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Dr. .7. N. Ma.rt !;i, uli has been BUt'ertng tin allark oí t !i ■ gTlppe, is iImiii a sata. Prof. Gi'iiïiii is now iiiviim1 tin' mem!i'V if liic House oí K']iivsrntativcs pointe m law. Dr, aml Mcb. I). A. McDaöhlan bjx ut ■rvcral ilays iih llctruii ïi, ads ilur paai eek. Tii" AW'hsici' Sn.-i'iy lias beesn renovatlmg and ri'iiairin. Ihcir hall, aml flximg up in ntoe sbiape. Prote. lii'iiinion and M. E. Cooley are to rcad papen ai i hr teacber'a conviMii i'ini ki be beid at Lansinsf thla week. The Green Moiintain studnits held tJieii" aniiiial lKinUi't lat Thursday cvcniii.ii, m their club rooans, and had a. jully Unie. ThO o'iüy ('hincsi' women who erer lieft thcir nativc laml lor cdiical inna I pui-poses are now stmlcut.s in ih' medical departmetkl ' ttoe Univwaity, two in muini'ler. Tll( RoflBian coin m ssioiicr of EducatiO'ii at the World' Fair, l'rince Wokiniski, oí si. Petersburg, visiicd thi' rnivcrsity last weck. and was the g-mest of President AngeOL The r. ol M. alumni at Chicago feted Mk foot hall team, and thry air their Thanksiiivinii 1 urkry at the Grand Factflc totel amidst avaga and te and happy eonremsat-Um. The ü. ol M. teaan scored anobher virtory til (lii-a-o Thaiik.-Jiivin.iï Day Tbey defeated the Chtoago rnivcrsiiy tram by a score of 8 to 10. It was a g ■"■ tw th" boys. Tlie S. C. A. rcfch.'il t!n' stml r X'nivcr.-ity trom the New England t-tatcs last Wedbesday rv.ninu-, anid toesta wri-c responded t! by i'res. Angelí, ProJe. Pettee, Uoyd, Ames, Mills, Dewey and others. iirary to all predictions the Printetuai eteTSQ dcicatfd tlw Vale 1 ,..-i in at Xcw Vork On 'Jiianksfíiviiiií Day by a ecoi-e of to 0. Spori Ing men had been bettdtaer $100 to $45 iliat Vale WOnld'Eê tli' wiunrr, and oonflequcnitly Yair's blue is an ftppropriate color just now. Amd now the doors oí Harvard are to be Bwuing open to womem. T!i' olí], siow-going east, bas huid out aixainst tliis step oí progresa as long as it dates t". amd will soon join the proceseiaa Btarted by tJie groat U. of M. a qnarter of a century or more ago. Thr Thankssiiviiis trip oif the Glee and Banjo clubs wea a deliglitíul one tor the boy Ttey gttTO a concert to t fair house at l'oaitiac, and at Plint receivvd ;t rhiht royal welcnini-. Thcre are mamy g-faduatcs at Plfalt, and Uiey all turned out tinnake the welkin rtag with oid tiiae college gomgs. The coaceri was nol glvn at Port Hurón for Borne reason.. The ontire (Hlition of 1,200 copies of tlii' Thankstiiviniï Wrlnkle was sold as vapidly as ttie copies coald be sccured trom tJie pjreeees, and many more w.-.uiii ba-ra been bougtrt had the edlbeen largor. Tbe taBue was a tast y ome, in red and green ink. and the contente rery taking. TheWclnklo 'has come to stay. and has secared a 'hmii phuse ia iliv eertlmatioa oí the n.niviTsity puWlc. Ooi. N1. B. Kldi-idsre. iormerly tmigveeemiaa Brom this district) (.before it was reasTaaged) died at his home in Adrián lBt wi'i'k Tuosday, aged 80 years. A lot of tra m ps wtoo had been In tlie lrabit oí crawltog Unto the school house in Mie Hill diairièt, of Scio. and stoepiag nJghAB, were run in by Sheriff líreinner Soinday evening. Krast us F. Wel herbee, of the 5th waard, dicd on Satui-day, Dec. lst, aged JT yeare. He leaves a wlfe amd l'ivc ohildrcn. He as vrtrran ot tía war, liavinir terrea in ('o. F, 1'Oth MicJiigaia Infantiy. Ou tihe 20th inert. Pipoi. Bobs ('"!