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Next Suiiday is Advont Sunday. Mr. Eev. L. P. Jocelyn is down wita the prevaiiiug grippe. Titus F. Hutzel is gettimg out ag.i In alter eevwral daya stoi Cilty Clerk Miller has been ill ior several da ys wttfa the grlppe. Mf. ï". A. Howlotf WU callcil to Jac&Bon ycstcnhiy puornlng by the, -n'.ime Elmess oí hor fatlicr. The next entortaiuiment in the S. L. A. courso ie Heairy Martcui tilie iamooie violimist. Ií he eau eicel Miss I'owell he is a go-od ome. The -ueather has beca vxsry sharp hn-wig tllie past week and those who predicted a bard winter are trriuning very satfefactOTily over their slirewdnees. Tlie anniKVl nieethig of the liroherfnood ol &t. Ajidrew occurs to-niurht at Harrie Hall. Members are reinested tobe on hiaiad promptly at 8 o'clock. Thie new eleetric raad connecting Aitn Arbor and Adrjan lis said to bO loet somiewlhere around Tecumseh. It is tilucraght that Tecumseh's women burglara nuay have stolen i't. E. A. Staebler, of Ana Arbor, was elected ooe of tJie eix representativos at tihe state L. A. "W. election which cloeed last week. A. H. Griffltai of Detroit, was elected chlef consul. The Iig-ht Infantry has been niooting witli immense succes wlth lts fair and bazaar at -the Armory. The boys aire feeling considerably elated over To-night the great show c loses. Doctora report a very busy tinn1 for tihemaelves. It's the grippi' at?ain. The noxt átate O. A. It. encampment is to be held at Owoeso, March 20Mts. C. B. DavlBon and daugMer Nlhfl, Bpent Hinnlay wit Toledo ttteuBm. No'w tiiat tiic sewer i di are wrid eíurtewi brokers are Hoodlng ttL city ti-ensiirrr witli bnqulrlee about them. The ecuvfag in í tln' 20 feet deep ditch for the Beweer, eiust of the M. C. R. it. batios luwt roIHlay, wtü cause a Httle dolíiy Ín 1ho work. Prof. Taylor hns a artistte froint to lws ncw Btore n Washington st. He s.iys ttore are bricks to tfaat fromt tlbat cost fram $22 to $600 per tOioai.s.-iinl. Tlu: aewtng scfaooj and Ladtea' charttabte Tniou rccvivrd valuable aastet.■iiui: last, weck frOSn tlít. C. W. Der, Mi'. Srliairer and Mr. W. W. Whedon. The O. I. C. Club will gire a ma guerade party at Palace r.'mk Frlday ovening-, Dtc. 1. Costumies can be obtalmed al the Franklin House the day oí thO biill. Mr. John Kovh and Mi.-s Salome HcfOSel inarried Saturday enenIng at iho reoMence oí Mire. Walker, om W. Lttwrty st., aiid leit yestorday for SöUitJuern California to live. The taje rolls ore in tlie hands of UiO city tri'a.MinT, t.he tax reccipts nearly all completed, and the business of collccting taxes will commence Frlday morming. The oHice of the tn-a.-urer Avill be in tille Courier oifice for tliO present at least. Thiero is ao 'jiidemk' i ''co'.d in the bead" abroad in the land. So lonpr ae the doctors shall not ffi've tlie dteease any fancy name, it will not become fanliioiiable.- Doindee Reporter. Yoai spoke too late. The disease luis l',-"ii namwl "the WtorM'i Fair Grippe," arad it is exceodingly popular just now. Service Will Ik; held to-movrov, Thajik.-ííiviiiií lay. at Si. Andrew's CfrQrcbat half-part ten o'clock. The colleotion will be priven to the Ladies' Cli.irit.iUte Union. At 8 o'clock Tlvursday morning the comraunion will be celebrated, it beiing St. Andrew'.s IVay. On Sumlay cvenlng a small dwelljng- house, at the comer of Summit and Minex i ts., 8d w.u-d. was considerably injurwl by ïire. Tlie lire ment mode i k')1 run and were on hinl in re.nnarkably short order. Mr. Kwtsep, ivlio owncd the place, liad soné to IkmI mul caime ncar smothered ly tihe smoke before the (neiglilKJirs could get hun out. Marshal Wbeeler ceptured a gang of ■(rap BtnOOteTB" Satunlay cvcning over MrXally's saloon. Th.e fivc boys aricslcd gpave bail. and Avere releaeel, to appcar for cxainiuation Munday nuM-nijifr. at vliivh time Justhee l'.eniH'tt h.-ard tlieir cases, and Ihey wt'1-í eacih lined $5 and COStfi. Bert Hall, colored, Avas ïined $10 and $5.40 costs, LeoKopp, who stood triial waa iiiicd $2 and 8.40 costs. These winter days, as you sit down around tihe family heartli to -vhile away tlie Y&atoigB, eating pop i-i ,■'! and applee- and if you are extremely well to do, drinkiinï some sweel eider- yon WÜI3 find t hut the miud needs ïeedmfi as well as the body. Ii you Cesiire to secure the -rory best possible foo-d in ttoat respect toko tli' Ana ArUor Courir ior home nWB, and the Xew Vork Tribune tor genend news. Botb t ogetber wHl only cost you $1.25 ! Prof. T. C. Trueblood, witih Prof R. I. Fultom, !ias publi.shed a text book on tlie ''Practical Elementa ol Elocution." designed for teachers and studcints of expresstoo.. lts atan is to harmomize and to take the beert fi-om the various systems of elocution frota Dr. llush's pililooophy to the tïieoi-y of Dcls.ntr. The vrork la comprehensivo OÍ the subject, iliustrated by examptee qnoted, and thoriiinii in treatment, ior private study, high school or college. Although , ork was i.ssued in Ausust oi lliiyeai-, Ibe fiit cilition lias been exhausted, sliowimg the popularity so soon attaim'd. Ibis work will conïirm and sreatly increase PrOÍ. Trueblood's growing reputatlon as a leader as well ae authoriity in his favorite study. If our citizeiis liad to le taxed $100,000 lor tule privilege of visiting eoinetlúng oí exquislte beauty amd woudierful cemstructton, nnd ■nihich pas8ed away like a dream of a nifelht, wliat bitter complaüit they would mo doubt make. But wltJiout beilnig taxed tbey freely contributed tihis amount to the "SVorld's Fair last Bummer. Volumtary glfts, for one's öwn pleasure and proiüt, are far different from mims levied on all alike, tiho ■wiUiing' and the unwilling. The "U'orld's Fair may have been an expensivc luxury, bufc it was a, grand ojie, nnd we do not believe tlhat a porson wlho saw 1 begrudges the miomiey ííhet lt cost hlm. It Is a dream now, but a living dreain, tliat will be a souree of gratification and happimess tlirongh all the Uves of tiioee who gazed upooi it.


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Ann Arbor Courier