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Tlie diij's aregeuing longer fast, Heneaih sun's great levei ; But iiiiii, poor Uardtip man. .':i-. Is nel as short as ever - Baffiilo Courier. Easter tliree weeks ii-oin next Sunday. A number oí our beacttera viBited Detroit schools last Friday. Old Sol gets up quite a little parller in tin' morning than he (lid a short time aso. The pnrad-e and masquerade of the Ann Arbor Rifles on the 22fl of Feb., were boüi vcvy sufecesehil. Evei-y warm day nuw a peculiar thrill, somethiji.e; likc iinto the delici-ons lazimess of spring, goes throbing thTOiigh ones veins. Confirmation at St. A.ndrew'8 Episcopal church one week froni next Sunday, known as l'as;oai Sunday. The class will be a large one. llev. Dr. Siülespie, of New York, WhO has hem around the uoil'! visiilts mission stations, will give a lecture at the Presbyterian church next Sumlay eT-ening. The sayi'Hg once was "muoh snow. much graia." bul that nicant when the snow eovered 1 1 1 ; wheat fields all winter. Beware the Ides- or eometbiing oí the sort- ol March. ■Too miicli taííy is ]t to produce au overflow ol the gall" roman;, the Ann Arbor Courier. How sweetly the Courier excuses its malady.- Adïian Fras?. Any g 1 Ln that rt mark? oniy tlirec J"asu-r Sundays in the eentury have been at an èarlier date thau tin' preeeul huí', which will oecui- Mareh -"■ Thoae were March 22 ín 1818, Mar.'n :i in 1845 and 1S-M. The loe meñ wim put in partially .. bed öe or tear tlKiv they would ïiot have elianee bo harvest : ... . tríade a sad mistak. The cold thcr "■;' the pasi week has made a fine erop. The áiinoimoemeot H made that ( jjaai ii. Butler ql this eity ar ( Miss W„vA Lewiss ;' Chicago, are to be :. ■■,..[ io h ■ lal ber city to aaj Miss I-.'wis ia I o be co igïai ilated) we presume Butler is also. iiííi'i S'Uonal A ocí on oí . ■ ■.. en M ch-Igan h LJ its sevente ing '.ii M. !■:. chureh, Ypsilan. , . ., ...!, v. Am.HiK luí addn a es n ei-e Or. Ahí ánd ;;-' . Mr. ■ v !lí l!l':4 rl' -vFpozen water pipes have been plenty during the week. Oonseqúently plumbers are cbuckltog together With the ooal dealei s, while ■ ' mm j:vn in on the "smile." tt is Ul :,ili:r i 1 1 : ! l ÖO0B no eme good. Las1 SuiKlaj e 'ning during the Intensely interesting lecture o! Mr. I . on .,, ;il,, presbyt au ehurch, to a , rowdetl honee, a bal eaane nying I,,, i uüii nee room. W i e Was lookïng aftw ílips i" ; 11 i ! ; i .'. ■ '.' Tbe Xow York Trübune tells alemg story o; liow a tiger-ot a Tammaiiy tiger- '.a one oí th zoológica! gardens oï tha1 city, aieö of a broken tieeri because soiniie cme cut liis winkere. The Ami Arbor t!gers teel ratht..r proud oï snch a distímetion. The banquet and ball given by the Knights oi Tytliias al Granger's Hall last AYedm-sdav eventng, was one of most enjoyable eevnts ol the kind beid tuis year. The Kni.hts and ere in the bes1 o! spirits and all wout merry as a mamage bel!. Twasnn ley path that mude herdread To cïoss the crowded street. Slic lost her bundie, she lost her liead, And Uien she list lier feei. S'onie one ought to report a robin iai slgtrt. Spring election is only five weeks away, now. No matter what sort of a person a man iss, li can always ïiud congenial cnuime. S. W. Beakea, of the Argus, has been made treasurer oí the Democratie Associated Prees of Michigan. The burglar wlio broke into the residence of Com.stock Hill, Lodi, last week, is perfectly safe from detection, so far. Next Monday evening at the Inland League, there wül be a concert under the direction oí l'rof. Hilbie, assi-sted by local talent. It is reported that a party of fisheiimen at Zukej7 Lake eaught a fish the other day. Tlie report lacks confinmation and aifidavite, however. J. R. Bach says tliat nis agency luis been caught in all the fiares recently, and that he has had losses aggregaÜJig $15,000 within a few weefea. Miss O. A. Sager will erect two new stores upon hr lot at the corner of 10. Liberty and Maynard ets. Ihis sprjng, one oï which is already rem cd. Tïue monthly Focial oí the Ládiies' Aic! Society oï the M. E. clmrch, wiU be held in the church parlors Thursd;iy eveaïng, Maren lst. Tea served at 'i::;o. The wagon ïactory which it was hojKMl would bc establlslied here, will aot The plan has all fallen through, we understaad. A faet to be regretted. Car, In are out announcing the riage oí Henry J. Hochreln, to Mary, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. John Heninger, on Thursday, Marcli Sth, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the home of the bride's parentá in Saline. The good ettizena of the Emerald fele and tlieir desceaidants in Ann Arbor .-11111 vie-nity propose to celébrate Sí. PatrioR's Day, aad wiill have a bamiuet at the rink. Among the speakers will be the eloquent orator Co!. John Atkinson, of Detroit, who alwayfl flnda a crowd of adniirers in Ann Arbor. The soïiety is fortúnate hl securing hún. Plis subject is to be : "The Day "We Celébrate." Is this a correct view of the aflair, or is Lt a sla mier? Please answer : "Th is is the season of the year most prolific of surprise parties. They come on your pfemlses and squat, u-ark mud all over your cárpete, scratch your furniture, ent all your wint ar ïuppl-i'K and with a big npeech present yon uUh a knock kneed rocking i-h-nr tieii with réd ribbon which must have coat $1..?5. Then the party go away ana say you knew it al] th time and jast aoted surprised." Tiic iifv Germán paper to be startesd by Eug-eiie Helber w.H be known as th Ni u N'aslm-iiiiw Tosí. w:ll tuave Lts oiíice in che Duífy bio -k and be printed at the Daily Times :'- fie . Thíe editor and nxanáger will be Chxlstian -!. Reule, a gentlesnau well known in the eosnmunity, who is i gootl crinan and English acholar, and who wtelds a pen in a very eíe tlve maáner. Ihe paper win stari in w.:!i over 2,000 actual cubscribers, and the ñrst issue tn?iy be e pected ng the eam'.ng week. Su ■■ e - to Lt. oorirse of lecttires being deinrered by Dr. Holland belore t lie Ho Gii'ld, whfclí 10B63 bo morrow i v ii:nof, have k ver be n exeelletl by any Eoi m r - i erar d iKvered in Aun Aiiior. Dt. Hollnn 1 t an autlxor wlio-o writ'mgs have attracted the ..i tent cm oí Éfcholars, philo h M and thOnkera all o ■ 1 lie vvorld, anJ ;, has be n gr ' "" 'lf hfe bes1 thoughts. Vi i le :- . ball b uui)M-!i"-i ín b i iiere w 11 be a great demand for ■ hetn. Ann Arbor wil so en tovfi tnree new chwrch ed ! ce ■ The two man Lutberan o I ' ; are bo rebw'lcl, ! ■ ;i i 'i' ; s :i probably, bh i il,.. Catholic soci iv n UI -i'"" i(?mmenoe Hm r o sw i tiurcli edlilce. Adu ! inny w;ll be ealled a city ol churches, ior 11 das more edlfieea de,, ,. ; to r : glon i svorship, vvith lar:■■. r coii: r gil ons a tending them, than any ■ y oï its siise in try. Even Brooklj'n, X. Y., famoua !S church spires, can nol equal this city -v'.i sn size Is considereil. Ale). Manly is busy making the maps an.l plats ol the different wards oí 1,,. , ; v. A.Í1 er I bey are compl I ■■ . every pieoe oí property ahould be reaesessed aaiö ins, i u ets and bouiiii-. shouM be designated aa Lol No. 1: tnetaaoe, Ín Block 1. etc. ■ilri'. wiiuii eave a great deal-of troubie. not only for tin' assessor, but tor the treasurer and the people aleo. It is a diiflculi iliin.ií ai preseni to ge-1 same erf the desorEptions apon g taj receipt. Tbere is one Instance whiere the tax amounts to only $1.71, tliat takes up tiu entire receipi ia vi'i-y finí' writing i" describe the property, and this has bo ba rütcn nv'ti', ï'iow. Eor Uut amouni of tax. lli.ii tó omly ome instanoe. Thore are nuiurrous ones. Oh ! we. sigh to taste sueh coffee Hke our molbersused to tnake, And wc yearn L gei ;i stice of bread like that tbey used to iiik o ; But t m:iy lc we're ungrateful, yet we're sure we tlo nol care To feel once more a slipper like our mothers used to wear. Today iis the last day for the colli'ction of taxis. It is nat the man wlio is itlle that reapa prosperity. To nioirow ík the tlay for the weit lier to produce the lton act. The Ann ArbOT Organ Co., shipped tüirty organs to Loiwlon, Eng., last Monday. The Mi. C. R. E. earaed $4,246,316 from its passenger traffic during the World's Fair, beatimg all other roads. Jliss Francés J. Allen of the high school, gave a social to the Junior class last Frulay evening at her home. Miss Maud Pound, lit. '95, is to read a paper at the Vesper services at St. Anclrew's chapel next Sunday evenimg, at 6:45 o'clock. The Caledonian Society celebratetl Robert Burns' birtliday at the home ! of Robert Campbell, on Packai-d St., laat Thursday bvealng. Next Sumclay moning, at the M. E. chiirch, iiev. Dr. Oobern will have for Jiis subject, "The Sabbath." In the eveoimfi hu will "Weigh the Dance in Silver Balances." A special service of song will he glven by TKuity Lutheran church at Newberry Hall, on next Sunday evening at 7:30. It prosnises to be a pleasant entertainment . The last lecture in the Slocum conree íar 1893-94 will be ilelvered by the Dr. I luihuid, on Tlmrsday evenlmg at 8 o'clo2k, in Harris Hall. The subject is "Immortality." E. C. Burdick lias Imvented a ure alarm system that he thiiiks will be practical und very chieap to ccaistruct. He tais a work'jng model in the south room of i he Courier building. Drop to and sed iit. Stateemen now all wear clean sluwen taces. Notevena moustache. Do you co ioa the Large number oï statesmeo in Ann Arbor at present ? Almost every day soine new recruit joins tlw! Ik-K'mley rank.. The thermometer at the Courier o:fice last Saturday momiaig at 7 o'cloek regi&tered 12 deg. below zero, at 9 o'capck, six deg. below, and at 11 o'olock (öur deg. below. Mr. W. F. liinl who lives just west of town on the hill, says hls thermometer regiBtered 13 deg. belnw at 7 o'clock thnt moriLii.ï, but he does not th'.nk the peach bude are tajured. "Can you teil me what kind of v. ea her we are to have next momh?" wrote a farmer to the editor of his home paper. Be replied : "It is ni.v Belief the weather next moaih wMl be r.kc yoor subseriptlon b'll." The farmer wondered for an hour wint 'the editor was drlving at. when he happened to think of the word uiisetiled." He sent a postal mole.- Ex. Sunday's Pree Press containecl a ci goo3 1 ksness of Mrs. Prof. Mark W. Barrington, of Washington, 1). C. witte iin of n Menee club :(: wom.'ii of whltíh she is presi ' in ihat e:ty. TH re is one peciiüaiity about tbe club that aot anöther one istence can boast of. One of the iiualificatioas Eor mëmbsrsülp Is rlmt a womao mué b ■ ' 20 years of age. Bu1 as the artlele says, the prov'.s'.on probably causes th-e ineiii; , i i i to cons-isi of lio ■ vvho only join for the love ol snuly. The ars [poon the pen ol Kate iáwan, and ie quite nattering to Mrs. Harrluir.on. Roman hisiory teUa us that over th-e door oï nearly every resident of ;li.:i aatjOD v,-.-.s :in insoription bearng Ui, se wor - : "( ave Canean," v, h en :n English means, "beware the lol1." 'ih.ii i-t caiit on willi pro iriety te ]il iced ow nea ■.:- ry eitizen's door of bhis republic, also. aistory ïails co teil as whether there was .-i tas cm (iogs at that Vme or i.o , bul it lis presiuned there was, and ih:it every good Eloman eïtizen torwarü, and Bwore, eis every good Amarlcan citlzen now does, that he did not own the dogi or th i w-as dead, or that t "vas sh a leedle be ■ o f a dog, s"": ' !Iov m'.nutely hii3tory repeal 3 lt If. A large ihüpIi r of enthuí iasi i ■ re publican oltlzens and students went to Del roii tast 1 aursday I o the annual ba Lqnei wl the Michigan . . -i iiey repw , om exc 'ption; an immen ie 1 1 ■ i, :, tbe tables was tilled. Tbere was ñol a vacant one, and the agul?hed gentlemen pres ai gueste, eaught the spirit o: the o s ou an i d liv. red addr sses Ihai an honor to themselvee, and a del ght to their audit-ors. The aged Bx-minIster bo Hawaii James Stevens, who is eighty years oUl, t hrew aside manuscript anti gave the audlence a clear, graeelul and fino description of the Bitnaticxn In those islands. It is really too bad fchat Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Grèsham couhl nov have been present. The Iran of remorse woi 11 siirely have entered fchelr sowls, that is if patrtotlani has not dled out therein. The Club aever held a more Buccessful banquet. I Jlary had a lltile lamb ütu, thiit v;is long ;'"; KIih ean't afford u keep it novv, Binct wool lia goue so low. The Texiiu Monsoons, i the title oí a paper read before the Philosophbeal Society oí Washington, by Prof. Mark Walord Harrington, and a copy of whi.'h í 011 our table. Oí course ihe democratie Moneoon in Pennsyl;nn';i the other day did not count. A gentleman who is Bomething of ,-i philosopher, in conversation with a ii!v.-; p m:n the other day said: 'Eo yin know my theory of tlie reason why the city water is diseolored bo iimrl: '.' 1 ean toll yon. The ron are belng disintegrated by the electricity which passes into the groumd from the electric railroad. TI13 damp earth is a grand conductor of it to the pipes, and i has leen demonstrated that an eleetric current under such circTimstances will cause iron to distategrate. The water looks as it' írapregnated with iron rust, and in some placee it is much worse than othere. It is my opinión that the electrác railroad with its electricity constantly diechargUig into the groimd will be an expensive -luxury for tlie water and gas"


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Ann Arbor Courier