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A Year In Power And Not A Pledge

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redeeaned. That's the position of the deaiocracy. The man who has plenty and can't sell it is nearly as bad off as the moneyless man who want-s a good deal and can't get it. Last year there were 0,000,000 tons of sugar produced iin the world, of which 3,500,000 were frcmn beets, and 2,500,000 from cane.. The beet beat the cane. A Chicago couple were niarried aftcr an acquaintance of one day. But that is niothing. A Chicago judge recently heard a. divorce case and gnanted a decree in elx minutes. Cup4d anost huetle. Ii rumore are true, