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TJiat pope i on i !ir 1 1 mi house polo. u Saline once more. Manu.s D. Ghaae ïms been appointed poetimister at Manchester. T'nioii ThankqgtYtng servtcea wil] be ]K'kl in the M. E. cfanrch, Dexter. A. ]■'. Holoomib's )icv house at Mi]an. is pecelvlng its l'iiüHliinir touches. Ilic Gcnnai) Mutnnl Ins. Co. of tliis couoty coltectod $H7" at Saline last week. O. M. Kolsey ha gane into the liickem business at Saline, for pastcrn parties. The Orofoot farm, north of Saline, ha been puirctiased by (ieo. Hammond for $7,500 Sevcral Milamitea have purchawed Qioral Umion ticket for the courso ai Aim Vrbor. Brigttrton is test ing a hanging gasoline That's riirlit. Hang gasoltoe, ooyway. An exüiibitioai will be given by the Manchester sx-liools. at the close Of tJie first tena. The editor of Wayno Itfview deniee it, and says 'tiiat (liar-'aint-lKrn yet." .Sorry for Sier. Mrs. Mary Amn Ilcndirson, wife of l'r.nik lln(l(TSon, of I'ittsfield, dicd laet WediK'sda.v. aged 45 years. Tlie ToNinsliip Sumlay Association of Lirungstom Co., is bo nnnt at Howell, im the M. E. cJinrch, Dec. 10. Farmers' lnstitu(s aro now loing t,alk'(l ap and worked p. ïlhey are ueually product.ive of mucli Rood. Mrs. Ixwemzo I'ierson, of Salem, who lied reeeaitly, WBB a lady very much respected by neiglhbors and fricnds. B. F. Wajde has g-oaie out. of the impleniont Inisincss at Manchester and expecte to icnwm to Jackaon soon. Maocfaester yoongsters are haTlng the cliickcn ]):. N'rxt weck Thursday Uiey will takc tlu' whole cliickcn. The ï-ecent ctaeap excursión to Detroit on tlie M. C K. B. took 40 from Dexter, CS íimiii Cbeteaa and 7 from Dellii. Klaaior. ivi e ol EJmaoael Glimpse, of BrMgewuter, dted Xov. 4, aged 69 yeare. SOie had rcsidcd in Kridfrcwater 59 ycoire. Tïie farmers pretty gnwrally wil iff tiheir turkeys eo that they have t fall back om ohicken or duck for HlwwikKgtv-ing. Mrs. Olivia C. Wilsom, oí Ypollnnti, (lied Rwr. 12, aged 09 years. She carne to Amn Arbor when It was nearly a wdlderness. The ladies of the Presbyterian dhurch, Man, are to hold a fair, Dec. 8tJi, and 9th, wïth lote of hollday goode tor Ba Je. Samuel Pratt, of Eaton's Mills, dled Nov. 5. He was boni in Oct. 1799, wias a soldier of 1812, and had lived in Ypsilanti most of hls life. Dr. R. IJ. Honey huis bougrlit what ts kmown as tlhie DriUtan lot, on C et., Dexter, and expect tw Oreet a reslleaice tlhieTPOn in tdie Kprintj. Hemry .Icwtt w-lio hos lfon in etoarge of onir whool building for the paet fifteem yeatrs resigned that trust 1,'iKt Momday. - Saline Obeervcr. The Pünckney Dispatoh is to x'wo eadh of its sulwcribcrK a beantlful Jiromo as a TliaikuRivinj; present. A very pretty wny to Bfty gnuoe, -niie K. o. t. m-s and U O. T. M'e ot Saline, ave to liavi' ,-i Uox social NOT. üOtJ), next 'l"lnirclay. anil would U' iii.nikiui fot .-i Large attendance,. 11i' report ihat a 21-lb. plckerel ivas taken i'H i the Sein mili pond) IC (lisci-ciHU'd by 1 lic Dcxlrr Leader man whn is au aulliority ou fisli stortee. Mrs. Can-ic Touwy. ol .l'i.vmnuth towii-hiii. ni'iir Salean, a daughter of I'ranklin llincklcy. of Ypsllantl, di(l at her home, Nov. s. ageú 81 5 rars. 11. H. Ski din. who lias Ikmmi iIdwii Knutii tor som time peiorts times vi-ry bard (livn Ilicrr. aml will cuiiii! linnic tO IH'1cr to slay for the winter. Wjiicb unid you raither have ir 'riianU-jï: -inu, boya and gtrls : go 'l slcighiiiLC (ir Btatlng ? Order q,ulck Ivefore other ilans hit made ! - Milan Leai Au Ypsilanü iirin jJOt mail last week becauee ome tibe local papen aih - i SI worth of ïea mr si. ."o. BmaQ t be teas-ed over. Can YpsJlnnM affonl 1 nèglèét the pppaagt very favorable oppiiruiniiy to swui'i' .111 opwn house '.'--Ypsilaiiti Commercial. Gve it p. Ask sometihing easter. AVIiea yon liave B ppaposltloi) tO get sottnetiiing Un ncrtliing, it wili pay yuii lo v:ilk arcuinilit li.v tile fan! rciii ■. .- 1 1 1 . 1 examine tu all iis bearlngs. - I u I rter. i : . i to Aan Arbor every Wiednesdáy dow m meet wiih fche i , ..i i-il o;1 medical examinen ol ]"- ,: j, oí svihlch lie. la a ini-iiiIilan Leader. A ireiit lemán i'aiiit'il away last week, wliile undergoing an ciperation in an YpaUantl borber'a cüair. Tixle was tin: result oí hla foolisli offort tu il(i withiiiit am anesUictic- Adrián Pl-688. Tile ■'cildest inhábil ant" says thc storm oí t'o-dny la (tentical T-itih that ■oí N'ov'inlor 16, 1S4L', wliieli beiran the most eevore winter eer wen in Mieihljfan. - Ypsilnnti fentinel. "Times i elianired" sinee then. you see. i'lielsca's "coop" is built to accominodate prisoners. One recMitl3r spewed tilie window bars oí Jiis cell and esoaped. Whctlior the vRlage prorMeM tl ecmvenient screw-Uriver is not stated.- Ypsilantl Sentinel. Eb Ellis, of Grass Ijake, recently parted wtth a wen on his head, v'i.!;liiii}r tUteea ouncve. It had cojne to annoy Mr. KIHk vcry mucli, as he ■wiae sometimes puzzzled to teil his head from the wen. - Adrián Press. A )ag e-we wül l)e opened in a few laya in tiie rooms the'Blissfielil Adva-nce. The snake editor will be oporatd upon reularly until he leaims to teil the truth. - Hudnon Post. How old is tihe anake editor liow ? There are 36,880 $10,000 bilis ; 14,805 $5,000 bilis and 47,324 $1,000 tnls In ciiTulation in tihis country. WO hcive only n few of tliera ouraelf; the balance being owned by other Plymout h "SU. Hcar ! Here too. SoutJi Ijyonits lmve gnat mouths ianl take to cheeae like Kkipi)eT8. ITiey claim to bave caicu 5,520 ponada since April and are still ''&hawin" ;v;iï, tryiinff to get tllie amonnt up to 10,000 pomuls iK'f'orc tlie ycar is gone. - Plymoutili Mail. TJie financiers of Adrián tliink that tlu-re is e bout $700,000 of good hard OMfa Ktoivd iway in old stockinjis, bel ticks, stoves nmd otht-r very se"cret placee of tbe farmers of Leuawee ewumty, by tJie people who are iraore afraid of noii'nd baaka l.han flre .and robbers. 'I editor [ 1 lio ('helsra St .1 mlaiil siates that oiir erenhig last week toe was allowed to gaze upan a copy of the "Breeehes Jtihle"' prtatod in 1606. The Press congratulates Mr. Hoover on haviug at last gaaed apon the ISible, wiMi r without breeches. - Adrián Press. This good axlvioe comes fi-oin the soTircc where so mflmy good tilinga Cönie from, t'he Adriain Press : "Ji - ronie Sober, of Balem, last week dropped from tihe rooi of a barn cracking a tihitch boine. We -vvarn hi'ra, if he intends to remain Sober, not to take aaothsr drop." TJie Maccabees have arranged a serios of kuice bocIiíüs, to be held In their jKirlOTS throUR-h the witoter, for membvrs and tJwir wives and swiitheaTte.- Ypsilanti Commercial. ITie leee are alwaye doing sometliing nice like fcluit'. They are the hummers, wtterrrer they are to be found. Mtk. Mulholland of Superior, Waalitenaw county, -vlio was kicked by her hunband, dremched with water and pounded with the pail, has begun divorce proceedings. Mulholland is worth $4,500. Let the court g-ive Mrs. H. and her infant cJiild all of it that the luw will permtt. - Adrián Press. Jodin S patard met witli a painful accident 1his noon. While putting a large stick of Avood Into hls furnace one of liis fingere was oauglit on the harp iron oaolng, cuttin a deep gaab and pulliiig the skin fronn the knucklO over the eiil ol the iinT icaving tiiie bone bare. - Mancheeter Enterprise. iw af Dauifl Karley's sou's, ;ilout eijiiu yeam oM, toyed with a boetrder's loaded i-enlver 'l'tiesday. The bell rilt bet ween tWO ï t'ili' tiimei's ui liis lelt li.i.nil. nut htirtiim hiin iiuieh and scarin.i; liim a gireal deal. He wae 1 1 ■ t ti Mame becauee be dld nol kill hiinseli- it was onlv au accident. -Miiati Leader. 'l 'u e ftlgtoe ol t li ■ limes are very encoiirag-lug. a man in Jackson na# aecured a patent upan a machine tdC dinffUng and deOlktS canU, and il Is ihiii-ht ihat lilis mpirta,nt aboa aavimg inveation wlll largely ertlmulatr tlie iiidustry. and rnrourage the i nipluynient oí many wbo are now idle. - Vpsil.-int i ( ■'iiiniiu Fclal. Aa our devii demands more ot tliis wcn-ld's g . u titean ve can pare, we ai-e compeUed to Jet him go anil make most of Ut ty pitenlng iin and Kcttni.ií int tbe paper ourucivcs.- Waync Etevlaw, Uhe readers of tJie Pa'view are uttaniknotiJj in the opitotoo, Uba1 lts edttbr la a greal Bucoeae as a dcvii. Th? Wayme Koview man penda hls Sunday's at Frog Alley. He is prol:ii;y gotas hwg tarastng. Froga are B very iincTiaiii rrop. ii ■ ir'.il.o:-. We Onoe lK'ard oJ a man lm went int o ihat business, 'mul just as !ie w&8 ready tO hai-vest liLs CTOp ".' frOgB, i h.-y all boppetl away, and teft htm a :ii;ihm1 man. - Plymoutih .Mail. Th:it e .1.1 !■ i í !ht iuHsain-i - the tramp- IS a.uai.n wiUi m Id large nimben, In nint' rases nn n t-n ,'inay bé se1 il.iwn aa a ppafeestonal va.g&l hii a UbeJ OU the human race, and any ! gtven iiim - unli'ss he earni il- is elmply placing a premium on küenesa and orlme. Xle yoMi dog looee. Dexter Leader. Ahnicn ! Accoi-din.i; to the (jedger iDiirtei'n cnmmen-ial l: iiniinci's visited Dundee in olie day lasi rrk. Neveral casrs of deafness repOTted from tliere since. and a few fatalities, and me ])ersiiii siuiiVd dirk in lus eet bo reckleealy Ihat it is thoug-1't the only way to jret it out w4D bc to eend tor .Tere Blmpson .and wee if )h can reacb it witili his decliiH'. A nn .rloir Oouiror actuscs TlK' Aan Arboir Ooulrer actuscs Kditor smith oí tfae Adrián Proa as being the relie of a oooe rvd hended emigrant. Uw ion go to (Cmkw that several letten have, tincerlemonionsiy beeo cibopped of trom Mr. SmLtli's name.- NorthviUe Record. Wbat was it . ? Oberw-limit. (lldermith. MllM iwMllllHl ar what '.' No BlacksmitJi, I on.n aseure you. A l'ranklin doctor was dumpcd out of hiü bniricy m AMïui. and the contents ot his raedtCilM oase were scattered. A couple of city girls fouaid Be'6nal pille öhortly thereaiter, aaid thinkins: tJiey wore oandy, ate tluin. TJie aiext la.v, in sölvool, tbey wen requ.ii'1'cl to teil wliat WH "cause and effect," but tJiey blushinjrly refnsefl, (altJiougli they said they knew all ahout it.- H tutean Poet. Some af the farmers in tliis county report t-heir clover (ields so damoged y tibe clovrr insect that whole fields of irt will lia-ve to be plowel up next eprlng. The toaeet oppeara to work in the r(Kt rus wel] a.s in the blossom, and tlius kill tihe ]l;unt. They are easiet found in tihe raat of the dead stalk, a Hinall brown bug about oneBJg'b.'Ül of ain inch lang. The egg is kaki in Oie roats ns wcll as in tlie JlO30ni8. How dear to my Ju;u-t is the big yellow pumpkin, wlu-n orchards are barreo ior stuffin' for pies ; wten peacflies and applee have botih been a failure, mul berrlee of no kiiitd have grectwtl ur c.vcs. IIow fii'ndly we turn feo the fruit of the ccwniiield, the fruit that our ohildron re tiiught to lespise ; the old yellow tmmpkini, tilie mud covered pumpkin, tJie Mg bt'iiicd pumpkin that makee tidli good jfes. - Ex. A i-urious c(!k'cti(a oí 'xtraiu'ous matter, arad fantastical formation, fouuwl in tlie feather bede renovated by piirties in tlie business here, oan be een in a window in tJie Gtiliok block. Stfav, ahickeu legs, walniits, wads of cottoqi, dead mioe, crochet creatioras, matted strings of feathers with ome raveltaffs for a neuclus, make up the museum in the show In Kaki wiaidow.- Ilyron IRirald. lf t.liiw comfession had come from Alrian, we wouUl not have been Burprised at all. liut from Byrom .' Ye Oxls ! A story hias juet come fco lucht nlxmt a Hudson man wlio lat summer wias away from home, leavitig hte wi'fe In sole possesslon. of the JioTMte. There were plenty of csvrpet tnigs in tJne house, and she wrote tliat lie mi blessod witih "bugs" in the parlOT. He read it "hiugs, " and t-artexl home on the first train. He feit migliity oheap when he discovered tlie true 6tate of affaire. - Hudwm Post. That fellow ought to buy Jiis wJto a new sealskin cloak. Suoh dl-iappolntinents occur so rarely. Huinters here., as well ns those wlio have 1eein in tüie ndrthera part of tlhe utiate, complaom that game te soarce. Michigan is not tlie plenti■ful duint:ing ground it was when our foretattheTB eettlnd here fift.y years iiu:r. Them a Bet,tler could Kt out and lair a turkcy. a partridiri'. a wild duck Oír perdlwMn'r a. do-r and Ig in In ]iUiii.sli the lardcr withOOi nmclh troublc. Hut liow 1 Ik' 1 mIkjt is gOOB, Btld tbe same has gane wil ii it . . l i 1 t lic i!d net tier and lmntet are atoo fra-1. Jooesvüle Cndepenii.-.u t .


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Ann Arbor Courier