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A. W. HAMILTON'S Life aai Fin luuusg A.G-EÏSCY, No. 1 1, Second Flsor, Mitón ESock. Fire Insurance written in first-clíiss companies. Low Hates. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Cali and examine the Mutual Life Insurance Company's nen form cf Pollcies. The Inrome nuil Conlinuons Instalment 1'". will return large dlyidends. A Iolicy in tfce ílutiml Lile Insurance Coinpany ís a Safa, Surs and Satisfactory Snvestment. It will pay better than a 4 per cent. Investment. When yon insure tiike the bost and write a policy in The Mutual Life throngh my agency. A. V. HAMILTOX. Hützel's later Bad ! A very important inventiun rhjcl will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hoi water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducirtg a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them úseles; and in great many instances becorning dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hützel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges foi sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cail and examine thi useful inventioD. HUTZEL & OO., Piinnher and Steamfittfrs. ANN AiiROR, M]iR. LÜMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! lt you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LUMBER fflD I Coruer Fourth and Jepoc Sts., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber aud guaranVERY LOW PRICES Give us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO REST, In the New Vaults of TEE Ml ABIOa SATOS MIE. Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM. GOOD AIVICE. Every patriotic citizen should givehli personal efFort and nfluence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protection. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. Af ter the home paper is taken care of, why not subscribe for the American Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspondente says : "No tnie American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the Uniied States." Send postal card reque=t for free sample copy. AddressWill.ui Wakeman, General Secretary, 135 VI cöt 2jd St.. New York. Michigan (Central " Ihs Masara i'atls Rouie." TIME TABLE IN' EFFECT FEB. 11. 1SW. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. á é i é-- í ;s i i : ■" i - i"?i!ss jssss ; m SS j : : BS ' m Ë , S - =. : : : d a " r! -f í ' ■ ■ ■ (A i' l" -H i L, " í OC -■ T... S - í1 t- d ' - - [ ■ ; ; ;S =- "i -r- MiilÜUIIi : :s?: si; !-:;:; : ■:■:■:::■■ ■ ■ ii'-r-t'-í-ií'éi : ■ ' ' ' _o 3 2 1 i I ; Í 2S i i i B ij ::: :: c sj: :;; ai gí : i : i SsS :S :8 j :S3S -ït-é-: : : := : :z '■- ■ ■ .- s i :: :LL= = ::;;;; S a : : : : 15 ■:' ■ ■ ■ ' ■ = sss j j isa ;ss x ss ; ; ;f ; ■ -sss ê ss :; sá. f s M jÜ á h fè2 i : :g2 !i2? giS :S :S : : i = p oíi- ■ 'lo -tïi . êjm -w ) " " a - ■ a es b ' T' :" T-t ?-- - - i": l(CCr-0OOO0OO50OfflgO0 v ó c; : : ; ï í í' í í -íS - : : : : : : . . .L 8 ïï : i . I Hl & . :::íj1 í::;:í:;:í: s .;Ií;í K :;; ;; :; :ü ;;!!! i!; iij o : : o : S ;;;;:; ï o ::'::c:'S:: Si :;3':S::::: ?S3ill Íl!Ííill G. W. RUGGLK-. H. VV. HAYES. G. P. & T. Agí., Chicago. Agt., Aun Arbor . TOLEDO p. AnnarboK ƒ n ÁÑD [[ J i) NORTH MICHIGAN) (T RAILWAY. L-1 - "-1 ;- :r;:: WW Hcward cL V" öAY CITY TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT S"CTiT13.-2r. 3yrO-V. E. 1G93. Traiusleave Ann Arlmr by Central Standar time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 7: 15 a. m. 12:15 P. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. Train3 run between Ann Arbor aud Toledo onlv. W. H. Bennett, G. F. A. R. S. Geeenwood, Ast EBERBACH &. SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TVrTTC! TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PEJ_IÍ.J_Jli!O RIODICAL" PILLS Irom Paris, Franee. Established Ín Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Any druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co.. Wholesale agents, and all other druggigts in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warrañted to brinc oh the " chance. CA1V I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to M II NN & CO., who have had nearly fiíty years' experience in the patent business. Communications etrictly confldential. A Handbook or Information concerninft Patenta and how to obtain t hem sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientiflc books sent free. Patents taken tbrough Munn & Co. receive special noticeinthe Scienfilïc American, and thus are broueht widely beforethe public without cost to the inventor. Thia splendld paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas byïar tho largest circulation of any scientiflc worfc In the world. SS3ayear. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, Í2.6O a year. Single copies, '2a cents. Every numher contains beautiful plates. In colors, and photoprraphs of new houses, with plans, enablinjj Duilders to show the latest designs and secure eontracts. Address MUNN & CO., NEW YOKK, 361 BROADWAT ÑEWMEAT MARKET Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured that the quality and weights will be the sume as i you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And bny only the best stock. I ani better prepared than ever to supply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. 'Plipne 75, 83-105


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