Our New Star Spangled Banner
The Courier oifice is now the posseesor of a.n elegant new A morirán flag, 7x15 fet't in size, having stare, whose broad folds will wave for protection t American industries and American homes, wifch not a strlpe erased nor polluted, not a single star obscurecí by My Commissiomer Blount, (n ■ 'ii IM or any of that miserable gang; for to iise a usele&s Interrogatory, what's all that worth ? Xor tlioe other fellows oí rriíi]i dcliision and pension fraud-foily, (Jrover Cleveland and Hokesmlth. But everywhere spread all over in charactere of patrlotle ctelight floating over ever corner of the nation, sea and land, those other namcs tlear to every truc American heart, Reed, McIvinley, Alger, American labor and American liberty forever '.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier