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Eggs Are On The Free List In The New

Eggs Are On The Free List In The New image
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t.'iriíf bilí, k1 ciim't yon forget it. .TudíílnK írom (irow.r ('lévela nd'.s late Ilawaii.'in poiiqy be lias reached a green oíd age.- Arkaosaw Trareler. "The farmers' greatesi enemy la tho (armera' oxgamizatkm," asserts Seori't.ny oí Agricutture Mortoo Wttwui doee One farmer thimk ahnut it ? laa't tiiat an astonltihing as.-(■rlirxii ? All farmers wlw Bprayed opp] trees early iai aeaaaa, report excellent crup.'. .lust geri nial spraying iMusÜness 'i! aoaked Ln your tliink laaik i cíen-e aimtJnT gpiriog, Mr. Farmer.- Feotón Independen t. Tile '■n.'uiveil iiKnii'ss oí t lie laliormen thrcmgJiout the Dnlted States ■ ■ umi-,, ilaily 1 lian ilid I lie eiisiliest days oí t.iie grea.1 refbelUon, In dollars and cénits ; and il nii'jlil alsn well le ailded. Bn mtoery, Bufferlng ami botrow. One of i li ;Tr;iiist offers ever made Ie ih Coemopolitaa In ((.uiicction wil k the Ooarler mr $2 p-r j ep I i. tm i.s for new rolbeoribers anly. The Coemopolitam magazine bas n superior in the world m a magazine fo ■ ral public. Au iinwaiTantiMl ,-itiark is belng m.iilc om Fnuik N. Clark, i'ic superta■ Nm-tlivilli' iisli liatchci-y ia order to get liim tral and glve a democrat bte place. Tho ohfirge i.s tba.1 in' has been partlsan in his .-ippi m-iit s to places, bnt tin' [acts w eo rlriii-iy Mr. Clark'a hanorahic coturae in i:iie matter tbat the LTgea uut invn Ki'Oiiinllcss. Jlis long esperlence in tbe wock lKtli for ■the state and dattou makea blm too valiiahlc a maní to 1)L Iliniun (int on party groonda. Dnring tbe ar, wheo there was ui iiiiomc tax. spits and tnformera went about pcytng into ohr peo]Ws prtvate attaira uotting evidence ïhat tnekaema men were no4 poylng oiiioiiiiJi. Wlhen they fonnd gnch u ca&o Hicy had rnc-lialf and tlic geuremnteni recehred tbe balance. Hiere wdll be a luerry piante i! tJie preeent alin.Mitratioii tries tJiat Bpy business on lihls generatie Ld time of peaee. Few tJie punt twenty years tlie demon-a tic. party bas oppoeed al] ;ir 1.-INCS. AV-lKit ivill le said oí ii ii they imiis the inot irriba-Ung aiitd injust of all tbe war taxm wihen i are ma war expenaea to justi.y it ? n wlU only ealarge thv ware whJcb -üi down theau It haa been customairy to tnaugugovennorra oí Ohlo wit con eWerable cerenwmy, iut Qor. Mi-Kin tey HMVK 11,1. He ]H-(II()SCS i Willk tO -i ■"■ oopttol, toke oath and ira in lus office wit hout any cérniuny form. HJe ewya ii WOUW be a .-a and a B malee a grea.t display wttneai 80 nany are Mlifi'i'iirj in. luV. ilr.uks ihal I !]!■ raomej SUCh au inauguratiton would coe bíiouW be glv. aml ClOl I !,■ shivrrinir. IIow Btn .is must Bound to i.iuuratcil at Wat leas Uvan a yeai -vvii'.i greater pomp and display than a kiais would be crowncd in Engiand. Or pfihaiis a qneen In ilauaii.i


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Ann Arbor Courier