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Gresham's Military Record

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Til' followinr, fro:n ín ii n ipoli , íhrows saine ljght, perhaps, on vhy Seeretnry Gresham recently gave up his pension : Slio 1 : f er the aunó m -1111011 was made iliat Greehain was golng into 1 [evelaad's cáblnet, a losal paper prJnted a hiighly eulogistic review oí his and civic career, among oi'her thmgs portrayimg with vivid ooloring how lic was wounded at Atlanta wlrle h?adng a desparate cha.rg. 'hls provoked a miiüc froin military men oí' Indiana, eveii among (Jresham's riends, for il liad long been recognized tha1 Bresham's p amo t ion. Ijaeed 'upon actual service ai the rom was 011e oí the picttüresgúe peeiiliar'.tiee of the 1 lie ttnpleaijanl ms,-. Gen. eral Knefler reviewed the military career oí Gresham. making the stártling aiinoiincenn'11!. tliat 1101 unly wa.s he not wounded in tiie bat t le of Atlanta, but tliat lie never pártíeipateil i, 11 a battle throughout his entire servce, and tliat his wmind was the repulí oí an act-i Unt il Sliol by a busnwliacker, whMe he was rtóUttg at T lie head oí hi'S coinniiind in the skirmishi 11J4: wlii-h evi'inualy led to tile battle o: Atlanta. Knel r's ciaim provoluM! mucli c:)inment, not uiini xed wiíh nnkimliy critici- 111. and tlii;s act set hini tío making a careínl eompilaüou oí Gresham's u;k at the froiüt, based upon official reporta by Greshám and liis seníors .11 comniand. ' cdmpUation has he. 'ii carefully done and only recently [iiiish'ed, and ilie record speáks for Kteelf. Eeeemtly the di cusslon over tin; rumor t'.iai Greeham liad surrendered kis pension, revived the controversy, th more particularly as his enemies are aow sayñig that h.s object is to captura tbe southern voi-e 'va, Isímí, bul ;i perusal of the record, as prepared by General Kneïler, wiil not earry joy Oitlier to Greaham or his l'riende. The report oï General ü. O. Ho'ward, commanding 'íhe army oí' the Tennessee, is quöted as shówing.that Gresluam was shot while marching at the head of his división., being picked olí by a busliwliatker at i time when tbe command was not in action. This was om the 19th of July, and is found in Volume XXXVIII., Tart 3, Tage 39, War Reporte. General Sherman oorroborats this, as sliovvn by Voiuine XXXY11I.. I'ari ö, Pages 28-29, uiMler date July 21, (iresham then being in the hospital, wliich date is prior to the battle of Atlanta, ín whicb. Greshaiu is credited by his ï-iends witli ha ving wou imperishable renown. The íriends of Gresham met this by quoting ïro.111 McPhierson's report under date July 20, reproducid in the Oif cial record oï tne war oï the rebellion, 1, Volume XX.XVII1., Par; 5, Page 20S, wherein MePhersoa relera 10 Gresham being wounded on the linh inst.. and ',n the same connect.on reports that the enemy had olïetvd stubborn reslstance, requlring shiarp work to dislotlge them, etc. Kneiler answered by claiming .M TIn i-.-cju s report covers the, operas tona oí the day, durlmg which time (here were severa! sharp sk r'n..-hes, b.ut do batik', n none oï wlxieb skirmi'-hes (resliain partieípátetU as a chance shot by a busliwhacker had kno -keil liii.m 0U.1 In 'his conipilation Kiufler lias drawu lieavlly upon the o l';,-ial records, repioduclng' every possibis re.'erence io Greshiam, no matter how minute. Durlns the Slege oí Vi-k - burg, l'or Lnstance, thie only work vi,h wlifch he was credlted Is cleanimg ou1 a rrncli wlii-li had been partially Ei lied by the :'ii;;ay. "Greshain was miles away from Atlanta wlieu he was shot," says Kneiler. '"He wem to the hospital on July 19, That'8 blie aearesi Greshani ever was to a battle. 1 (iiil qoI belong to the same división as In', bul we wi'iil t-llPOUgh the same oampatgna together and 1 kaow thal he never was In a ba,ttle. 1 ■ even see ttie b 1 1 : I ■ -,' i la n l a .'' Jn an interview General Kneiler eiuims : hai durlug the two days' terrible bal tle o' Shiloh, wIimi ev( ry ;:iiii iotiB C'ölonel was miiking cvery exertion to rèach i n ■ tron . tire h;na ánd his command contentedly laj al Crump's Laaiding, oulj six. miles away poaing as headquarters g'uard, and txo! withiin range al any time daring ihai ii'i m"n:lioii engagement. ïlie same giood luck ulso a bended ii 'ia during ihe muvli doi Cofinth, aud In the s:im;' campaign, wSiIcli virtually b k3 om 'ui Memph' -, l he only engugeaiienl in wh'.-h the regiment joineil [ouii'l Colonel GreshJini up north on a [urlough, and the Lieutenanl Colonel In command. Apples, bacon, brei', mutton, pork, cabbaiie. eider, eggs, pouli ry, flour, lar.l, inilk, green peas, all kinds of aurserj stock, straw, seed, tallow and wood. all products of the farm. are put uu the ïree list oí the Wllson bill. Our proximity to Canada tnakes t His a matter of serloús import anee to the Michigan farmer. It is opening out markets to the hall paid farm laborera oí Canada and the West


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