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Albert Fost-er has left ('helsea and taken a position in Chicago. Eev. O. C. Bailey, of Chelsea, is to be given a donation Friday cvening. Mr. Curran White, of Chelsea celebrated his SOtli birthday on the 9th inst. " Ja. McNamara, formerly of Dexter, lias been appodnted postmaeter of Alpfii.i. The infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1'. Glazier, of Chelsea, Uied on the 8th inst. Sharon Center Bpworth League was augmented by the reception of 21 new members a week ano. Saline singers are to give the cantata, of Kling Winter Friday evening. It will not be as frigid as lts name implies. How does the "new leal" work ? - Monroe Democrat. Don't appear to be "thumbed"' much. - Adrián Press. Xo, not worth a fig. Mrs. Rev. E. Ij. Soyder formerly Miss Ada Hood, of Manchester, dk-d at her home in Two Harbors, Minn., recently, and was buried at the former place Saturday the 6th inst. Some fifteen of the young Mends of the editor of the Northville Record recently gave liim a fine silver liandle silk umbrella, suitably inscribed. A gentle hint tor Mm to keep dry ? IVeacher Boni, of Maybee, lias be.urim a $5,000 slander suit against Adam Porth, of Raisimville.- Domdee lleport-er. Perhaps Adam wlll wish the preacher had never been Born. The Baptist society of Ypsilanti have a new pastor in the person of Rev. R. W. Van Kirk. He preached hie first sermón last Sunday and made a hit. Bev. Bylveeter Caikins. aged 75, the preiiat-nt of the village of South Lyon, is to be married to-day to Miss Jane Rodgers, of the same place, aged 5G. Both are young for their years. Dr. Selmiid, of Chelsea, has a bilí of $200 íor attendlng an indigent patiënt who had ïorinerly resided in Sharon hut at present lives in Chelsea. Tlie town board of Sharon reiuses t-o pay it. H. L,. Aran Wornicr sMpped 10,217 pounds oï dressed pork to Detroit last week, besides a large amount of veal, nuittooi and poultry. The farmers received over a thousand dollars íor the same.- Milán Leader. The railroads liaving advanced freight ratea on hay to Boston and New York $1 a ton, buyers are obligcd to pay that much loss for what they purchase, and the farmer avIio raiees liay pays the trelght. There lias been a welcome scarcity of trampa siuce the hard times began. Evidently the inducements held out by the free soup houses of the cities prove to be utronger than their nomadlc instincts. - Dexter Lead' ir. The Standard suggests that some public spirited cltizen ot that town ought to preserve their names to luture generatlons by donating to tliat thriving village a town clock. tëueh a man would be remembered for a long time. The Leader says that the hall of Dexter's business houses would have been burned up the other night had not the night w&tch there discovered a conflagration just in time to stop it. That night watéh earned his Balary foT several years. The latest change in the 11. K. time table on the Ypsilanti branch makes the .Saline Observer BOmewhat angry. It suggests the readoption oï the old etage coaeli to Detroit. Just be patiënt a bit and you shall have vapid transit 10 Aim Arbor. The .Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Ins. Co., ï-eporte 288 members, $692,975 in risks, cash on hand $207.11, liabilities $256.66, receipts $()97.25, expenditured $490.14. One assessnient had been made durlng the year, on which tlie company pnid twothirfls if aci aal loss. Wayme contánuea to set to the front. Atlded to the aecommoüations aiforded by tli" mw M. ('. depot and the running of the F. & 1'. M. tralns thereto, comes the neivs trom the Tostoffice department at Washinglon that Wayne has been established as an international postoffice. Foreign exchange can now he, liad on any civiUzed country 011 the face of the globe.- Pllot. A. F. Freeman Esq., tost liis nmstai-.he last Monday. He oponed hia eoal stove door, when the gas and flamea cam out and singed tlie hair. He did not look a.s bad as a singed cat luit he liad no respect tor that mustache, so lie .nave Jake Bríegel ten leiits ti) Bhave it off. - Enterprise. The Stockbrfdge Farmers' riub, and ihe T.iterary Society avíII imite in holding a grand entertainment in the Town Hall, Wedneeday evening, Jan. 3ist. The Literary Society will furnlsh ui excellent literary and musical programme, and the Club a supper. All are cordially invited to attend. - Sun. The Michigan Mining Co. held a meeting ;ir the gecretary'a office last Fritlay nml elected the following directors : Elias Matter, of Grand Iiapids. II. Pratt of Ashland, AVis., H. W. B&ssett of Saline, A. A. AVood of Lodi, Clms. Wixom of Detroit, J. V. Slieehan of Ann Arbor, Geo. S. Stow of Fowler, W. H. Lay and Prof. J. P. V roman of Ypsilanti.- Ypsilantian. When the citizens can't find anything- else to do over at Pinckney, t hey S hunting for skunks. The PincEney correspondent to the Livingston Bepublican &ays, ''one prominent and enterprising Citizen is engaged in skunk farming quite extensively."- FowU'rville Obeerver. Well, there are a lot of skunks around here that ought to be hunted with a shot gun. The marriage liccnses in Hillsdale for 1S93 showed a falling off of 23 from the previous year. Lay it to the democratie victory, gentlemen. The fear of tinkering with the tariff, lends tlie air oí uncertainty as to the protection to le accorded infant industries, and Hillsdale republicans are tiraorous.- Adrián Press.- How quick the Press man does grasp a point when he sees it ! And how a jester does sometimes speak the truth unintentionally. "Wyandotte is excited over the rumor that a line is to be built from Manchester to that place. The f act that Detroit people have bought a good deal of land there makes them feel doubly Joyful.- Adnian Times. Oh yes, "a line'' is going to built right a-way, they are twisting the string now. We can almost shake hands vith our neighbor, but don't put up the price of your town lots yet, it will be time enough in 1900. - EnterprLse. A correspondent of the Northville Record gives the list of taxpayere of Salem township who pay over $50 eaeh : WüliamWeed $177 81 Major Gortori 155 81 Chas. Coldron 129 85 A.C'arey 12(i 12 Thos. Keeney IOS 68 sid Walker 28 J. B, Van Atta 109 85 Lucinda Yanson 97 76 Seorge Walker, Jr S6 23 leorge Van Sickle 85 41 üeorce Weed 78 73 Sylvester Sober 75 98 DwellaNmith 70 10 LnlieDake. 73 78 r?has. Wheelock 71 70 David Klngsley 72 88 John W. Ken wiek U5 57 J.B. A.C. VanSlckle Hl 82 "ieoi'se E. Xortlirup 'ñ 21 1 1 s. I )oan 57 75 SeotKe Herriek 52 (2 W. K. Bussey 52 3 John Aspen 5155 Luther Bussey 50 72 The heaviest payers of 1893 drainage tax are is f, 1 lows: Willlam Reed 113 81 lp-is Blanbro i( 09 Wlliiiim Tuit 8 84 Win. K. Bussey .. .. 74 49 Jeorge Walker 52 58 {andall Ohapman 51 39 George Weed 48 20


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