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Crooked Joe

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l'res'.dent I. U igan WorW's Fal Ion, has Ing a Uttle tig irtng on the ; ( I ] 1 ■ pald to th : . ï .- 1 ii slniw city during i tlxt i i the Michigan buil is -, tot U sii - durtng t ie iir.-i i hpe ■ mooi lis ol Padr's ;mi! i n 1 1 ■ i noe bhe reglstratüon we ae follows : May s.290, Jume 28,584, and July 31,584- a total : 53,408. TJne books for the last, 1 iircr mOOfthS have not yei t ■--■ tl oooixted, imt .-ut eetímated to contaLn 150,000 ïianics, maklng a i tor ttHB Hix nmnUiM of 20908. Mr. AVcstuH declares tiiat. nat to exceed]i o( the M;. liiiran visitors tu Une J'air reglstered tbelr namee at 8tat Jicadinarti'rs. BO tliat the total al temían. ■ íroni Uu: Ktate was atnjj (lol bees ihan 800,000. Tbey ■■ I al lea-! hui and hui -luilf days' attendanoe eacih, whlch would make aji average i ihe 184 days ui 10,870 persons, wbo -pent au average of $5 per day eacb, or $10,000,000 cantrlbuted i o ruieagO by MiHiijAan vixilors dmiing the sik monUi.-. This state fanüBhed more VlBltore Hian an.v othei' state, taking the cily o; GhtoagO irom Illinois, or alxmt 10 ]er cent of tl wiiole miniber wtoo vtalted Jecksoa Park. One very bxteresting and Important feature íimonjí ttoe vertoog Michigan exhiiits at the waa th tlstoclcal exiiihit collccted and airanged by Prcsideni Weaton. In the weálth of taterestlng tblnga at the porte, thli Twy likeiy eseeped toe at tent ion of maiiy i-ii:i:-s, luit ii representa a work WhiOBe value wllll not eease to To api)reci.ite(l witli the close of the Fair, but wllí coptlau to grow In e-tiiiiatimn wWj tlw progresa of y ea i's. In tliis cxliibit tiiere waa shown the moet complete coUectJton ol portalti of etote offteialB ever showa by any state fcn tlie Union. On Bearchtng t be records, ;t was fouml tihat there 228 diffiTeiit p.-rsons -Hvo had wlthfcntfae paal LOOyeacs or so held public Iosltlons of suffieieut import ane in thfe state to entitle them to a place in a historica] picture gallery, Bome oJ tlhoHe men lived before pliotographic art bad beep penfettted, and many i'Ta of a rorlng dtapoelUOn who ■ 1 far beyoad Bhe Umita o! the nat e. iVw relat iv.-s. The dlitfcTlltlee in tlie wíiy oí collectlng the ivortraits were very great. Months often eiapeed before the deácendanta oí Mme Vong-deceased MlcUgaa itateaman conM be located, and it was only to leani in Bome ■ Uiai tiiey couM aiford littie clue to the AvhorealKMits of a pieture. One letter sent by Mr. WeBton. in the CUtton of hta scan-h idlldwcil a family OÍ toiiristK aliimst BXOaad l'"i' worltl. The wort was, howevec, prouectifceü wWi su-h diligence and necees tihnt oi the -'-■ officials and ex-otIk-Uiis, all bat ntne were tlnally v.preeented in the collecttoai. Tlie reproductions oí tlie portoait-s wery all in fino ha]f-tone eugravlnga. The b frame coutainecl aB XJnitee States cabinct mlnlsïen ever appototed from MUIiiuan. Xext were all the terrltorkil aini state jjovernors, rom c. ArtJnir Si. Slair. 1 TST.t o Qav, llich. ezoepUng Geo. li. Porter, appolated territoria] goveraor in 1831. All Tnitcd Ktati's scnatnrs exceptlng John NoTvcii. electad in 183.", are tsho-Avoi. i t!i' uu-u eflected to iniiii Michigan bel wem 1 sl'.i mul 1898, a'.l ■ 5 John 8, man. elected (rum st. Joeept) eouniy in 1 s i r. , un ■ gtvec Tiir ooüecUJon at United States fudges appolntcil trom tJie state of Mlciilgtui is complete, The stat' Bupreme court from 183." to dato, ím complete, cxoeptiag Cfaiel Justice AVm. A. FtetCht, 183ö, and Jueticc Gtaorge Mlleè, 184G, lMjtii from Anu Arbor. Tlie collectioai of territoriaJ jmdgea is short A. 13. WiHMhv.ud 1803, Frederick Bates, 1806, Jofae QrtHbi, f806, and JoJun Hum isi. The Michigan Wortd's 1'aLr iiii-ials lot 1XV; aml 1 808 are also glTen. The mannier in wfaJch John B. ('liipman (lisaiipi-arnl ïruiii MiCSÜgaa liisiory, atbet n term In congrew, dciring Avihtcii ha acqulred oooeldecabl tclfhrity, s Kiiincwli.'it myrterlOCB It is k:novn lic and his ïamily startód tor CaJdiormAa In lsi;, but b!dc tiu'ti no i i-.-i i ■ oao be learned a W. llh' liistoi-ual collectlon Is t'1 ( xü iui tllu; capítol at 1. a n Bttog, and iiiiy penon Wlho can (uní mumlfcate inmriiiat ion wliirh w 11 as ka supplying the nlne missing ]iov: lÜriTÜ'il t(i addp-ss Mr. Western. The pfeburea u' Fletcher, Noi-Tvll :uicl WoOdWBJd are csjircially (k-siiMi. "Tbe M -;,i,i Mr. Wistoin, -wtlio is nv ai. the Basaal] House, ''was open more honra, culertainiMl moro guesta and liail [ewer ralea hhan any ofchet state headquarRir, altlnnili sume - bullí 'icd aiiuo.-t eatlrely to Cb4te jirubably liad more callers. Tliere i ed la thta buiMlng 00 to 2,500 iiarccls. In September and October the average was ovi r 2,0ÖT) daily. Yot only OM luiirh and ,nr grip weré lost lag i!ir wimii' M'.-is:.n. The postof■ pequlred - 1 .mi work ol nvii dei-k-, ome ,ii tíhe general delivery nul tunilsh stampa and : iiriH'i-y. ir;mt doona ol bulkling wen bed t Nov. 1. From 11 ;ii jiinht un i il 7 a. ui., fchey were ed, luit a watchiuaH stimil there !U nlffht to aiiuiii anyooe who had iniuviciiine vii-itor- Bat Clirled in ;i .:;■! ii Mr. Crnnii'.s ofilfce, waittoï his iiKit.hi'.r to finish her wurk. Jir was laborioualy spelling out. by (adi&g liglit, the words upon a i.iío oí a,n iiiusii-.-iifii newspapex, quWé oblivious ol 1 lic Uckiüg, liko jiiiat oí a very jtUv and rheumatfc Clock, whlch Koiuulfd in tlie room. Mr. Cruimp, too luid a paper beioro liim, lut liis oai-s were alic. uddi'nly In' sprung n Iii.s (eet, relicaLLng Krad I ■nii "vvliich that moment Q&ahed acron the wtfe "'Engibe No. 110 running vild. Cübear track.' " llr rnabed feo the door shouttng tJie ncws. "Not a secDDd bo spare! Shell dinvu in Beren minute ! The words paased tíke llghtnlng. u a moment the yard was In a wild comotinn. Meo 5Ow hit lier and tint her. yard emglnes Bteamed wlldly away, tbe switohee ctostag behlnd fahem. The ni.-iui track as b.irriy clear wtoen 1 1 o ca nu; iu sigiit, swaying fi-iiiu siik' tn sidr. her wlu'i'.s i breatetnins tu icivc i ie track at eacfa i Intimi. i i--,'.l i lic (1 put like a mctcor. her lx'li Mmngfaig vrlth every leap ui her plstosi, tbe Btea.m eacaplng ri. iu her wliistle wlth the continuiu8 ahriek f a desnotn, aml tbe occupents i the cato wrapped I view in i cloud of sanoke. Sonue huiuhvd rode beytoad tlie dopo'b the track took :i slier]) npward graide, trom whlch it descended again ■to strike tJie bridge aci-oss a narrow but deop aoid rocky gorge. Mm loofced after ttoe flying locomotivo and tlicn ai oacSl othi-r with n'ii taces. 'Thej-'re gonc ! A niiraclc caa't 'cm." sald onf. valclng tbe wordterror oí tiic rest . "H they rton't fly the track i the up-grade they'U go1 down as soon as Uta ;. strike the Tüie crowd begam to run along the track. SOflSe Wltt) a rala instinct of iclpiulncss. Bome niiivcd by morbld cnrtoatty wblcb seetoa to be '"in at tlie death." Hut lOOk 1 Miihvay 1 lic lOOg rtee iic speed oí tbe ruoawiay englne suddenly slackens. "AVIimi does ii mean? Bbe merer milil 'il' dicd nit in tthfllt time '." tliuuted a n oíd yard man. Eicit-cmcnt Avin.urd tii ir {eet. When tSio ïoi-emost numen reacbed the p'aep," tilic emokm eagiae stood etlll on lier track, quiverintr in every Bteelclad nerve, lier great wheels still ivJiizzmjï round and round aniid B flijrht of red eparks from -Wliat did it ? Who stopped her?" 'Hie engineer, staggering from the cai wMh the pallid face of the (treman .beliind htm, pointed, without spcik 11. m Wbene a littlc, pale-faced, srookcd-hackcd Ixiy. had sunk down, pantiiiK wit li exertioin, beside the track. At hlfl (ri't a. hun'.' i'. CflO laj "Vcrj iinicd and omjit y. Tlie crowd Btared, at onr anot-her, isiMl-li.'ickcd boy, !::'d i-iink down, cd upOO Ilicni. "He diii-d ttie tradk !" l'.ully ïor Orookt'd Joe !" lUiey oaught the exhausted child, fllnging htm from xhwilder to shouldiT, Hti'ivini;' il ![ imc'.i i(ir the l.uiinr oí iH-ariiifí liiin, and ,so, in Irírmilar, tumultuous, triuniphal prolroii!ïlit bim l;ick to ,tJve depot a ml set liim down among tJieni . ■'Pasa ti lia t . paras!" oried ene. It (had been jiay day and ihc savcd ciiLcii añil iiivnian droppcd 11 cach Jncir mooUi's Wiagee. NoH a liand ia all tilie thrOMg t lint (lid not divr a poaket. Thirc was the orisp ruetie cu' l;lls, tlic chtttk oí g-üld and Mlvcr cohi. 'Out Wltlh juur ha.mlkcn-hiri', .Too ! VTooc UMft licdd it all ! Why, youaiií mus hat- what'.s 1hf ii'i-V" for tibie boy, wlth scurlel ,chccks and bDming .'yi-s. hail fliir-in -d botJi uval] liaads licliind bis boek.- i - tile poor, twistod l.ack lad.Mi with itíi twrdeti ot dcím mil y and ptúln. "No, to)," be evted tn a ahrlil, hlgh ■n ii'l p::y mi' : Caifl you see wh.-it it's woi-iii bo cae - just once iu my ii;'e - to in' a ílttle U6e Uke - otber tolks." TJr! superintendent had eome trom ,liis mier. II.' lai 1 liis haaul on the ,biiy's Iwail. "Jo,"' lic sald, "we èouldb't piay yon ií we wtefaed. Money doean't ]iay lor liv's : Hut you liavc snvcd HH B iii.-üiy lnlars Ih'síiíi.'s. i't (mi let iis do Bojnethlng for you V' 4Yon can't ! You can't ! Xobody oan." Tlu; ehild's vüicc was almnt iriclc, It sccmcd to remi the ah■vitii Uu; peait uy agony of years. "Tlhere's only odb tUag in the vorld I want. and iiübody can ívi mv Nobody cao niako me .■iny..; oof poooJO inq Sm TJic supeAnteaident lttted him and held him .-iirain-t i,is wo breaat. My boy," be saíd, in hla Hnm yei gemtle toorn, "yon are rjgdït. None of us i-:i:i do fchia.1 for you. J'.m you can di), : i 1 ■ me ! - qulCi I ; :. i ï ;i God 'ave breve beorí ? Nol In Of yoiii-s- t:iat lias notfaimg to d i wi; a : beta : :. t ue ic!]i ynii to a ciiam-i - only achanoe bO livirn- and it WlU 11-1 wtth you, youisi 'lí. tó say whether In -' years trom -nw. i yon are .■i:'. i ;.!i:i are Orooked .!" or Mr. JosepU ]'.ryan !" Visitiinií iu C no-t tong au i, a j'riciiil eald to ine : . Tlne court room was alirady crowdcil al OUT ralran.T wSltíh a n unexpctfl aiulícnc.'. Wlicu the lnilíiani young ai líiriii'y pose i make ha plee, I notk-ed wlth a shock of surp Uiis noble liead suriiKiiwitcil un undri-sizi-d aud inisshaiieii body. He liad spoken but five u's, liowcvri-. when I liad utter]y forgfottein Ule physdoaJ defect; in beo nraiiiir.-. bowerer, when I eagerly Imterested, and ttereafter, dnarime Un' uro hoirrs' speech, held spell-boumd by tflia m.irvcious eloqtuemce whdch Ts t.-ist raislng him in li'.-nii'i-siiip di hta protesaicm In hN 1 1 ■ i tve i-ity. "A woütderfTÜ man !"' sai.l ray triend ,-is we waJked Blo-wly taxmeward. ïiicn he bodd me the story oí Crooked Joe.- St. I-oiiis Re public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier