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SEVEX MAGAZINES ES ONE. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, WIDE A WAKE," Now Merged in it. inlarged by 200 additional pages in the volume. Everything Illustrated. Of all publications for boys nul iris. fit. licholas, eouducted by Mary Mapes Dodge s unquestlonably the best. lt lias been ralsed by the press and Uie people of two its eiroulatlon is unpreceaented raoug mí;aznes for young folks. Beelnngwith the nuniler in November. 1893, it s enlnrgeri by the additlon of about2U0 pages 11 the volume, and lor 1893-94 it wlll have the reatest program In its hlstory, lncludlug A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES. jriiliantly illustrated, deseribing tlie quadupedsof Norlli America in a popular, wur, v W T Hornaday, recenlly Cblel Taxidernist of the U. S. National Museum; "TOM SAWYER ABROAD," a Serial Story by Mark Twain, nwhlohthe great hnmorlBt'B fninous oreaions. "Torn Sawyer" and 'Huckleberry Flnñ," visit theea8tern hemlsphere (In a flying-roaohlne); a series on AMERICAN AUTHORS, .yBradner Matthe ws, settlnï forth In olear and Bimple forni the maln blographlcal lacts and the ohief literary qualltlea of famous men in American Llteratore, lncludlng Irving Cooper Brvant, Hawlhorne. Emerson, Lowell, etc.; Stories of India by Rudyard Kipling. When Rudyard Kipling was a boy in India heused torend st. Nicholas.and nownetakea hls turn at bringlng delict to tlie thousands of young folks who read it to-day. He has written lor st Nienolas aneriesof remarkable stories of boy and girDlfeln the jungle aud with animáis. "Recollections of Wild Life," by Dr. CMiarles Eastman, a full-bloodcd s'ioux Imlian, and a gradúate of a while man's college (Dartraouth); a deseription oí Iiul'iui lite,- in camp and on the war path,- desorlbed trom the iuside. A novelty in literature. Papers on the Government. "How money is Made,'' (the Iint),"How the Treasury is Guarded," "How the Government Promotes lngenuity" (the Patent-Orflce) "The Dead-Letter Offlee," "With the West Point Oadets," 'How Armies Talk to Each Otlier," "Lile on a War," etc. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis, Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane." THE FAMOUS "BROWNIES," by Palmer Cox, wiilalso be a featureof St. NioholaB. Are vou going to have St. Nicholas Ín your home in '91? New snbsoribers sliould bcgln with November. The prloe of St. Nicholas IsíS.OOa year. Everythlng in it isílliistnileil Subscribe through book-sellers and newadealers, or remit to tlie publistaers by check, draft. money, or express-order. Don t mías the ChrUtmaa Sumber. The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. Wrltefor ■M!niat,irc St. NichoUw.''- free. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Small Fruit and trees from Eüwanger and Barry, the oldest nursery in the United States. Raspbera-y and Blackberry Shrubs, Domestic Wines, Plymouth Rock Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR. Ann Arbor Mich. SCHlFFMANN'SAsíhma Novar fails to giïo instant rdieí in tho irpret & caaes, and dffU rures wiiuro u:i:- i ïrial Cackagf FILEË of Dn3sitj! or tj Bal!. áddra DE. B. SCHXFFMANN, BtjPM!, Knn. Jí Nerve j Blood W mSmi flffjfcJBf iffíi descriptivo E jVVBBflu ■ ■t'í y" pauipulet. G for S'.50. mMw ScllCD.CCïSCl'1-' K-V SHILOH'S CONSUMPTSON GORE. The success of ihis Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive juarantce, a tent that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietore, at an eimrmous exjjense, are placing a Sample Boltle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If youhave a Couijh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it vrill cure yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consuroption, use it. As!: yoar Druggist for SHILOH'S CURS, Prke 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1 00. If youi I.ungs are sore or Back lame, Uae Sbiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 2L ets. Unlike ie Dutch Procsss fs Ko Malies vBBMiBi'fil-flL - or - émÊr Otlier Chemicals tt B il m are used in the II III' PreParationf lilw.Baler&W Breakfast Gocoa, which is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed vitli Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold tay Grocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorche ster, Mass. Garfield Tea il Cures coiutipation. Reatoi-ea Complexión, savcs Doctor; UUls. Sample Lree. GAEFIBLDTlEA(3o.,SUW.tttBtj.I. "Jfs place oí the head oj all popular periodicalí publifhed 'm the English Language ia no longer ddaputed anywhére.- Albahy Akgus. The CEWTURY MAGAZINE in 1894. THE GKEATBST OK ALL THE MAGAZINES. 2000 Pages of the Best Literatura 1000 Illustrations by the Greatest Artists of the World. The Programme of the new volume of The C'entry Magazine, bezinning wiih the November nuinbui', is oue ol' rre interest to every reader of literatura. Tlie chlef serial fea! ure is a New Novel ly Mark Twain Tlie most dramatic story ever writlen by Anuiii-a's greatest bumorist. Libe Beveral ,f Maik Twain'a storlea, lt has for i ts scène asteamboat town on the Mlssiaslppl Kiver forty yeara ago. "Pudd'nhead Wilson," n Aard-neaded country lawyer, the hoto of the tory, furnlsbes much of the lun that oue naturally expeetsto flndlna work wrlnen oy the aulliorof "Tlie Innocent Aüroad " Dut heappeurs In quite auother light il the murder trial whieli form-i tlie thrilling climax of the story. The plot introduces a novel and lngenlous employment of Bclence in Ihe detectlon of crime, aud thecharacters are welldrawn and thelr every actlou is Interestiug. The Century will contaln u A feries of Superb Engravings of the Oíd Dutch Masters; Articles 011 Hunting of Fierce G?.me ; Articles describing ARTISTS ADVENTTJRES, by leadlng American artlats, with thelrown illustrations ; Articles descriptiva of Important Expeditions in all the great coutlnents, lnclndlng the adventures oftwo youug Americans who traversed on bieyeles; A novel series on Tramping with Tramps ; How a young man dlsguised :s a tramp, traveled over America md learned all the secrets of the "profession"; Important Papers on Music by the sreatest living composers and musicians; Unputilished essays by James Russell Lowell ; Short stories and novelettes by all the leading story-writers, essays on tlmely subjects, humor and fnn In the "Ligiiter V'ein" departiikiii, eto.. etc. The The Great Christrnas Kumber contal nsn sermón by Phllllp Brooks, neven complete Btories, ;i miignlücent array of fullpage euftravings, a new picture of General Grant. letters froin Edwin Booth. etc. Subscribe Now. Pría $1.00 a year. Dealers receíve subscriptibns, or remtttanct may b made o the pnblUhert . draft, mom y-or4er, or by cash in registcred letter. Adcbress THE CENTURÏ COMPAM. No, 33 East 17th Street, New York Wiite for a "Minlatnre Century," free. I WANTED IMen to lx for ns whodenire toniabe money tins liill and winter during slacb times. Excellent obancd. Liberal pay. If you hae spare time, Qut of voi ;, or looking for a paying busiIneys write Die at once. Fred. E. Young, Kuiseiyaian ROCHESTER N. Y.


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