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Dr. and Mts. W. U. Sniitli lelt Satnril.iy tot a teil day's stay ;it Ottumva. Iowa. Mts. Cotich and ehildren, O öafrn bevfüe, O. is vtoltfag ]"'■■■ rirter Mts. M. ('. l'etersoin. Mr. and Mr. Henry Xoblc of Kik RapMa Icit yeeterday (or home. after a few days in towu. .Ja.. II. McDonald, of Detroit, was tin1 gaetit over Siinday w' his párente Mr. and Mrs. Theo. F, McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Artllmr ISrmvn wlU s.-iuiplc flbe quality of turkry tiicy r.iis in Plint on TliaiikKfiiving Day. Mr. and Mr.-. .lames I,. Bal)cock -iicsi.s at tin; Hotel Cadillac, Iet.roit, on Monday mul Tnv.sday last. Mm. .1. ('. Knowllo-n and Mrs. Chas. E. Green-.' ara to riv' a party ut (iraniier's Acadciny tci-inorrow evenIng. ('. W, Deanlaon, Lea4vüle, ('"in., win) ha. been vlsttlng Mrs. w. (. Doty. ''iircts to return bonte toinorrow. Mrs. .lanii's M. ('ook, oí E. l'nivorsity ave. has been eatertatnlng bei cousin Mir-s A. lürd, oí I'lymouth, diii' the weck. Mi-s. C. I). Smith. o! Pacific lirmc, ('al., aceompainknl ly her son Gook, have been the rtu-sts Oj CovoiH'l and Mrs. tH. S. Dean durinir the week. A vcry pica saai t duiner party was sivcii last Friday evenin. by Mr. and Mi's. Jnsoph Clark, of Oornwoll Place, to a tew of tlu'i'r friends. Mr. and Un. W. .1. Bootli gave a tea Saturday evenAng to a number of ttw&r ftrtentto, that beimg the 2Oth anniversary of fcheir marriage. Mirs. A'iola Kintaier, ívho has been spendinjí several weks wtth her mottoer, Un. Pack. ccf Incalls st., expecte to retuirn to New York City In a few duiys. Jfirs. C. A. Wo-LglH gBUVQ an informal farewcll reception to Rev. Dr. and M. A. S. Cai-man, last evenkiK, at lwr home, No. 97 8. State s-t. There were many present to attest tlnir affection for tihelr late piistor and bib most estimable wlfe. A. S. WMtnar, s"P't of tiw Sajrinaw echools ; Fred Sherman, principal of tlie Bay City high school, and J. H. Lee, up't of the Mt. Clemefns HchoolK, were íji attcndanoe nt fhe Scihooknastor's Club meettng Saturday. AU were graduabes of the linlïversity. The Woman's Home Mb-sionary Society of tJie M. E. elmrch. wffl meet cm Friday p. ni., at tlie residemce of Mrs. Van Tassel, 39 S. División st. HarkiiM & Willis have pone into (lenitLstry. Stove deuttatcy. They iKive inven ted a toot.h to supply mi-s lag onea in tfae atoro bowls. It isla wondiea-ful lit 1 1 invention, and wijl people considerable money. Wliem you nee a yauns man bis arm in a slinir. or travelins aj-oumd on crutcbea, it is needleea to wöiat i.-; the matt-er.- Ann Arbor CoTirleir. A jxliií: man ougflit to know better tbon to lvold lite giel till he loses the nee of his limlie.- Adrfan Press. The barn and iheda of Daniel E. Hoy o-f Scio township, burned on tbe nig-ht of TSov. 9t.h, togvther ith a lot of hiay, grain, et?.. to the vahie of 91,200, on which therc was only $200 loBuranoe. The barn and shedi ere valni'd .-it Sfiiio, insurcd ior $400. All in tJie Waslitcnaw Mutual. In every community thcrc reside poor widow women wtio by thelr iiard oarniiijis su])po,rt nat only tlionisrlvrs but vliHhi.' and leed livn or t'Jvre Kinall childrcn, whilo ablo-bodied man 1 a . anil dcad-bcat tlnúr gTO'■cry bilis. And 1 hese hypoii-iics. by a littlc proicssion, go iihniuiih tbe world llke liippodronics. wliiN' thr poOT woiiii'.n balfli1 aiiainst the jilis. {olte anil jars al thetr owi sc. Will it over lo different ? . Probsibly not, in tliis world.


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Ann Arbor Courier