cvcnini; ncxi tibe ladics ui tbe Saline Tlaptist cJmrcli are to z'r a MK-ial al Uw re-idenre if Mrt). Preston Eonse. Coiiiiressnian Gorman and pri ri'tary, B. B. Turnlmll. retnrned iinmo trom "Washington last Saturday. - Gbetoee Herald. On account of poor bealth, Bev. J. I.. Cheney, pastor ! the BaptUrt ctrurch at Vpsilami. has ï-fsitied and will leave fchere in a few weeks. Ibere wül Im1 a prayer and confopenc6 meeting at the Robert school iiouse, rittsiiold. ncxt Priday ervenlng. All Cliristians aio iiiviteil to lx present. Mi-s. S. II. Mirtiltoni, of ('oldu n t ei-, ilied very suddnnly m thv 2d inst.. Bged 75 r:iv. She resiilcd at Saline. In Uiis county, sume H years ago. . It is reported that I. C. Glemn, of .NiM-tii i.aki-. ovet 100 buBhela at wMhiut.s stored inva.v kar wintor. - thelsea Standard No ehestnut a limit that. oni.v sUt.v yeare ago Utere only three steamboats on the greal IliriT are ni.-iny tinu's Umi number Dhetoea Herald. Oh ! Sluiw ! ycm must be jiki nu. Saline appears bo be dcHng allvely ti-:ulo in run aways 1 liis lalt. Almo1 'v.-i-y week some equlne takea ■ bita in 'nis ni i ii t !i ainl goeg ii ik1 there no streel vailway . !kt. l'miltry íi being sQiipped firom the v.irinus ra In ia il 1at inns in ihis rounty by tlir rar n :il every ilay alin lt s oíien o wonder wfoere eo many come i ■ wtoo hav.' lilanty Ol hay aml iirain are out buytng sheep eed ii to tfiute wiai-r. 91.50 feo $2.25"buysa p 31ncheeter Elnterpo GO. M. fartwriürlit, o: Wyaniini U inut opening up a qnarry of roei, tor building purpoeee, al Newport, Momoe ccninty. It Ls gald .tobc a superior building rtone. IliHMntly töe r.'siilcnee portion of Saline. OU ChicaL-o st,. narrowly is caped a bad üre Avhich had starled ■n the house of A. W. Loahter. Cool jiwlgnKTit Oud qulck ivork sa vod it. The friemds of Alc Lasfonl, the old colored mam wlto htm livcd at Howell aonue 40 ycars, jrave hini a nice load of provisiocns Iliillowe'en. A gTand way to ipend tihat eveninix. in (toing ííood. Matt BloHwer of Uo Maociieeter Rni.i-]iriso, is not eonatdered to be vcry iiim-h stiick up, hiraself, but tlic last issue of lite paper reeetved ''it "lis ''■ fioe vraa. PtoOr is obeaf) and paste ptantlful. we suppooe. It is wiid the old r. E. cfcurch cbotr .isscinUifd in the andience, last Sund.-iy cvi-ninii. and dniwncd (ml thfi present choir. It reoolted In a-üttte fraca.s in a eertain blacksniitli sluip mest day. - Wayne Reriew. The eitize.ns of Manchester, ome nf tlK'in. anyway, propones to have a hole lored intio the ea.rth thrrc to find ut wliat is ïnxfo'nioatli. They hna-e a suspici:n tliat they we dircrtiy over a coa! seam. Hope sa. Twclve nailís in t2ve track n' n l il beel, last weck laüded a wtiole family of Pittsfiold grata thlevea behlnd 1 li e l.nlirc Huw uiicrrtaiii are all thiiiKs here lx'low. Eepecl&lly foT a graün iiüim' witii twclvc nalla in iiis boot lieel.- Adrián I'icss. I rp' "Walker. Sr., onc oí tin' old rcsidcnls (if Salem, (Iicil m tbe ."til inst.. aui'd Tü years. ]i' eamc to Mii luirán in 1830, and was niarricd and sctllcd down in 'Snieni in 1840. Iiis WkJkW and scvcn siins and t'.ircc daugbtera snrvive him. l'.ill Mnlhidhiiiil, i.' DtxbOro, ilic grnt, btg 'owardly beast, wlm 90 cruclly beat anil kirkcd Iiis wiïc and aitcrward made hu escape, lias at last been arrested. 1Í lie din-.s not get ,fnll Justice in court "may ihc (lcvil ïly awny wit.h hiin !" - Adrián Pres. , The eteotrie liu-iit. plant s started WW at ïivc o'clock i. m. and run till cln.viijrht.. 'I'his service waa begaa lOBt werk and will continue ttUTOagbOTit tlie winter. - Clinton Local. Tliis is proba Ijly a bluff, tO inakc people beller tiiat ('ïintunians arlse early in t HHirnni.n-. A 38-calilKT. BllVET plated revolver, lormerly nwncd by the desperado J'rank .lames, has Im'cii placed in the Sim hospital n' Mi-. StOgats, tor repairs, it is au id revolver of tte American Eagle pattem añil has un doubtediy muiili UBage. - linndee Eleporter. ■ iUr íisii i ii the Hurón rlver Avili have f o keep in (Jeep water iE tijtey lun't wish 1(i ïnrct au Ignoble ( . ' OO t tilli'S OÍ ;i SJI ■ar. We e ■ mi ni i-d ii. i lees iii.-m ,-i dosen fiab llgtote betweem here and Um Ai last i'i-id.-iy cvfüiim Dexter Leader. V,]i,-u wi-rr yon (Idíii tu all tliat V The Si.-niclanl complanis that the u-uaiit oiflcer nccds to seour the street ai Qhotoaa and takr i oombet : (ïililrm ilici-clroni and oompel n to goto school, it ateo w:ims perents Hiat wome i bhetr ehOdren wlioin Ihcy suplióse 1)0 be in BChOOl are nm tihere, bat are playlng trunmt. Tlic man wiio could not afford to p.-iy 50 cents a tMUBbel íor a tew apples for bÉa cbUdren toeai daring the vintT. luit wlio put i i l 500 frallons of eider for his owu uae, has been lieard from. lie UveS witliin- wcll lew Ulan out' liu.ndïed niilcs oí l)cxtor. A Khmini; merk lor n cooverBjom. - Leader. i ii)iy-si -ais ago Jacob Bturm i-ame tu this vtllage a branaieat. He stayed errec ndgbt and llnally dciiiliil i (i stait iu business, wliic-h he (lid añil lias sílice siicccss,ully i-arried on the harneas aiul earriage bosiness lint il last Kalnrday wlien lie sold liih eniire vback to hu brother Lew Ís.- Saline Observer. gOOÚ inany oj town's ] lile ai-e rtül traotlng ttaeir ates Uitit left for parta umkiiow n on hallowo'en. The targe trates betweeo the 1'ieshyUTÍan clmrcli iind the maim are missing and Mr. Beldlng ilrirrmiüi'il 1. 1 proaeoate u lie }í;ts wiiml oí tBw party viu eloped wlth tiln'in. .Ncwihvilic Record. B.B. Eteed, ol NortJivillc, boa u-ail.,1 liis iiiitci-cst in a fiirm, fcir a NewaygO i innity oewspaper. Never waa nuicb ol a farmer anywny. The nt r liis Jib, was that ol au editor. BveryImhU last Bprinff saw tlial heought ti) quit tlic íai'in. whru lie 1 ri.-iL Ín plañí potatoes wiiii a graln drill.- Adrián Preas. A ('irc;)-M;iu fortune l'-llvr ilid a paytng Uamtaeemtn Adrián. All the nninarricd Indios wantcd tn l;inv ho were bo be t luir future husbands, aad the in.mïi-d ladtea wraght Infor: , i : , i =. . , 1 1 rHativr to db orce mattoi-s. Ule men always adked li'iw tO Í-Cft . and tiic hivarlably wae, ■■l.raví' lluilsnn I '■ Tliis Ítem la going tJie i'Winds: Storitog apptoB Id barrels ltned with oewepapere ta ao expeirtment made by a Miiiiian farmer. He opened barreta 1 1 1 . i liad bren pecked (or a lang time, and fotmd In i uniiiu'd more or km ot tflue frult wat iyed, wbále in papellned barrels .■vti-y apple was sound and in a fine coiiditiun. [rs. Allee riinnh. the TeeumjBeli tliit-f WtlO as candín in Ul act of Hu rirlnrizhiií a. linu'. was Bentenced to ttne yean imiirisimmcnt in the Detroit iiouse oí cocreetlon. H dBJDgtkter Bewie waa Beatenced foithree montlis. As the wornen kni'w tihiey wore searching tor vuluablcs in an editor's iionsc. it wouM seem u tilwraifli tlit'y i-hould llave Ik-ch adjudgod íiií;iik'.- llion Post. It sliall Ík! haili-d as a vt-ry greal year íor tihe poiil' wlicn the virtue of taoaesty can emtirace. poUtlcs aa well as otJier Miinjis ; when partisan papera will tell tnith partisau matten as eareíuUy as they do aitout ..i-dinary affairs. Do tlit'.v lio it now ? H(iw ïininy people will quetion One statements of any pap t they read, abwot a pnbldc enterprise o any otiher charactcr. r doubt its sin(crily in au argument v a theory ar a belief in any othrr direct ion ? and lii)v many are ilicrc wlio accepi tihowe reepectlog partteao politice? 'Iliis teil the story, and suggests limv public (Mirideiiee and t lic jmblie couCteOCe need that honrsty sliould 'inbraoe politica u weïl as other thhigs, and what a very grea year for the Iople it will le wlii-u that .u-curs. - Ypelteattl Commerctal. Now f iln' Commercial wonld 1m as hottest and cireful in its polltlcal assrrtiuns .i is the Cimi-ier, for insta.nce, Hiere wouW be a. good stari toward ttut milleninin in this respect.


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Ann Arbor Courier