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What is this anyhow 7 ■ It is the only bow (ring) wlnch cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only vvith Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases sSjfe stamped with this trade mark. sP Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHiA. lfí; WlW JPLEASANT THE NEXT MORNÏNgI FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXIÓN IS BETTER. My doctor saya it acts gently on the storaach, ïiver and kidBers. and is a pleasant laxative. This drink is made from herbs. and is prepared for use as easily as tea. It is callecl LftNESWEDIGIHE AUdriií:í7istsse!ntat50c. and$l apacfcae. If you cannotget it, send youraddress forafree sample. I.aneH Family ]Iedirio moves the howeis eaeh day. ]n order to be henlthy this is neeessary Addresa UBATÜlil-1. WUÜDWARD. jjE Roy.N.Y JNO. BAUMCARDNER, : oo o JflllilEITILJ _ JEIETEIT m o BBILD _ '■ 2 Also, Stone Walks. - Estimares ciieerfüllj furnished. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts.. ANN ARBOR, MICK Jgool'sCottonRoot m P compound. r Mjf -A. recent discovery T)y an oíd w ya &3 physicían. Successfully ust:d fcffiV month!y b thousands of ffl&t jfdir Ladies, ís tho only perfectly Syta safo and reliablo medicine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who olTer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook8 Cotton Koot Compound, take ru substitufe, or inclose $1 and C cents in postage In 1 otter and we willsend, sealed, hy return mail. Fullscaled particulars iu plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pon d Lí I y Com p any. No. G Fisher Block. Detroit, llicn. SolH in Ana Arbor and everywhere by all drugjrists. TO FARMERS The Ypsilanti Robe and TanningCo., feeling certam that they can mal: e it an object t you, invite you to cali at 25 S. Hu-rou St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to tan Fura and I lides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens. Or we will pay CASH FOR HIDES. CJJSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, taíjiiiñg hides Fór pwjiers at reasonable figures. Farmers can I luis secure hïst-class Robes at nominal pnces. W'r make a specialh of MOTHPROOF ROBES from liides óï cattle, whifh to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and sec us. YPSILANTI Robe and Tanning Co„ 25 S Hurón Sí, YPS1LASTI, MICH. BÜRBANK oo DEXTER, BERRY & APPLEBEE, Proprietors. ñ? Tïftf SffÍ' theeüe! fi't!l,efdë llll J V II] li "V1 of America to ■%S" % ÖÖLÏÏMBIA For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G C0 , Eikhart. Ind. BOOK A.aEISrTS PRIZE IIISTOKY OF THE GREAT FAIR. The Wopld's Colmbiu Ssposition Illiistrattd received tilo HlOHEST and ONLY Awakd at the World'a Fair, as the lliohest Illustrated aiul i'i.' Most Autlientic and Complete History of the World's Columbian Expositiou. SelUat sight. Largo Commissions. Exclu Bive Terrltöry. Endose lüc in stamps for terms and pnrticuliirs. Address J. B. CAMPBELL, 159-101 Adani'i Street, Chicago. 111.


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