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Stores wB] be cloeed at Ypeilaüti to-morrow. It takes 10,000 lls. oí milk per week now to nm tibie Milán creamery. Tiic Dimilrr Uedger lias moved into new qoarfcecti over the ]n TUie riymoutli peopte are. tickleS nviT fírtl íhí; n:ilrr ulo tbeir lio uses., Mr. and MT8. AIomzo Clark, (if ('linton, h;ive proiic tu ('aliíornia for t lie winter, i A fine prograume lias becm prepare! by ttae Salin lii.-li school for ThanksKtvtOB l'ay. Milán bad a mail dog acare a íew ilays since. Got nuul it t3ie woatli?r, jirobabl}-. The PresbytrK.uis. oí Saline, gave Rev. Mr. Bultock, thekr pastor a $75 donation last week. On Saturday, Dec. 9tih, the Webster Farmer 's ('lvil -u 11 meot at the resklence of Geo, AV. Mcriill. Tlie I'lymouth Mail propases going back to iisimg axle grease for butter. Anyway to grease tihe cakes. The pridc of Xotí's heart is centered ia Sier beanWol cemeterT'. - Adrián Prest--. Thiat's a grave assertiion. Un. Win. Barton, aod 78 years, dLc-d Xuv. 19, at the liomc oi het dauglit?r, Mre. Joe. Beaoli. Chelsea. Tho Etoterpriee reads au important lessom to its üre departmoat, and ome tiiat they siumld pay close attcntkm to, The people of St. Joseph's parish, Dexter, lwive a fine programme ready for to-morrow ■ vcniiiir. at the opera houee, tJiere. Nov. 22, ]lov. L. P. Jocelyn perform■d tli' nnfted in marriage S. O. Davte and Miss Kate Kranse, botli of Derter. Hojí cliiilcra. iiiTv.-iils a bout Diindeo and it ia hopcd will carry off some iv.ho contiimally squeal airainst puln lic improvomwit. - Adrián Presa. Perry Watlinií, tlic troaMircr of Ypsilantd totywm, vrtü be at tlie store of A. A. Gravc-i in Ypsllanti City, each l'riday and Satui'day to receive taxes. The floek of willd gece tliat roost aowl feed neair tJiie piaoc, are bot.hered nmcih by huntöre, but so far we have ïiot heard of on being shot. - Pinckney Dispatoli. Reading citizens aire excitod because a gJiost wnlks the sfcreets at night. We had supposed the local opticm law proüiibited spirits in Hillsdale county. - Hudson Gaaette. Pinckney has elected a good lot of officers far i'ts lecture eourse and propoees to have a good one, onough tickets iuivinvr been already pledged to indure it succees. The Lenawee county agricultural eociiety thte ycar paid Uw usual Beven IKjr cent. to its stockttio Uiers and nlso paid $050 on the aocicty's indebt(', wtüob now ainounts to $4,350. The bunniaig af Ian Holcomb's barns cost the Jackson couaty Farmer's Mutual Ins. Co. $0,000 in cold cash ! AVhew ! But wouldin't tJvat cause au enrthquake in hf AVashtciKiw Mutual ? St. Mary's library, ClK', has now 500 voiiuiH, .-ihkI ix'vii made tree to all. A bew perldb library has beeoi Started in Kt. Mary's churcli, Pinckney, and Jnas ut present 200 vfilumeti.- Cüx'lsifa Hn-ald. Dr. J. E. Ohllds, of Chicago, and Dr. Joseplhine Fleming, of Dexter, wra mai-ried on tlhe 21st, at the home of the bride' pavent s. Tlie happy couple can exeliange 1 it les without the least jeakmsy. The Milan ajicut for tbe Pacific anl Aimericna exprese companies, is Jeseie GraÜKim. She is "strictly buiness" aart wlien a yooing man expresses aiViniratixwi for her, he has to do eo at regular rates.- Adrián Press. Tx Stocfcbri4ge farmers sold $900 Mortih. of apples this fall for first etawi priees, and say it is all due to the fnct tliat they used a spray npon 1he tree to kill woctne ;it the proper time.- Ex. Iefspray tdiat muro will do the saineA bold bad man from littan stepped Int Milo Gapt 's billiard hall the other 'veiiiiis and upurred on by a wild desiire ior blood attacked ona ot our ciiizeiM. There tos enough of the bad manleit to make It worth while to carry him home, yet his friends ■vould hardly have recogniaed him. - Ypsilantian. .ïhere seems to bc some dWficulty in knocklng out the average VlisilanUan according to that. Illie editor oí tie Dexter Lea has íulvci-i Isi'il without response íor pcrtatoei oo mibserlpUan, and i be u'ii iic would ha-ve il sjiow li iH-.- Adi-i.ui 're s. No oty. [g s'.iidyqiiai elecPreas. Yon il, ttian, ilid . It i.s rain :1 be begjun agaüi & A. A. R'y in conOlbe tuiol aniOTUt oí damago sued i.s .SOO.OOO.- rinikiicy DlspatCL It ÍS Mmiet iiih's ras, tu get á ]Udgthaii it is to OOilect it. Sume oí erar citizens complain al Ue detage oí oata oí 11 fcnown sizes, .viuipcs n ml coiora wlth whlcfi they claim tlioir rural (rienda liavr su]i]ilicil tJie town ond tJircaten a return of tfae ninp]iiH-nt Ixïfore cold wather lar-CbelBea Bad catai!-oplie, suroly. ere -are thirty-six (orelgn pupila al i i'iidiiiff itíbe Cheleee stboola tiüs yo;ir. ("oiiiiiy ÖommlBSloaef Cavaíiauirh visited this school a short time ;iff(i, aml now speaks in worde oí higíieet praisc of the maniuT in Trtltoh it is 1m4iis coud-.iott'd.- ChelMM Standard. Tko Washtcnaw Coimty Horticultural Society will bold its animal meeting, at tibe ccrort house, aext Seturday, Dec. -d. A full at t ■ is desiranic. OffiCOTS for the ensu&ig yaar win lo elected. Mr. A. A. Croziier will review the recent par pers os hortu-ultunil suhjects. .n tem in the Saline OtWBTVBI Ib af follows : ''All Cln-istLans, ('atliolics, Iutherans, üaptists. Preebyterlana, "Mctihoddste and everytfly etoe, in and ,ir mnd Saline, are invitad to the Methodist cJmn-li Baodfty eVBDfiog Dec. 3rd. To co'iiidi'r tibe 'HH'Stion ''What i-hall we do wlth our saloons?" A party of yoang ladies on tJie East Blde wece oreiftteard dLscussm!? young men in geoeraj. "Is not Mr. a little too familiar ?" waa asked of a demnire Miss whom tJie ome referred to had escort'd home. "Oh, no," was tibe rviíly. ''He lield me at arm's length ; walei measnipe." - Hndxw Post. Warren B&bcock Jr. and wlfe, of AuTu-uiturai OoUege, arrived in town last. Friday lor a short visit witli 1 1 1 1 ■ i parenfs anil many friends. Tliey Avill resille in Ann Arbor the winter wtoene Ma, (or Praf.) Babcock willl bruidi up In matJiematics at the U. of M. Mr. Bahcoc is an assistimg proieesor of matüicmatics at Agri(ïiliural College.- Milan Leader. Bro. Tlhompson, of tlie Dexter Ixailer, doean't propose to be imposed upom any longer. Hear him : ''Big fili tories are again on the wlng Uut we herewitli ranke public our final dcree. For tlie past two years, boys, out of the largeness of our hoort, we have cheerfully Imperilled our inmortal soul to raake your record public and keep yon even wlth tihe deal. Hereafter we shall expect to aee tlie fisli." l'rimary teachers should send to Miss Fox, tüie manager of our pvimary depertmeat, iJiO little plans, devicea rnd nvetlliodB used successfully by tibcU in thcir schools. Tlils inti rhaaig-e -voaild serve tita parpóse of visita to otlrer scihools, and coste niuch less. Don"t tliink your plan or devico too almlple ; send it in. Tlue euccessiul plaais fresh from tlie workaliops are far bebter tlian ionaiiinary (nul 1 hcorct ical ones.- ïlie Moderator. A dieputy game warden from Jackson pounced down upon a party of tlBtiBllufitt from TecumseJi and Frankltn, at AVamplcrV lako, "W'edncsday nijrlit, and .'izi.'d tjielr spcars and j,-ii'ks, lmt. made no arrests. Umlvr the softcintng influence oí a drink of whisky, hPWtrver, the oificer was prevaik;d npOO tO return the jacks. - Adriïin Times. That's pretty thin. ir we koiow tile aforeaakl warden, he is pretty apt t have a bottle oí the stuff in his px-ket wheii onit on such "ofllctei" boetoees.- Maacheeter Knfaocprlae. The order of the Eastern Star at Manchester, starts out with the following officers : Worthy Matron - Mr. A. F. Freeraan. ARBocIste Matron - Mrs. Orttenberger. Worthy Patrón- E. M. Conklin. Secrctary- Mrs. J. F. Spafard. Treasurer- Mrs. ('- J Kobison. ConcliK'tress- .1 villa M. Conkll. Associate t'onductross- Mis. E.M. Conklin Ada- Mr. T. L. Iddlntcs. Kuth- Mrs. T. J. Farrell. Estlier- Mrs. E. K. Hout. Martha- Mrs. Mat. II. Blosser. Electa- Mrs. Ed. Jaynes. Chaplain - Mrs. Krank Spafard. Warden- Mrs. T. B. Balley. Sentinel- S. Hammond. Milán Chapter No. 106 order of the Eastern Star, lias iustalled the following oílícers : Worthy Matron- Mrs. Clara Cbapln. Worthy Patrón- Mell Barnes. Auoolata Matron- Mtb. Klecta Ford. Becretary- Miss Mlllle Httchcock. Treasurer- Mrs. Ettie Pyle. Conductress- Mrs. Cora Clark. Associate Conductress- Mre. J. Forsythe. Chaplain- Mns. Alzlna Wllson. Marshal- Miss JerushaSmlth. Ada- Mlss Eva Smlth. Mrs. Uiiraxa Whltmarsh. Ksther- Mrs. Belle Zlmmerman. Martha- Mr. Mnry í,ockwood. Klecta- Mrs. Mary Kelley. Warder-Mrs. Belle íMdy. Sentinel- John Steldle. Organist- Mrs. Lottie Hltclicock.


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Ann Arbor Courier