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A new Wrinkle wil! catch your eye Fiiday. There is some talk of ,i general riiivcr.-iiy reseption, 1 o be given some time after Leoit. So far it la only talk. The senior laws are tu ssue an animal this year, to be calied 'To-Wit." ('lias. A. Denniíson is editor in chief, :ind Oren Scott i-i business manager. It is altduc! her probable tliat a jo:nl débale will be held bel ween Northwestern and the 1'. oí M. Tllfa year at Ann Arbor, nest year at Evanston, 111. The '!).") fraterniiy ho]i." the reg'ular junior hop. to be glven b.v the Palladium fraternities, is scheduled for Mareh 80th. The otüer raction has not fixed at date for lts regular hop. The jiew shops for Purdue Universiiy. at J.afayette, Ind., were dediited last Frlday. They cost $180,000, and are complete in every detail. The schools all alom us appear to be cHmbing up. P. A. Shanor, of the law departmeni responded to a. toast at a recent meeting of the Detroit Consistory, and the report saya ili.l hiniself honor. A curious coincldence of tha.1 evening was the fact that :_' brothers look the 32d clegree. James II. Adams a college studoul here. and a inember of the law class of '91, suecessfully passed an examinaation at LaJisdng on January 5th, admittlmg hini to praetlce as an attorney at law lefore the supreme court of the state of Michigan. It is ramored that the regenta are to take hold of the gymnasium and complete it. The regenta could do nothing that would help attract students liere any more than that one tliing. The l'ick oí a gymnasium faas kept many from here the past few years, and it is good business policy to complet and fit up the structure and give the studente of next year the benefit of a complete athletic education. It is simply a business propositdoii. Prof. E. P. Johnson, of the law department, contributed an article on "The American System of Pleadlog," beimg a sj'nopsis of pleading under the American Code. nie article consisted of several pages, was well written and attracted considerable attenticm among the legal fraternfty of Michigan. In the last issue of the Ixmdon, (Eng.) Law Journal this article was copied in full. This is (leed a high compliment pald Prof. Johnson, and speaks volumes ior the merits of the piece. The professor has had charge of Code Pleadlng before the senior law class of this term and his handling of the subject has sho-vu liim to le thoroughly master of the subject.- U. of M. Daily. The fraternities have fixed the date of the junior hop as March 30, the Friday following Easter. An admission fee of $6 wlH be charged to this graat social event of the year. Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit, will get out the invitations, which will be extra flne. Hangsterfer will be the caterer, and Schremser's orchestra, of Detroit, will furnish music. The boys will be allowed to dance until morning if they so desire, according to the decisión of the board of regents made last week. Stewart E. White, Alpha Delta Phi, is general chairman of the committees, which are constituted as follows: Invitation, J. Ingersoll, Sigma Phi, chairman, S. E. Galbraith, J. M. Swift, C. H. Conrad and H. Hegeier; arrangements, W. A. Spitzley, Psi Upsilon, R. R. Case, G. B. Russell. E. Garnett, C. B. Williams G. R. Slater and W. R. Phillips; reception, R. W. Dunn, Beta Theta Pi, chairman, C. C. Parker, H. Tupper, B. S. Varian and C. C. McPherran. The following will patronesses of the occasion: Mesdames J. B. Angelí, of this city, R. Wagner, ef Detroit, E. Grosh, of Toledo; Edw. Lowe, of Grand Rapids, W. J. Gray, of Detroit, M. J. Gross, of Chicago, O. W .Ruggles, of Chicago, W. C. Colburn, of Detroit, J. C. Knowlton, A. A. Stanley, George Doek and -M. E. Cooley, of Ann Arbor. - Daily Times.


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