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Mis. Jas. Beasley ol Chelsea, died on tbc l-lth [nat. The M. E. clmri'ii at Manchester has a nt'w pjpe organ. Thcri' is tu be a school exhibitlon in he chunii ai Lima Center, on the 22d. Baten sent severa] delegations to Aun Arbor to atteiul the Mills meetings. Editor Warren, f the Saline Ot server, has been having the grlppe, rlght hard. John K. Campbell, ol Augusta, lost bis little four yeara oíd son. by death, last ïhui'sday. il. i!. Thayer has bren appointed admlnlstrator ol the estáte ol Geo. Walker, ol Salem. The estáte ol the late Orson A. Sober, ol Superior, 11 hare 8. C. Sober special aiiniinist ra tor. The M. E. Sunday school of Manchester idves a slipper In the church parlors on Frlday Dee. 28th. Poultry bas derlined in prlce so tliat -i uno ol the common, every-day sort ol people ean aflord to have a chicken now and then. One of our cltizens complained that farmers inust b hard np wlien they will refuse to draw biin a load of gtraw lor $:.' cash. - Enterprise. The 20th marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cnshinan, of Chelsea, was celebrated on the 12th inst, by about 40 of their friends. Alonzo M.. Noble, some forty years agO a resident ol' Anu Arbor. anil st ill later a merehant at Ypsilantl, dled on the llth inst.. at bis home in Detroit. Bei iv.-il meel Inga are being conducted by Rey. Glbfon, al Azalia M. E. church. He Is aasisted by Rev. and Mrs. Newkirk of Dlxboro.- Dundee Reporter. The Chelsea Baptist church will have its Sunday school Chris t mas relees on sunday evenlng next, instead ol Monday evenlng, as at tlrst announced. John Bayler, ol Salem, was Incapaclated trom work severa! days by a Swelllng on the back Otitis neck, c-ansed by a collar button abraldlng and poisoning the skin. A win of s.ilt 28 íeei thick ha been Btruck it Trenton, 1,1 su feet below the surfaee. Nol satisfled with thls they are golng down 800 feet íartlier.- l'lymouth Mail. In spite of the best efforta of the ianitor. the llijiii School room has severa] times tiiis week bren flooded wlth water wiiich percolated throngh the roof of the building.- Saline oli-. rver. A traveling doctor up to date, has removed twenty-one tape wormg from Tecumseh's noblest aml best cltlzeiis. Wlien lie oper.u es n the rest of the conimunity tlie record will be unapi'oachalile. - Hudsoii l'ost. In response to u liaiul-liill by the mayor, less than a dozen citizens assemlileil ,it llose lliiuse No. 1, l"riday evenlng, to take meaanrea for doIng Ypeilantl'! sliare for tile relief of the upper península Bufferers. - Ypsllanti Sentinel. La Grlppe has not eluingeU its nature any slnce its last year's appearance, only tliat its wolk sei'ins to O6 more fatal, and the nunilier of victims greater than ever bef Ore. It is the most busy time our local physiclana have had for years- Chelsea Standard. Tliis is a pret tv serdy item: "An exchange statee thai there are a bushel ol geeda in every 200 bushels of ;i pplis. amj tli.-it tlicy are WOrtD $8 per trashel. Clder makers are inventlng methode ( savlng the seeds and wlU probably make a nlce tliin; out of it." A man in Hlllsdale who had a broken wagon, borrowed a tongue and cm on bis woy rejoiclng. Wlth ;i few exceptiong the married v,-n in thai city are blessed wlth too much tongne in the fatnily. and WOVÜd likc to dispose i( the greater part ol the stock. Hudson rit . I'ani Fretner, ol Ypsllantl, took lus pension money and went on a spree last weck. He went home and vliipped lus wife and íí"t int ja il kir bein; drank and disonlrrly .111 Friday, ai about 1 o-clock. An hour or sn atter he was dlscoTered dead. He took Ms suspenderá and made a gallows of them and lintiii himseU. A dealer who malees a speclalty oí cholee dreased ponltry Bays to tlie ntry Bhippera : "ín tlie flrst [lace, ponltry ghould be kepi wlthoui food twenty-four hours. (Tul! crops Injare tha appearaneei and are Uable to sour, and, when ihis does ici-üi-, correa ondlngly lower Drices 'musí tn accepted than obtainable for thóiCfi stock. kill poultry by wrlnglng tnelr necks."- Dundea Ledger. B. B. Thompson and lie started fór Savannah, Ga., Saturday morn[ng tu attend the Farmer'a National Congress Ín Beaslon there Tnesday and Wednesday ol this week. Goy. EUch appointed Mr. rrh(nnis(m one of the delégate ;it large, and Charles W. Young ci' J'.-iw l'aw ií the other. Hon. W. Ball, ií Hamburg Is delégate from the t i congreaaional district. We congratúlate Mr. Thompson on liis appolntment, and are Mire he wlll fulíill his comml8s!on witii crcdii .- Stockbrldge Sun. ín answer to a firo alarm in Dundee the other day everybody weni to the tire pell mell, and each and every one forgot all aboul the tire englne owi'cil li.v tlie viUOLC, a. a boughi [or the expresa purpoee f putting out conflagratlons of tliat kind. Theo they commenced twlttlng each other aboul thelr thoughtlessnesa and tin-re was a hot time all arbund. Nowthe papers there Buggest tliat a fire department would preveni a repetltlon ol anythlng ot the aort. II probably would. The end-board of a himber wagon un a rough road makes nolse enough to attraci the attentlon oí people on the hlghway and they are given ampie time to get out of the wav. But a Blelgb glldes silently over the beautiful bhow and accidenta are liable to happen to people who are half bllnded by the snow or have thelr eye winkers (rozen down over thelr eyes. For thls reason more than any other. perhaps, people put bells apon thelr horses. whlcb waru people of thelr approacli. Every Blelgfa sliould be provided with bells.- Manchester Enterprise. The girl glveci way to a deslre to gad around the streets, cultívate the acqualntance f young men and act the slmpering Blmpleton, is laylng the foundation tor a senseless after life. Ten to one when married she will develop Into a Blatternly gosslp, if nu greater niisfortune i-inli her. Ii ;-. the girl ol good sound aense, the ;irl who lovea home and helps mother tha! wins the nioilil man and bccunics an ornameni to womanhood. The girl who dcics ihis and devotea some of her spare time to readlng, and strivrs the gracee ot mental culture, commands the respect and esof everybody, whlle the streel gadder only wins the admlration ol those whose admlratlon is not worth


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Ann Arbor Courier