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Now For Laterals

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Xow thut the two sc;-tims ol the ma in sewer ire belng welded together, so that It will soon be ready for use ïrom Washington st. to it mouth. it seems that the time has arrived for commenee tlie constructton of lateral sewei's. The maln sewer is of no good alone by itself. "What the people want is tlie laterale passing tlveir houses so that fonnectioii may be made and the i out door closete and oesspools wiped out oí exintence. As the Courier understands the l;iv. the council has the power to order a lateral sewer constructed upon anjstreet on which the Board of Public "Works (leem it necessary. Tlie coat of the laterals is to be assessed against the pi-operty ownera at so much per foot frantage. The owner be-ing allowetl to pay all the cost at one time if toe desires to, but I (i not, he is allowed to pay it in iive equal installments. The city can Issue bonete for the construction ot tliese sewers to cover the period, one Hfth being retired each year, and the property owner to pay such rate oi interest as the city is ofoliged to pay j pooi the bonds, wMch in all probabiiity wlll not exeeed 5 per cent.By thls excellent plan the city does not really encumber irteell with a debt but siraply loans its credit to its citizens, who wlll be thus aliletl to pay for this necessary improvement in small iiistallments that wiill not be burdensome to them. In order to üot any benefilt from the gewers this yeac work should be eommenced at onee upon the lateral. One shouM be consti-ucted on Washington ei., one on Huron st., another on Ann Sb., another on William st., and one on State st., at once, thus giving relief to the moet thiekly j tled portions of the cáty. There are muiiy men out of employment needitng the vork bow and it Avill cost the people no more to build them now than at any other time. nor perhaps ae much, -vvhi'le the fact is ene bevond dispute that tlie heart of the city needs the reliief these sewers wouia brtng, lioth lor comfort and health. There ought iiot to be any delay, but the work shonld be commeaaced and pushed at once. The building of these sewers in tlie insiiii.'" speclüed wonld not be n bur. ii upon any one. but would make ie possible tor all to do their part promptly. Whe.n a sewer is coastructed upon any street every person living upon that street must 'be eompelled to make c-onnection witli it. else tlie sewer is of no benefit. Thcre is nbthing gained by one i.-ler connectlng bis premises, w.; 'i bis neigbbors j leavc their out öo r closets and eesspoola to poUate tiie oil aaul poison I Ui,, air with unpleasant nul dangerOUS (wkirs. , The ordiniint-e ampowerihg the restöents oí a street to secure a lateral sewer has uot vet been drafted, but ■vvi'll probably be consideved to-nigbt. at the meebtog of the Board of Public Works. ]No doubt it wiU be done bv üetitioti, that is that the residente aKxng a street flestoing a lateral will have to get up a petition signed by property owners, añil th'is wlll Suave to be acfred upoai by the Board of Public Works and ordered by the Councü, ií áeemed neeesnary. Wh-at say the peopie ? ís ií not time to commence NOW '? If the city's hands are so íull with the main sewer that the proper oiliial-i can not spare the time to superiutenü or oversee the oonstructlon oí these sewers, let them out by contract. Glve the contract of oue Street to oue man or firm, and another to another, and so 011, but íor the g-ood health of our city, to say nothing of the eeonomy of the thlng, let us liave our lateral sewers built now. Secretary Mállfl is authority the statement 'tliat the Washtenaw County Fair Assooiatlon paya the highest p'remiums of amy similar society in Michigan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier