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Michigan Labor Bureau Statistics

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The main feaïure oí the forthcomLng report o: the Michigan Labor Bu: reau consista o:' an Inquiry into the oancHt'.on of tlio raüroad men in the st-ate. The agenta oí thi.s Bureau have personally Lnterviewed over ten thousand individuáis besides makiug au oxhaustive inquiry by means oí the books and records o.' the several railroad oo:porations. Tlwre are twenty-seven thousand, n'ns hundred and fifly-slx men employed by the railroadiS in Michigan. They are claesified and puicl as follows : jSo. Average ClASS. Men. WaguB. Conduclors 1,014 Í72 87 Eufiuct-rs l.Jliif K7 7ö Kircmen 1 5il 49 7o Brakeiueu ] U74 4S 53 Baggagenieu -!.4 51:2 Agelits ifiOH 4ti 1U Tnlegraph Operators 'ÏUó 48 25 Ulcrks l,öi) 47 w Shopmeu 4,599 50 4i) Yurciinen l,S07 4Í) í9 l.ajorers 9,4.37 35 o5 OUierMci) 2,(u. 5 ul Totals 27,)5 $5S + They are classified as to the roads upon which tliey are employed, as folio ws : No. Average. JBOAD. Men. Wages. Manistee & IaïUikt . 172 $ö() OJ Alanislee & Nortlieaeitem Iü9 .'■ -zt iViasou & Ucean öö 57 (iti Kluit & Pei e iVlarquette 2!nj 5ü i(í Ubicago & Wesi Miuingm 1 ?■ 51 6 Dtiruii, Bay City & Alpdiiu S21 54 :i? Ublcagu, Jacksoii & jiiukmaw Ö73 52 00 I ' u i 11 1 11, tsoulli bhore & Al laoliu _ 1,878 fW 05 Unlon Slutloii Co. iD iroll) 2,ij 57 70 U.and Hajnls & Itiuiana 2, .18 in á Mineral luingi; ___ 5, ta fuuliuu, Oxford & Noilheru.i, J35 01 3u ötigmaw, TuMoola & Huiun n n j w aoasu H,,s (u 51 Ulucatso & .Ni rt tl WesLui'u 2.0U4 lii i7 Alieliijiun Central (i,öï2 .u ö7 Foledo & buuiii iiaven 00 'ób 11 ClllCHgi', Mlimeapulls & Sl. Paul r,l) 57 ,3 O. U. ' :. ú; 5t. Louiü i'ó'j (ij "4 S.HiLii.u 5,:-!-'i u k-J Chicago, Kalalnazou & Sayinaw ; f,2 . 4.5 3U lirmiu li'ujik Lines 4,!.2 i 3a De. 1 011, Laimlng s Nonbern.. i,l_-2 1 48 I' 'In, Allll AltJÜ. (fejEN OIHieiD Michigan 7,1 4:j SI li..Ke rthou: fc Mioiiigan Wüutlieru 2,üt.O 5a UU Tul ala. 1:7, :mü tSD-i. In tlie Bureau's 'comjng report ihs conditlon of U,--J men is ex&niined and the resulis ootinpiled in tables. Following are sonie oï the results ob'liin'ii: Five i iioii.-iimU beven hundred and ninety-two are married ; 3,313 are single; 121 vvidowers, and nine did not report. In the families are ïound 2-t,(08 persons oï whom 12,433 u-e adults and 12,173 are i ii Heines are owned by 2,86] oí the men, and o. these homes 1,S07 are fullj paid Por and 1 ,05 . Lneutnbered by mortgage or otherwiise, w luie 2,905 pay rea) at an average rentaJ per moath o) ip8 .-nul :'?'.). 1. woiiiú seean as i: rallway employés were an exeeedimgly cempei ■ I ■ ■ ■, tor almo-;; ï fty pOr een, repoi ihat they u-e ao tiquor n-hatever, and oae-nali of the remainder have nesli'e.e:! or r?fused to answer the i;uest o-; to ámounl spent lor liioxieants. Only 200 admii tha1 iluy speiad more than $5 per tno in th'.6 way. More ilinn ')0 per (Sent :' the men ire nat ve AmerJsans and move thau oni' of the pemiünder are aa 1 1 ■ es oi el bi'sr 3ermuny, Canada, or IreLfi ud. i toe V.:: [nd'.an and one Jap are scheduled amoiig he res: . The Eoreignera are largely found nmong the yardmen, track laborers and cons rtict Ion 1 rain crews. The :nd;vidui - canvasged earned $5,403,000 .-111.1 saved $469,069. Of the total amouiit earned, $62,000 was pai'd Por overi ime. One of tlie .urea test surprises in the report wíll be the comparative immlier o[ men belong'jng to labor orlianizat ions. lt is still more Burprlsing when the fact is known that a large proportion of the eanvassing was done by m hc.- oí the several orders and brotherhoods. About 20 ner cení of the men canvassed report tliemselves as beltnging lo labor orKanizations. The 1!. ri I,. B., B. of K. T., B. of h. F., and O. o! R. C:, appear to bc the strcmgesl in the order named.


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