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We Judge People By The Company

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they keep, and political parties by the promiees bhey keep. The Qulncy Herald believes thn1 not only the governor, but all state officer-; should reside al Lansing during tlieir term of ofiice. IÍ New York aad Brooklyn should nniie as one city the United States would Uien have the second largesi city in ihe world, witli a total populatioii of 2,757,965. London has 4,231,431, -wiiüe Paria now comes oexi willi 2,344,550. ïhe cLl soldiers are fast d;Bappearing. More than 17,000 were dropped froim the pension rolls last year year on account of death. Por Heaven's sak? let's treat the veterane weU the few years any remain to us.- HowéU Republican. A wounded Union soldier like Judge Long must le insulted, and humiliatel by this adminlstratlon, but a bushwacking rebel guerllla, like Jo. Shelby, wtth a record that honorable eouthern people blsuh over, can be given a high office. Oongress may whitevvash the Hawaiian of thi-s administration from now until t;me ceases, it can not wipe out the staln H has made on the nation's escutcheon. The people wlll always see through the white outer coating to the black within. Of the 858 convicta in the state prteon at Jackson, over 125 are unemployed. No wonder there are frequent escapes. They have nothing to do but plan and execute their plans. AVhy not set them pouncling stonp, with which to Improve the roads ? It is altogethcr probable that the Flint & l'erre Marquette R. K. of this state will be Consolidated with the Columbua & Hocking Valley It. E. of Ohio, and that a cónnecting link between the two will be built from Monroe to Toledo, and a strong, powerfal Corporation result from the union. It is practically assured that it wlll be niiiny and manya year before any tinkering wlll ever be done with election returns in Michigan, even on insisnXiCant amendments. liut liow aboiit such affalrs in every soutlicrn state in this Union? Wlll there be any reform down eouth ? "The tariff is a tax," squeals the Adrián Prees. Of eourse il i. Xo one ever denied it. A democratie tariff tor revenue is a tax, most certainly, but a prot-ective tarifl is not a tax. The laborere oí the United st.itfs are learning a practical lesson aboul the tariff just now. and how a revenue tarifl elfeets their salarles. Are tli-e demócrata ilion or mere cuv phic chumps ?- New York Si;d. The Sun guessed 11 the sei ond time. Now let's watch out for Grover'a next message and see if he does not caten on to that word and send it ringing down through th ages with tonocuous desuetnde and other words lie likes so well to chéw on. Careful and profitable work I '. cfiSga,n School for the Blind at Lansing, and every blind or child so nearly blind as to be unable to receive Inetruction in the public schools should be there il' possible. The school is under the management of excellent teachers. Farticulars can be learned by wrlting to the superintendent at Lansing. jo. Shelby the Missouri bushwacker and swash-buckler, wh-o acted tlie part oí ;i murderous rebel guerilla üurj ar, killlng every Uníon 1 into hl$h ni Ís ana rol) every Un: J he con!!! I been appotated to the high i ■s Marshal íor the western dietrici ai .Missouri. The appoinímeni isa disgrace i" the admin■ i e of Boss Mi-Kano, of Brooklyn, X. Y.. the rascal who i mitted the ballot box frauda al Gravesend, a Brooklyn Buburb, in aid oí Tammany Hall, lias been convictea and sentenced to six years in states ; Slng. Thls Is a vicgood governanent that wlll have a great intluence in i h and may mak a few oiTc'als at Lanslng teel shaky. "Jim Stoeuni of the !1 illv Advertiser, attended ehurch in thls place las! Sunday, feil asleep and had a dream. It Is as f oilows : "Ia&1 Sund:iy, aftor hammering away nearly an hour at the sinners, a Fenton minister yelled ont, 'My dearly beloved (rienda, permit me to remlnd you that I came lvcre to preach and not to act ae umpire in a sleeping match.' "- Fenton Independent. Every eity, village, olflclal or Citizen who makee an offer for the Corbett-.TacUson fight ought to be inilir: ed by a grand jury and thoroughly punished therefor. The brutal scènes oí the IJoman gladiatorial days are out of place in these enlightened timos, and any attempt to revive them, and these human pummeling exhibitions are riothing eLse. should be Bummarlly crushed out. The Ypellanti Sentinel saya íhat t lic deficit in the. U. S. treasury is an inheritance from the republiean administratlon o-' Mr. Harrison. Which is an easy way m dispose ol the subject ii it was only a truthíul way. Bul it is a mis-statemn1 of fact. Of course the Sentlnel does not claim never to make any sucli mis-statements, but it ought to be careful aboul making them deliberately. Every additianal bit of correspondence on the Hawaiian matter given out by the government, only places Mr. Cleveland and lus man Gresham deeper and deeper into a hole. Xo svonder they glve out Ihis eorrespoiv. dence so hesitatingly, and only under compulsión. The indignation of the American people wlll become so great before long that they wlll instruct their representatives in congress wh&t to do. Here i.s wfeat Mr. Bellers, of the Cedar Sprlngs 'Clipper, says for himself after giving the iellow who came to thrash him for writing that item, a good, respectable clip : "There are times when patience and reason prevaileth little and in self denence one is forced to that which any good citizen might naturallyf eel ashamed of. Self defence is always more honorable than running, even if degrading vn a certain degree.." In Pennsylvania the law makes it a criminal offense to willully furiilsli a newspaper with false neus. That ought to be the law In every state. The libel law im most states is no (law at all. It is simply whatever keen lawyers are capable of convincing a jury it is. It is time that ai-iiim was laken in all the states, Michigan ineluded, and the libel laws amended in accordance wilh modern and enlightened ideas of justice. It turas out that the Gogebic county returns were not the only ones "doctored" in '01, as the following from the Flint Globe indicates : "lCxCounty Clerk Geo. O. Crane was simv moned to Lansing, it is supposed in connection with the grand jury investlgatlora. The Genesee county returns which 'ere "doctored" were of '91 during Ed. A. Murphy's administration and it is not. unlikely that he may be summoaied to appear at IanBing." "Wilbur F. Davidson, of Port Huron, who recently recovered some $43,000 damages from the Illinois Central R. Tí., for injuries receives last summer, bas 'commenced snit against the Detroii Eveuing News claiming $50,000 damagee to hls character because the News asserted that he attended the Corbett-Mitchell tighi in Florida, when su-)i was not the fact. It will probably lie difficult io secure a jury that will consider tJie last injury as great as was the former one. President Cleveland has given up liis personal flght with Senator lliil and son; the name ol Senator l'.dward nougla.s "White, of Ixiuisiana, to the senate to be justice of the U. I-1. supreme court. Mr. Cleveland has gone from one extreme to another, like a petty boy in a rage, Mr. White is al jinsnt senator from Louisiana, was educated at Mount St. Mary's school, Maryland, and at the .lesuit College in New Orleane. He served throimh the war as a confedérate an 1 has siaoe practiced law. Ke is a full blooded southerner in sentiment and [eeling.


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Ann Arbor Courier