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Lies Credited To History

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There was probably no sucli man as JEtomulus. Tfoere was never sueh a person as Pope Joan, the so-called lemale Pontiïf. Wellington at Waterloo did not say: "Vp, guarde, and at 'em !' ' Alfred the great did not visit the Dnnish camp disguised as a uiinstrel. The existence oï the Colossus of Rhodes is considered by some historians extremely doubtïul. Thre is no historie authorlty for the statement that little George Washington cut down the cherry tree. Oonnvell and Hempden did not tempt to sail for America just before the outbreak oi the EngUsh revolution. Philip III. oí Spain was not roasted to death by o. ï-oarhig fire because court etiquette iorbade any one to come to his assistauee. He died a natural death. Pocahontas did not save the life of John Smith. It has been ascertalned that this worthy man was the most able-bodied preVaricator of his centurj'. Séneca was not a iialf-Christian philosopher, but a graepiag moneylender and ueurer who died worth over $13,000.000. ar dia not say : "Bt tu Brute.1' Eye wltneeses to tli-e assassination deposed that "he died üghting, but silent, like a wolf.' ' Richard Iir. was no( a luineliback, but a soídier o' fine íorm, some pretentions to gooil looks, and great personal strength and courage. Gen. Bambronne did not say : "The gaard die?, but does not surrender." The words were the ímvention oí a Parla journalist, and attributed to hiiii. Mary Stuart ef Scotland, was not a beauty. She had cross ej-es, and to save the trouble oï haring her halr dressed, cut it off close to her he:id and wore a wig. Sappho, the poetess, was not a wanton beauty, nor did she throw herselí from the Leucadian cliff to be cured oí au imworthy love. The latest investigationa prove her a respectable inarried woman vvitli a large íaraiíy. Quecn EUizabeth was not the angelic creature represented in liistory and poema oí lier own times. Her hair was red, lier temper red hot. She sometimes drank too much, and at any provocation would swear lüce a rooper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier