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- ome wedk [rom Mon3 : : The ice cutters have airead? commenctd wwk. Coluimbian hall dollars are already i commcm ihat ttaey are passed out tange tere in Ann Ari-. Mieetiing oí the Mtohlgian ex-prleoners oí war at St'. IxmlB, Dec. 19 aind 20. The hihinv doth come '11111 t lic Bnow dtrtli gpo, bul the stelghkjg still holds iiiit. Otsemiaigo lodge I. O. O. F., WUloh haw liad it.s hall OW Bad] . Alx'l's stona Lor imany ycars, lias reuted the hall oier Ca.s])ar ïUmsey's store ior a ierloil of t-pn .vea is. Steam eBü&pMag in oae. oï tihe chimíieys oí tlue court house Monday, called out tüie Ore depeurtonant, the den Inn öF tille teniiple ai Justtoe thinking tttie was oü Hi-e. Tlic I'.rni.hei-liood of St. Amlrew has cJioeem tihe toMowiing officers for the icjir Dii-ecKii1 - H. .T. Brown. SecKta-ry - Mr. Veraior. Treas-urev - T. W. Mme-iyPeople -vllio have second hand clothIng Avllik-h they oan Kjiarr w 111 be doing a good deed ior míe poor, shi,r Liig destitute persnu Ity leaving tJie same at llarrüs Hall. ïllie ladies will take, care of nurh .irarme.nt.s. aml place tQ10.n1 -vviliere they avl'11 do the most good. Prof. Von Holst t.ho noted author, wlio is kiimvu far and avíiIií among -I iidents and M'holars, and wiliose Coni it utiiinal Ilistuvy is a standard work the wopld over, is to leo.ture re tune B. L, A. on Saturday evenitng, Dec. I6U1, on Touléeant Jy'Oavic : ure. The subject is ame tüiat per■ . may jiot ïo. ,1 eateiitn iho gcoxeral public, bat is oe tii.ii will adinlt of mucJi eloquemce and one r.i'i be maili' interest iirj; to any andie!iic', haring wtthtn their tM tlue fires of patriottsan. At Ohlcao, a 11511, l'ro,'. Voo Holisb filled tho great AudVtoTium, ama ha told t hem Avliat a great mniversity ought to le. rortlans of hls lectuurc were liubliyheU In this paper at that time. It attractd -vvide-sprend attention. Tabas pi-.-iri The pie It is a ppertty t ;i II eorpse when O. ti. Mai-t.Jn has to tako a ladder lo i it. J'ni'. Van Jiuist, (i: Harvard i'niM'i-.-hy, at [niversit.v Hall, Salmday cvcifn--, betore tibe S. ]. A. Kr. Ir. Kelly oí t,lns city, delivereil am addn -s at Dexter, ou Thankagtvtng evesulng, i lia; tu :'.. i he ai all by M orlll. Geot Flowers was girón [ree lodg Lngs and meaba al ftbie county Jall Morada?, by Justlra Benoett, lor betng druuk. ('an't yon aiford to purebaae a Ghoral Uuiúoii ticket for tJie great M-riv.s oí ooncerts, aod íi.-ip ínalntaln thls time eaterprise '■' T'he time tor running trains on the Aun Arbor & YperUanU at. lí'y changul M oiqilay and the corrected tluie iai.c will be iouind In its proper place. une meeting oí the. reliel i-oimuittces íor this city and connty will be lield on Tihuresday, Xtee. 1-4. It is to be hoped tluit they will be able to aceompli,-th a good auid speedy win-k. íáuit has boem ciwuiiieiiccd in the dreun coort by Christiua. K. Baum■ai-uier lor a divoTce ïrom WilUam l'.aiiaiKariiH'i-, o'n tllïe grounds oí Jiis balmg seat to suite pn-tso1!! lor tlm-e years tor larceiay. The Maccabees are to hold a suppep and fair at ttjelr hall wit the powtoxfke on TlnM-sd.iy eiveniog and will 1m; glad U welcome all fcliose who will cuinie 'Hiua-sday evealng. It will liay yon to at teud. Tlie topic at the Yo'uiag Feople's Vespers on Snnday erending rtext, at St. Andrcw's (hapel, at G:45, will bc "Preparing tihv Way tor cin-ist,'' (iosIiel íor tlhe thlPd Suinday in Advent, Si. .Matt. XI : '-10 Tbere will bj moetliass Ik'U ia the M. E. tlhiiiix-li om Wednesdsiy, ïhursday a.nd l-'riday ovoning-s, in dhurge OÍ l'reeidtog ;ider Davls and liev. Dr. Ooln'iii. Tliiii-Mlay eveninu: bh meetiqgs wi;i be especlally iot lnqoirers. This city doea not realize, or conceive rn-ii, tiie disti-ess and destltubion atoout the country. Li ahe dld ihi re WKjirid certaiiüy be more active measoree takem far pelïef ol the people wiho are freezlng amd starvtng. Mrs. Dr. s. m. Hearüey o; thto city is very ii.iiiy over the fact that Bhe is tiow oniiiled to the prOOd appeilatioox : "GramiGlnMi." A boy baby ut tilie home oí her daughtör, Mrs. Hi ary Külilea, 888 2d BC, .Muwaukee, U'i.-eiptusii:,. TQie i,,];. i.,.; commlttee bas bw ii appoUul mí by tlh ■ ))i-.'--id -n o. the councll, as suggesteid by Mayor i om : A. J.. Noble, ehalrman; Messrs. II. ,1. lirov:n, S-uperlntendeut i' tlhfi l'n.,y i'i-ed Sijiley, .(. O. St. Clflir a;nd John X. Sheehan. 1 ' ■ I pigia1 esrt t uing3 in perlJ 1 i i l i ; 1 1 n-e is Out Little ■ publlahjed by Kussell tv ('o., Bt Mase. ! la jus; i :, ... ming to gtve ilü' ciiild-reia lor Chrtetmiaa Si tlhJaig will be a }oy to ihcai all Une year tiuraug'h. OoJy $1.50 per We questfioiD i proprlety oí lockkn I , i iter doors o;' Universlty BJall wjiea tfaere - a large erowd '■■■'.■ : ■ waa dome Sund-ay nlgbt. Aa .-i siMVu'uaiMi agaltast fire, x i;-: üah'e t:i break il at a:y lime, ií fOT ),i) ol re.iMm. a i-i ■ . ■ i il ion oí that aotl va sihould nol be tolera i ' . : M. l)a':.v. Nexi Snnday moirning-, at st. Audrew's (;iui-cli. BteT. llea:y 'l'athick ill ilie tlih-d in the series "What is EavDlvéd in Church Mrniber.-liip V' Ili.s topic beiiijA' ■What tSotA ('liiu-ch Membeïa Gtve ii]) '.''' In tihe eventng ihe fourth and last sermón will be "Wliat Must Cliurch .MenilM'i-s do-V This is a er blterestlng series u s rimas, and the public oirgiht to liear them. The next general reception oí the Woanam'e League tokee placo Satuii-day at -1 o'clock ia NeWberry Hall. ÍÍTB. (ai i'y-l'.iown will pm a talk on "ühie otadttion of Women among the. Poort-r Classes of Irolaaid." All nteipbera of tlhe League are eamestly invited to x: present. 1adies not members oí Une League will be admitted ito tlliiis entert a imiieiit OU the payniiMit ii ten cents at the döOT. Sort oí a sad ciifl look pOBSeeSlOO of tllie corners of City Clerk Millcr's moiitih last Saturday moming when Bhey t o-ld hini ü was daugh'er. lïut it didia't stay tari-e Ion-, and tillie little ome will be made just as wejeome as t.hoa.nii she could Bome day purloin her fatlier's collars. cufls aad clean linen, and take liis best iniiial slik li.-uidkeri'hiefs and glve tiiem to his sii-1, aad all that. There oo in eVerytfeiBg-, k on tlie K.a. S a questio oí whetheini.-iuiy ai xiw men wül recèi'v aid in way ot be suppnrl cd hi dloaess. It i.s always I, ., peoplc WOTl ii poisslble. Ifc is quite aften the ■ ih:M people becoime ehromic lxngW8 by behng snppoffcx] for a time by ediarity. It js Onaiucrous to the public to allow people to reinaia in iidtoiu's.s when it is pMBlble to jnovide lihcni WHh WOlt. Tlliere ís a residí ni ol the -'il ward so í.-is!;(iin:is Urn he eraa carpeta liis wiood pile. Dr. ". B. Nancrede uiii iivc a elinicaJ lectura i:i the December Issue al be P i.