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SEVEN MAGAZINES IN ONE. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, " WIDE A WAKE," Now Merged in it. Enlarged by 900 addüional .r; i the volume. Everything Illustrated. Of all publicatlons for boy and tirls, st. Nichola, coDduoted byMaryMape Dodge, is DDooestlonably the best lt lias been praised by the press and the peopleof uro its circulation is unpreceuented amons maKazlned for yoong folka. licmnning witli tiie DQraber In MoTomber, 1898, it is enlarged liy Ilic addltlon ofaboal 200 pages in the vulumi', and lor 1898-94 it will have the greatest program in i! history, ïni-luding A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES, brllliantly illustrated, deseriblDg the qnadrupeds of Xortli Amerira in a popular wy. i,y w. T. Hornaday, rscently chiet Taxidermistof the U. s. National Mauaiti; ' TOM SAWYER ABROAD," a Serial Story by Mark Twain, In whlch the great humorist's fninous ereallons. -"rom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Kiim." visit theeastern hemisphere (in a flying-roachine); a series on AMERICAN AUTHORS, by Bradner Matthews, setting fort h in clear and simple form the maiii biographical facls and the eilief literary qualitles of famons men in American lllerauire. Includlng Irving, Cooper, lirvant, Hawthorne. Emerson, Lowell, etc.; Stories of India by Rudyard Kipling. Wtien Budyard Kipling was a boy in India he used to read St. Nicholas, and now lie takes hls turn at brlnglng delight to the tboasanda o' ' yonng folks who read it to-day. He bal vrritten for St. Nicholas a serles of remarkable stories of boy and glrl Ufe in the jungle and wlth animáis. Recollections of Wild Life," . by Dr. Charles Eaatman, a fall-blooded Sioux Imitan, and a gradúate of a white man's college (Dartmouth); a deorlptlon oí Ind'an Ufe,- iu camp and on the war path,- ileserihed frcilu the illside. A novelty in llterators. Papers on the Government. "How money is Made," (the Mlnt),"How the Treasury is Guardod," "How the (,.veriiniiiii pVomotes lngenulty" ithe Patent-Orfloe), "Tlie Dcad-Letter Oflic-e.' "WHb the West I'oint Cadets," ' How Ar mi e Talk to Kach Otlier," "Life on ■ War," ato. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis, Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane." THE FAMOÜS 'BROWNIES," by Palmer Cox, will also be a feature of St. , Nicholas. Are you goinft to have St. Nicholas in yimr homein"9J? New subscrlbers should begin with November. The prlce of St. Nicholas is $3 00 a year. Everything in It is illnstnited. Subscribe tlirough book-sellers and newsdealers, or remlt to the publlshers by check, draft. money, or express-order. Don't miss the Christmax yumber. The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. Write for "Miniature St. Xicltolat.''-free. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Small Fruit and trees from Ellwanger and Barry, the oldest nursery in the United States. Raspberry and Blackberry Shrubs, Domestic Wines, Plymouth Rock Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR. Ann Arbor Mieh. ƒ(,-■ p publttlu ' tglitli Langt . Al.u.lM AMOVB, The CENTURY MAGAZINE in 1894. TUK OBKATIST OF AU. TUF. MAdAZINES. 2000 Pages of the Best Literature. 1000 Illustrations by the Greatest Artista of the World. Tne Programma of the new volume of The Ccutiy Magazine, beginning wllb ihe November number, is one of rare interest to every reader of literature. The chief serial feature 11 ;i New Novel by Mark Twain The most dramatio story ever written by nnri'r greateat bumorwt. Like several of M:irk Twain's stories, it has for lts scène asteamboat town on the Mississippi Kiver foriy years ago. "Puilil'nhead Wilson," a hai'i'l-headed country hiwyer, ihe hero of the story, lurnishes mucli of the fun that one nutiirally expects to flnd in a work wrllten by the authorof "The Innocents Abroad " but he appears in quite another light in the murder trial whicli fornv) the thrllling climax of the story. The plot introduces a novel and ingenious einployment of science in thedeteetlon of crime, aud thecharacters are welldrawn and their every actlon ia lnteresting. The Century wlU contain a A Series of Superb Engravings of the Old Dutch Masters; Articles on Hunting of Fierce Game ; Articles describing ARTISTS ADVENTURES, by leading American artlsts, with their own illustrations; Articles deseriptive of Important Expeditions in all the grent eontlneots, Inolndlng the adventures ol'two young Americans wbo traveraed on bJoyoles; A novel series on Tramping with Tramps ; How n young man disgnUed :is i tramp, traveled over America rnd learned UI the secrets of the "profession"; Important Papers on Muiic by the ereatest living composers and musicfans; TJnpoblUhed enaya by James Russell Lorell ; Short stories by all the leading story-writers, ewiayt m suDjects, humor and fun in the "Lignter Vein" department, eto., etc. The The Great Christmas Number eontalnaa sermón hy l'lillllp ; complete stories, n n kii: ni ficen t array of fullpage engravings, i new picture of General i Grunt. letters Irom Edwin Botitli, etc. __ Subscribe Now, Prici $&OO a iinr. TteaXer receivt iw&wríptions, or remitUuict mai In made I the publishers by check, drat, money-order, or by cash in reghtered letter, Addrett THE CENTÜBY COMPA2JÏ. No, 33 Eat 17th Street, New Nork. Wrlte for a "Minlature Century," free. WANTED Men to work for us who desire to make money this fall and winter durlng slaek times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have pare time, out of work, or looking for a paylng business wrlte me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman. ROCHESTER, N, Y.


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