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I', i'. Sadler won tbe sophomore lit orator'ical cont-eat, ('. !í. Stearns be n.'A' secomd. Tira !'. oí M. base ball nlne are in ueed oí á good tatehei. Hopé ti) } w : ea : di J ni. 'ín ■ Mii.s'ui; o.' í'; ball playing or o . ii 1. pug 1 tsu i.-i causing eoiieiderb U iv og '.u atlilecie circle ;. '■Ín' genera] llbraiy reading room :e.'ins ,u ])■.■ too small to accommo ihi-i' 'h: make uee oí it. ïhi' catire Junloí Homeopathie class lias petltjoned fco beeome members oí tbe regular medical departíii n .. A lady n New York and a gentleman :n Ohi-o liave each given the Amurcan Un'.versity at Washington $100,000. Pro?. J. C. Knowlton responded to i the toast "The Ahi-mii!," at the banque. o: btt-e Zeta l'si fraternity in Detroit last Friday evening rJ in' .nal society debate oceurs Frlday tivi'ii ug', March -;1, at which time tha orators to oontest with the Nor til western wJl íie chocenTile lectures ol Prol. Willett, n6w g.ven ai Newberry Hall every Sunday aftemocm, mi ■oíd Tetstaonent intro. iuct oh.' are proving oí great interest. Mrmbrrs oí Üií' fooi Imll team inspected Ssimpöan's aníseles last Friciay evenjig and eome thaught oí gettims biJsn 'co enter the [Jniversity.- Daily ï'jmes. 'i li.' ijditors O! ili' various college publ eal ons'p opose to have prepared ihein .11 che near faturei ;i sumptous banquee. il WiilJ be a íe;ust in sca.-iiii ,111 i a flovv cu' bowl. The Wíifth ngton's l' :;y address o! Han. J. 1'. líolliver. oí towa, al University Hall, was oi bli finesi pver :.!■! '. r d upan suoli an o easlo , and peceievs high pralsey from ;ili gides. There are over fifty candidates íor tlK' base ball team aow that the gym nasLum has beeD opened Eor p 'ac n iii h s given every day írom 3 to ( o'elock p. ni. A scurcLty o! fuiids prevents bhe hiring o4 a eoach this i seaso'n. The studente u i Qirnell, lio by their .... . ■ . .i "reslxman 8pi- . I ilcath of an al tend an., will probably be O'bllged bo s1 tlrial ;or murUér. Oommon seuse ild be used even when boys ajre og I o :i iun. 9 i : ■. ora i or.:-:i coni look place last Wednesdaj in the Law tec are room. Oï tlii ; itesi ai . 11 a r. G. 13 ilap au, a i'rr k . . ■ , wou the ílrsf :.( . OilJ : .. . ■ IVI ' ,.-.;:. I V I' . . i I lli vi .ii ag OH u l com ;" ; on. i1-.) . VV. E. !l Is'i'.ríl .:, the Agricul, ir I ■ : o. C'til F iTii'.á-, (a m srly ol he I . o! M lias been iv. la ii.n ■ blíick a Ikali lantlü Tula re co n ir. i state, and bhtis m kingarep : . . i - l : aa a prad i w i ii. '■ Ue nio ii ojm rand! is very le. i. ;s tioiis liy niixlng . i ,ii i i .-i . i vitii the soil ■■ ■ su. I t o 31a uiier sul s. Chlcugo papera publlshed :i full r W. W. i -d meyer's speech on Wasli'jngtoa's Birthday., ilell under 1 1 1 - - auspices ol bhe Un;on ■ agüe ( ;'i oí h i ■': j before i he West i).v;.on High School. Alarge i crowil was in attendance and listened . He took lor his sab3Ci "Some : Lessons f rom fche L'.fe of "Washington." i and gave an address i luit did credil o ii . iiiscif and the ünfversity whose representatlve he was ai the time. Mr. Wed taeyei; is to be congratulated apon .Ir' honor, and aleo apon the mos excelleni manner in which he qarrled out liis part oí it.


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