-, sleten and Surgeon. K ci-.vlxvil.v mmmüs bo be in favor of iniprowd eootttry roads, but lew are ín favor oJ payimg fw tihem.- Rochesi .-.- Demoorat and Chronicle. ('li.ii-,ii r, liuii reheareal nexi Monday eveotag at Friese Memorial Hall, aa:l Tnesd.ty morolög ;it 1 'nivcr.-i I y Il.ili. Exf.-y musí be present. ; Dean & 0. wf;i ie pieaaed n sea yon at Uii'iir store, and wlll yon artíbtee oí use, toys. grutte, caadles, or anytinmr elee you may nsedforihe holid.iys ;it pricos tliab will niake your eyt-M bulge ut iu astoaiataaent. ; Iu liis tli:nil;siíi inn Mi-inoii tlie preaciitT aald he had disoovered tlic vny i-o ffett men tu come to duirob more geoeraliy, namely, to nel the clnirch mi (ir, mid ring tlic íirc bell! - Ctueteea Standard. After üll, alout tbc best w.-iy iu giet (be nica, añil the woiiii'ii and youniir loiks alao, la fr tbe preacher ]irc:u:ii a u. nid SeTmiOa. It. srldoni failw. Amonte t lic ma ny placee where Oíd Santa ('aus has maile life headquATbsn tJicrc are jioiif jnore jinüit ablc for pareiiits, and buebands, sous and brotlhers nmd lovers, wlres, Bistere, sweeetihearte and motfaera, than Goodyear & Co's. Tlie iiniest best , the neatest, tibe most cbarmin, the most elegant, tüue niot fasttdious, the most lasly is Ihc n;iy 1o dcsrriU' thi'ir array n' preseuto. At the Uiiity Club on Monday evenhog not tthe Kev. ('has. ('ravens of Toledo, Olilo, will give a lecture on Hamlet witli Ulusbrative readings from the same. Mr. Cravcjis is an ai:e iman and hius made some considerable stmdy 01" Shakespeare and other popular a ut hors. His lecture .-lniuId prove interesting to those inteiested in the. masterpfeee oí the great EukIEmIi dramatist. At the Muis meeting Hunday nonIng in tilie l'resbyterlan chui'eU. a oolleotkm was taken tij Sor tlie poor, and $181.00 was ïcalizeil. Again on Suiiday evening a collection was baken ui lor tlie eutíeclug minera in the northern iirninsula, and $178.69 ■.-is Bhe aino'.mt .uiven. Tliese may be comsüdered excellent oifexlngs for tülis year. lifti vveryhody pinches tin ir pi auies so eliis-dy before parttng witLi them. II v a !es"i-vin.n' fijiiipliiiiciit for ■one oí Ana Arbor's ladics tliat all our peoplc wlll appreclate, t-akenlrom tlie Pincfcney Dtepatcti : -'Miss Km111a limvrr, 01' Ann ArbOT, the Great ■il Keeper ol tüuo K O. T. M., hae been elected trustee ol 1 .ie 1 trea 1 Hlve of i'ie worM. Mise Bower has for ■ edil o:1 . i he Ann Ar- is kivowii throughout t he state bb ome o! lts most trrillla 111 v. omen." A: ■ Xo. 4:) A. O. Ü. W., choseai the followlng oft I'. R. M.- Chas. H. Manly. W. M.- D. C. Pall. 3. A. Heli - A. V. Roblson. Uecopder - Wm. (. Doty. Kftxamlal Sec'y- B. F. Wal l'erelver -O. J.. I (Uitte Sillion Mri I. "W.-Aivil Wilsey. ( i V' - (iris Hiifchinf TnistiM - Dr. AV. .1 Uerdinau. Ki'Jii'e. ■ iitat -]'. 1'. Watts. Altérnate- ï. C FaJl. WelCh l'ost G. A. B. will have ior its officials the OODlkng year the ioilowLng oíd veterana : Oo-mmander - Wm. K. Cliills. 8. V. '.- l'rederick l'ist orious. J. V. C- AVaa-ren E. Walker. i n ar term a ster - Comrad Ni Surü'i).'n- Dr. W. I'. lïivakey. ( hai)'.ain- .1. M. I'erkins. O. of D.- EU 8. Ma.nly. 0. of G. - J. C. AlliiwniliiiH'er. 1. G.- Frederick Markley. O. C.- Wm. J. Clark. Ki'presnit a Uv 's 1 , state 'Uain])ïmeait al -.James II. Webb and W. .1. (".ark. Alieraate.s - Quincy A. Turner and Eli 8. Manly.


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Ann Arbor Courier