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President Cleveland's Renegade

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pnbHcan aearefcary oí state blde fair to bring Ji is administraties] luto disgrace. TlK' t.-in.f poHcy Ot rivsi,l..,nt CleveLuid appean to be likc. the lugglen' ]argn in 1ihc circus : "Ninv vmi aee it and jiinv you dou't ." Tammaoy made !■ vwry awkward mistnke. Nomtaated and elected a man for a.ldermnu, and after it was ail over found out tfaalt 1" WBMl'i a Saloon keoiKT.- Detroit Journal. Tariff for revcnue would pul a tariif m tea, eoffee, sptoea of all kinds, and all surii luxuries tJiat poor f folk suiii.. times indulge in. Put the tarKl on Únese by all meaos, my democratie friends. It the good(?) work go on. Don't (alter or beeitate. Paris Iti to have a Wortd'a Fair and Kxpositiom in 1900, and .ilready the Freiuvli preea are how it will eclipse tlie ciiicag Expotsition. Tbere is OM only ],la;, however. wtoerè tlic oclipee win take place. tJie repubUoan party -was born in tinO town meeting; ihe plantation Wave bJrtb tO 1he detQOCTatlC party. TJiafs wJiy Um ialier is dominated by Uosses, and uhy tbe fOTOWC brooks nO Interferenoe trom boesee, bat is govoi-ned by tbe wHJ o the pcoplc. The Il(n. JorikaJb Qudncy'e manag-emettit of tilie MoBacbaaetta democratic carapaign will hardly warrant 'hls wJectton aa a candidatos [ar prest demt by liis party in 1896. There i only one tídtag leu, evlde&tly, and nlial is ii} run ('li'veland for a fourtli time. President CtovehUOid is said too have lost a goodly fortune in the shrinkage n' values since Jiia inauguration. He tilwHig-ht the repeal oif the Bheriua.n act wiiuld bTtag ílusli times agota and restore lïia fortune, but it hos dCffle neii lirr iMie. He, is now said 1 be thinking about how not to reform tbe la.riíf, and stili retaln Lia poBitlon as a. tariff reformer. It in poestble iiiat tbe presaat aduiinistratiooi may turn about aftet a little, because of tbe tr.-iu nlous publ-.c (-(-ntüneiii ogatnst it, and ativniiit to do wbal and rigta-t a.nd honor Bhontd have made ü, do lu the tivvi place ; bat U aeneï can tripe mt tbe staim of ao at tempt on lts Iart tu throttle the etforto of a peopie seefcltaB Uberty, and to place back lipona tfaronc ii det lironed and disgraced mouaroh. '1 be bappleat man in tbe land to day i.s Une enccessfa] (armer. Tiiis Btatemcait in so often repoatol that it moet be very nearly true. He sits contenteAy uader hls own vine and fig tree, iwidisturbed by ie ïnaddening noise of ttte city. Banks fail, railrols go lmto tilio hands of receivers, bOOtatag towns collaiise and all business Btagnates, but the wiee farmer can nap Ihb fimger at these tOiilngs. He is monarch of all he mrveys oai hi broad acres, and the hoineety of liis boys a.nd 1lie purity of hit; frirlij are. Ruardel against ptati.i'ns and in tJiem he is ving tOie ttfl best inanhood and woimanihoad. Tlio temet is t-o be envLed end iï he is not contented with hiö lot lie is laickimg in wisdom.- Cadillac News and Express. The coxt of the World's Fair in conBtructioo -nü metateaance was $25,540,587.85, t.n t ttoe recetpta fi ,:ll BOTiTcee were $28,151,168.75. Tih' oí bhe Srntin '1 must have a pcodïgtoue memory to quote tihere ii-niii tbe oatbe and oblfgatloaa ol the cl,i mi :.'ty kn iwn ae bbe Know-Xnthbngs. i ,... MWhigan Fanmr bas ;i loog .-irili' on huw ui keep apple. Utt ir care we atooni tifral stage ol the play. Vn:it nr wanl t o know ubout UB bOW t" g the Ypsilanttam. "The tariii is a ihcstiun" exclalms '.iiiiklyu KN]i(ini'iil. Ves, and inany a ilrnio -i'al ie iinnikcy lias hunied his ]iaws foollng vrltb it. Once again Bhe people liavr waamed bhem : 'Dom'l iiionkcy wiia tibe hariff." Spain e ilTTier troops from MorOCCO aml turn tJicin loose n the aiu'i-rhisis. 'J"1h suhjccts oí Mulaiai-llaf-sa.n are not half io dangerous ii. tbe sp.iin.ii goTemment as the ï.dini. titrowera lm are commlttlog wt'i-kly outreges In her cittes. It w in be vrry lortunate for democratie rancliilau-s next [all II t'.ic Hawaüan poiley ui ïhc democratie adniinist rat Um )i:nvcs as complete a (allure as i aow geeau bouad to In1eotne. Tiic deeire to do an impopular tklng eau be aorvlved more ftaajly than ih(! deed itelf. It is st ated i bat Rallroed Commlsajnner BQUnga lias decided bbat all raQtoada kn Ua state must gupply coacSiee vith some klad ol fin xtimuUwr. SoiiictliiiiK liko Mclvinlc,'s majiirity ilown in (Hiio, for instanc-r. That extinguished the demI Ie iii rs pre( tv effectnally. Two tblaga are sa.iii to be settled. Wool aml ij-on art' to go on t'nr free 1;m. Huw ahout lamber, .salt, coal and tlic bouaty on siijjar, niy drar MiiMici-u Mead '.' Xtoen boo, cotton tiet a mi bbtding twine, my drar democratie iirothri'. huw aiidiit binding twtoeï And tin platr : lluwalmt tita píate? Don't forget youraelf, pleaee, bul gíve i ii ■ free list the beneW "f all the tilinga you have been howUng ah Ana Arbat Oourter las w cnueed harrahtog tot that dlsagreeahic Aiciviniry, i(u enough tu note tbe algo oí tbe coming winter, and tirada iiiai onicna bare thtck skins, ii,dicaiiv(! of a mild winter, while eonn hu.-ks are very heavy- on unmislakaiilv monitor oí a. glacial epocb. It adiniis tin' contrariety of these syniiimiiis but insjsts i.lrit the miions beur-e stronger wlH win. Tlhen ir wrhoope tor McKlnley agaln.- Adrlan l'ri'ss. Yunlirtycrswci'tliir If yon only huw mu, h oetrter yoo would ieel over om tJie Lord's slde, Inirrahiim- íur (Ote right, yon would mafce liaste in teave tbe oW democratie free u-adc prlveteer, and juin in Um genera] fuibUee tn Ui ■ grand oíd substantial rrpiiblian s.:iip Come on! "WcMl giVe yon a wat way up in toont, and ptMiiaps, ii yiu shuw yon are jnade of tJie rijrlit BOrt of Stuff, mak,' yuu ilia irina ii of t Iii' meetIn.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier