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Frieze Memorial Hall

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The dedtaatory services ol the Friese Memorial Hall, which very appropriate name has been given to the new SiiK.oi oí Music building, oceurred laai eveniag. X&ey wwe attended i. au audfence ol fully 500, e rj ome ": toan feit joy in hls lieart bee ol Mie even; . It -had been the dream ol the unlversally beloved Dr. Frteïe bo Bee estnbli.- lied hen' in Ana ArbOT siu-li an inslüuti-m ;is tiiis. Imt it Was nol hls good 1 1 1 u to see that dream realjztnl a iiis lifetime. Ttte work tliat he dld for i,i t It is communlty, however, paved the way !'■:■ lts reality.and liis beautlnil and Bweet spirit MM'iurd !,■ preseni that evening, i a ml premded every hieart therr. Proi. J". W. Kefeey piresllded, mul in -hi.s c-isy, graceful manner, Intro (liiLi'tl the speakers. Aftei fche invocatión whieh was proaounced by Rev. Ilenry Tatlock, Mr. A. I. Noble, p-rea Ident O t.lie Building Association niailc. ti jicat litllc Bpeecdl, altliiwiiil ihe asserted tliat it was not in hi.s line He tokl about tJie wopk tliat liad beeg done ti) brtag about tiiis result, ani paid a liigli Cüiiipliinent to the en ergy and activity o. C5ol. II. S. Deai and Moeee Seabott, to whom be al tributad a greal i-hare In t.iiis boc CCSS. He said tlliat up to the preseo.1 tlm tfae people liad invcstcd about $15, 000 in tbe Srliool. The building liad c(t $7,578 complete}. The otpin coat $2,200 ; the pianoe $1,678 : taie flxturee, ciheirs foc the hall hirniture, etc, $3,14-1. The association tliought that the money had been expended wi-sely, and believed tJial they had an abundanee to show tor Sta ani the enttre auidience agreed wit.h him, moet as.snredly. Pre.s. yimgell made sorae appropriate and bappy remark, ptiying a fine triboite to tihie services o( the late Dr. Frieze, ookl also to Prof. Cady, the predecessor of Prof. Staailey, wnoae ■work, he said, iuul made this eveniing poseible. Prof. Perry told about music In the high school, and thought the vexed qneaUon oí a musical educa■tioai and a literary one at the same time were belng solved in Ohe Aun Arbor Higli School. Prol'. Pease, OÍ Vpsilanti. said a few wo.rde of greeting. II ■ told liow Ypsilaaitian.s had been neighborly and as.sisted in every way ]iossible to pneb iorward tliis work, and how tliey alMi rejoteed at this guccess. l'rof. de Pont told about the formation. oï tlie first musical association la tilie city, the "Measiah Club,'' out tI w2ik-h had yrvwji the Choral Union with it 280 voices. Ttoen came Prof. Stanley hims-lf. For oinoe in. lüs life, at l'a-st. he was cimTinnTumnfl. Not probably because of tlie au&ience, ar tiho occasion, but liecause he feit that every person tliere attributed to his excellent manaurcment and good, practical common sense tilie sueeess of this undertaklng ; also because eevcral of the sjnakers of Uie evening had told him of it. It was certainly an embarra ssiuix siin.ition, but he acquitted himeelf well, and promised that the beal eifortB possiole for him, to put fort-h should be glvon to tliis work in the future. Ttan followed a delightful little programma gfven by tlie ïacuity of the School of Music. We believe every piece was appreciated, and that ilie applause came from far more sincere hearts than is usual upon such oceasions. Alter the services the atidionce enjoyed a stroll over thjj building, inspecting the adanirable arrangements, from the besement to the attic, all of wüiicli were thrown open for that purpose. The hall, amd tlie building throughout, sliows an exquisite taste in the way of decorations, and arrangemeint8. This is the work of Mrs. Stanley, who is deserving of muc-li praise therefor. Tliere is not hing expemsive abooit it, but the taste ehowm in arranirement and selection ". rr.'n-, givea i he eo1 bre Interior ara i pp ■.-.r'ii" ■ n .'1 gance. I The iic: i Ftuoolty Ooncerl occura Dec. Tih. The pupU's recital !).■(. 9th. A kmg recltaJ hy Misa Baily, Dec. 1 ! i h ; n leci aere apon -' 3 ' 'v De, W. r. Uxnbard, I 6 : e IiM-t ure upo "Ths M - Btajiley Dec. 1s and mil !:'s cvrüts tO close Dec. 1 '.lili by i'i:ii tira n I iii-Dilüct ion. Handel's "Messlaih," by the Chora! Unlcm.


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