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lisíate ni Lucy W. S. Morgan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Wastate naw, u. At a session of the Probate Courl for the County oí Wasntenaw. bolden at Probate Ofiii r. in tlie city oí Aun Arbor. on Wednesday, the22d day oí November Id thevear onethouBand elght nundred and ninety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbltt.Judgs of ProIn the matter of the estufe nf Lucy W. S. Horgan, deceased. Edward ü. Kinne. Frauklin L Parker, and Otis C. Johnson exeonton of the [ast wlll and testament of aald deceased, come luto court mul represent that they are now prepared to render their final acoounl ms snrli executors. Thereupon it ís ordered, that Friday. the 22nd day of December next, at ten o'elock in the fort'iioou. be asslgned for the examlnlns itnd allowing raeh account. and tlmt the devfsees, legateea and heir-at-law of sald deceased, nul all otlu-r persona tnterested in Baid estáte, are requlred to appear at a Besslon of said Court, then to he holden ut the Probate Olíice. In the City of Ann Arbor. in smíi! Coanty and show cause, if un y tlierc bc. why the said account shoiild uot be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said executors give notiee to the persons interested In tila estáte, of the pendency of sald account, and the hearing thereof. 'by cansing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Uonrler, a newspaper printed and clrculated in said County, tnree snoo6ssiTe weeks prerloafl to said day of hearing. .1. WILLAED BABBITT. (Atruecopy) JUDGBOí 1'iiohate. w. (i. ]oty. Probate Résister. 120 DOLLARS ■V PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without j tal, dnring your spare honra. Any man, woman.boy, orgirl can do the work handily, without experience. Talkinr unnoccssary. Notliiii!; like it for inoneymakingever offered before. Ourworkers always prosper. Ño time wasted :n lesmlng the business. We teach you ín a ninlit how to succeed trom the flrst I liour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, flirnish everythtng neoded to carry on the bn.i ness snccessfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plaln lnstructlons. Reader, f you aie in need of ready moncy, and waut to know all about the best payins bKslneas liefore the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document {{ving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine.


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Ann Arbor Courier