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Hei-o are som "-'' Idea that on bhe Cree list in the Kngiteh tari:f bUl wlii-h Mr. AVilsom and Mr. CVvrlaad pTOpOSe bO ïastril OH tÍM ,!,.(■„ ii opte of tin' United .ciii-;i'. ra-vv. di-ifil or uodrled, luit iiiiïniuiii!. (YOU must 1aUc llicin nihil' or grbïd Uiem youireeU. i Aji!r-. i ] ■ . ?) ipp'jee, i-ii'ii. desioated, evaporated ar prepeJd Lu :uiy iiiauiicr. Asbee, HOd and lye of. Aaiciiili. (For its ri li perfum.) r.a'.m oi Cüra.l. :Thafs right.) Baoom amd hani.-. beef, mutton and lcwk and meaa al all khnds, prepared pireeerved, n otberwhe speclaUy inrviilcd ín-. Inr the bwtefit of Caiiaili-ui larnii'V-. ' liark-. Off Otítera iromwh'.cih qunloe may w extracted. (Tte cause i this ]i n-:iiïrap;i- tin1 cbakee proöu cd must be ]ir.iviilrd ;maia-l . I Beeewias. (Not ear wax.) Binding twine maanufactured in t hole or rosn Istle, or Tam[bér, nianüa. i-isal gTaBS, or siinn. lly and ii;l exceedlng 1)00 i Ib. BW . etc. (stuffed prophr eta '■! .. .■:!■.■ protected.) Blwta '.inil laúd and water fowla. Blood, dried. (Make a note of tbe l.-isi word.) Etoiogaa B&usages. (Even tlie doga will bark -. crnde, etc. . etaere.YtngB, pOiotographs, d or unbound (rtdhtngs, [mapa and . w!]i-ii shall have been pclnted mul bound or manofactured more i h;i n 20 ye&re nt the date oi Impocfcaíl i' m etc., al lor Belemtlfic ptur3, exBrfbitkm, ■' ■■ ür.izil paste. (Nol Oorbett'a kiml.) i;,-, : ,m coro r n dran ropublican iweep, nexi I ime.) KristJies. l'.uriíiiiuly ]iii-!i. Oabbagiee. (To íilp tln1 Camucks.) Oamlp Camtot eaetorewm. .Tiu-y have ciihn1ly [otpgOtten 1 1 - ilays of thcir 1-llÍMlKKXl.) CaK&tMt, etc. Cbarcoal. (P Camadlan foresi pwinenO (Jhtooryroot. (To keep coffe's comliany.i ChVr. (Hard ar wit.) C'.m.v- íMiiiiiiicm blue, iu GBSkB. r. :i ii I !:r:irit f, liituminous, mil .- 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ■ , end ■■ j.í i Black or culm. (For bbe betoeílt of Nvra S:-nt l;l coal mine Cokc. :Ilil tii.vl bar, onnle, ;uid ill its preparatfon. Oofle. i 'i,],]ht oree, or in platee, bars, ingpota or pfes, etc. (Tíils hite Michigan bard. i cm ton tfes oá ron or steel for bolliivj; cottoii. Xnrüirrn iiinniii.'u'turen eaa not toipori tiinu fred only m planters, i .nnWither preclous Btones. Uve benefit of the poov, who are (■DiHlirllcil to nee tJiem.) ui 'volks of. (For the benefit o! t,hu farmers. See ?) Fans. (Yes, it wlH le liot boiore 18 ;1h:,iil;Ii witli.1. 1 ";i -Ij ii ■:! piatee. (This is for the iirii'iii ui imiiü'rni Boclety people.) Fea i bere and dovrtm. ]-'i.-.1i. Mii-uvcr slumM' 1his to MiMiim-hii Dey.) rioor niattiing. FoBBltei íinriudinií democratie gtateamem.) ('urniius. Zant or aitter. Datbee. lruits, gTecm, ilriod or ripe, not otlhierwise spccUüly provided. (How are yom California ?) Fuití'. (Don't tJie rich usually wcar thom ?) Grease oind oils for soap making. (Very KUggesthie.) Ilair. il'ulled atml uiipulled.) HMea. A good part oí tí democratie hitte is bow on tbe fenoe and on fpec cxftiibltion in Oblo, New York, Inwa, etc.) lee. .'For Oirover and tria party In '96.) Ipecac. Irma ore. (Hits Miohigao hard.) Ivory, amd vpRetable ivory. Jot.s sUrks. (No tariff on the Chinaman, citihcr.i Junk, od. (Including tlie state papen "i Mr. Clrvelnnul, et al., Hiai hnc f;illcn Int LonocuouB desuetude.) Marsh mallowa. (Yum ! Tum !) Mocrow, crude. (or frozeo ?) Milk, fratfc. (It was well that the word "trodb." was added.). M' waters. Needtee. Newapopen amd pertodieala. Nns vómica. Oil cake. OU Dl I I ry kind hl.-i,!,.. tipirini, crude or Timnanufactured, .■uní tot adulterated, and containlng nine per cemtntm of morpbla. (Tlw ile m ill why V Is this to be a repedltloo oí Ealnnd's treatniont of Olulna ï Oraocpe aad lemom peel. (Banana peeJ unini'Mt nmed.) Oröliidis, lily of the valley, azaleas, palméete. (To looorïUe democratie gradea b '96.) Oí-es oí goUJ, HÍlver and nickel. I'.-iintiiijís, in oil or water colors. l'alladium. JVasr. green. Plantel trees, stoiibs, and vinrs oí all kinds, kim a as nuraery st. Piaster 'í I'aris. (Por tiie benefit of Italian inia.iri' venderá.) PJOWB, t mil h .