■. en' tlue (■"iiis.'rvatoiy oí Musii Iiipou, Wis., wiu Kive a oooMMrí befare tu.' Inliuid Ieaffiw", .-lUirely liis own ronriiositio'ii. H will be assisU'd by his sister, Miss Lucy CtVa', and Mr. K. N. Bübte, of lis city. The Scfaool oondiutcd by Mi.-s líi-DW-ni. lost Mime .S7 (ir 8 ly tlif Iramp ]ia Ínter wiW) broko lato the Ci.nricr buiklinir, and atole it. Auy dan' wlio would st';il money belongiiiLï to taiese cbQdren would not hesibate i oáuunAi uaty sort of misde nica nor in tilio calendar 'í criincs, anc Sbcmld Ikí placed wliere tempt atiim could nit agaia mercóme him. Ai the Unity Club next Mondaj evemiu-, Duv J. H. Kellogg, Super intcndent oí tibe Battle CSreek Banitarium, will givo an illustrated lee txiire apon "A Sound Mind lo a Sound Body." lr. is wlóely knoven ns oaa of tlie most ablo and efficiënt due tors reiircseating his school. He Is also the autlior of several books o workl-wide reputation, and Wie Hat tle Creek Sanitarinra, of whtóh he lias the Charge, is ome of the bost cquip ped institutioms of its kind in the ■vvorld. IliB subject ia a vital orne and the lecture Is smre ta be ane o the best that Unity Club hos to offer this year. It is to le iioped tliat tlie rumor cegarúkag the M. C. K. B'a detercninalicni tu rii;iüïr is ratee tor passenger transpurtatiim alter Jan. lat, is true. I In' .■heme as we umderstand it is in charge the uniform rate of two cents pet mile to evorybody, tlius doüng ;iw,-iy wlth. all mdleage booka and excursión patea. By s; dolng tíie woirk of station agenta would le made easy and Bhe danger o.' collLsioiis and toases rom Mild trains done away There would be move 1 1 a wliim". il is bhought, and the road, a.-te:id OÍ losing nioney, ■svo'Uld mate money. Speed ili ■ diy. At a meethig oí the Board of I)ireCtOCB oí the I'ni ersity ScbOOl of .Mnsic it was declded that ticket the Fnculty Cancerts slioulil 1.' gold as iollows : T stockholders and lecturers, 50 cents per semester ; to all otters, $1.00. The necessaiy expenses of tflie galtC makrs t kis COUTSe imperative. There will be live COneei'ts the present srnir.-t it. Ou account of the Mills meetings the concert.s ajinonnced for Dec. 7 and 1-1, win be gtrea on Dec. 14 and 21. Tickets on sale at the School of Music, CalkLiis' Di-ug Store, Ami Arbor OrLran Oo's Store, and Moore ife Wetmore's. Eev. EDenry Tatlock, et Bt. Andreu's chiirch, is to deliver a series (yi four eermons upon the subject : "What is Invdlved in Clnireh MeniHei!hip ?" On next Sunday iiiDrahiS iie will take tip the queBtlon: ■■liat is the Church, and who may lielnníí io it ?" In the evening of ttoe Esame day will talk upon ''What muist eboreta mmbera beïteve ?" On Siinilay, Iec. lTtli, the moroAag nnl}ect will be : -'NVliat must chunli nieiiilxr.s glve lip ?" and in tlie evrninu : -'Wliat must i-hurch nieinlH'rs d?" These suhjeits will be af esperial i,ntei-est to. the public at this time. As there is always xmie dOUbte im the minds o; the peopte uenerally as t he Ix-lief and i-eiiuii-emi-nt s ui clnurh iiii'IiiIhts, esjiecially ia ri'iíard lo tivose oí the Eptecopal chui-eii. these four Bermoaa trrathi.ii iipmi the siihjc,-t. will eeri.Miniy i-all out a largs ctmgregati,)in. at both jnornin and eveninii t-ei-vice..


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