-i lid d:sk lmiTow s. etc., and all boHm í agirtciilttiral Lmplenmnta. (Thla hits Aun Arbor, Mlchlain. and a!ini)-t -rvy QOrtlhern comnvumd p,i i help working glrl' w.-m-rs i,n milis.. Quills. :'c:-y Unougb-tlul- That oí ilu' ii-ciín'. porcuptoe is oven meluded in tlii-.i Rage. (The taborVng men aircady Im'.h-Lu tu nerd t hi-ni.) Balt, in bulk or baga or packages. (Free salt wom'i BaTe these reformera. TiiL-i hits Michigan ateo.) S.iiiiM-ki-.ur,. (Alh! Mi'thi'.iks the amell Ib appai aaueagé sklos. (Quite proper.) ;.i bárrela. (F aoutbern poUimg pnechtctBi probably.) ■í shfll J ï - i . i . raw reeled. (Ftw íit oí labartng num, you tnow.) Skelet i-. I Prorldlng ;■':■ iin' futurr.i Si:ii'.s. m',-í.:1 brui'.it OÍ greal unwiashed.) SiHi.nk. BVw i' .rvciaiiil's ere. ' Siimw. .Thi'v'li be gTasptng at all rtght enotigh.) Tallow vul groase Tea :r. tea planta Ttoetb. .Sonic oí these relarmera are Ikatole to lose tíheirs, don'! yoi see ?) Tin ere. In all fonos, i For tlie ben!! i i. ni i be i ín píate íi.-ui-.s.i Thi.-rl wire. (Fot show, i Tobáceo Mcms. ■J'in-pi-iil lie. Tuirt.ies. (Fot free t rade soup bouses.) '.■(■oi)Ile viras. Wood - ander tbfc ic.-id is eanmer.■iicil all sin'ls of roiiíiid tiinlKM', and ltumber and material manulactured froin wood. (Tllifa Ís anifithcr blow at Michigan.) Wool- all wool of ttlie sheep, liaiv oí tlic goat, camel, alpaca and ollicr lifce animáis. (This strikes alino-t every wisirru stat; and strikes with great farce.) It win le noticeil titaiat Bogar, the i-e;it necessity in rvrry iiomc in AiniTica, la uní cffl tbe free list in titule luii. as in tbe MicKialecr bUl. And ttse piv-idrnt promises tlmt a lill proYidtag lot au lncome lax atxall be piaased by comsfrees bi?ioire lie get.s througb Avith tbe deal. Tliis ■vill ile njiotlier echóme to raise up a multitud' ei Ham A great many people will be BBJawntag to cover up i luir lacome, and use every incans of diMcption poselble to snoak out of paylng any tax tliercon. Men wlio pretond to be horneet men, and (lü-i-tians vi;i ever jiow come beíi-]-i' tibie Board en' Review and purger t]iiiii:-r'.vcs by sivnirin;' thut tbcy 1i:ii' ]],) i:-npci't y, just to savi' tlu'inseívea a ñew dolían lía taxee. Ix;t ttoere be en Ennooie tax, and Bee what a orow'd of tar.s class ol people thero wfll be ! The eajnpaiïu ol educatifm tliat ■ra tic (riemde talkedso mucli about, luis been tunued into a cam)iai.u:i n' practica] expertence. It is a dtear boogSkt tree trade edncal tiiat the people are expertenctng, hut t.hc lesean is ane thEy wlll never forgeit Ii nnyt.hinu; inri her were needed to duw Jiow inteiisrly unAineriean this administra! inn is. it is but to state raat preaUent's meesage was (pcfabèd ba t iif afternoon papera Sn London, befare it was deHvered in ooingrees and before tt was glveu to tho presa bére-. The poúnts regard Ing lKnd issires, tariif, etc, witc tlien calilcd back to Wall Btreet brokers iin New York. People wüio use t,he word Sabbath far Stmday, or lllie ClirLstLiiji'.s day of rest, are iln error. Every day in tihe weck íb a S'abbatib day tor some race or class of people. For iinstanee : Moanlay ísí tlie Greek Sabbat li day : Tuesday is the day of rest amoag the l'ersiaiis ; Wednesday BHUOag the As.-■yriaiis ; Tlmrsday among the Bgyptians ; l'riday is Sahliath day with the Turks ; and a moni; i h Jews 8aturday is kept. Oor democratie frieauls have had a t lal to say in tb past a!out tJie din y on diaiuiiiids, and have picturncil out the poor iii.ui i.ixed ior -uuar while the rtoh liave reveled In dianmmls tiiat paid butlittlo duty. In tdie rirsl Cleveland oampaign that as a n-reat cird tliat was worked Cm Uie teborlng m;m. Later the McKiinley bilí eaiae aml tOOt Uie duty -:ir, whih; liamonds had to paya eoaeideraWe draty. Now the Wilaoai iiii propooee bo restore a limliuii of the. tariif on oogar and (lian: . ,;nl-i are adm ,-is will be Ken by to Daragrapb 465 of t.hc froe list.. 'i'liis is datD ci-at ir OO31Sl8( i-ni-y .


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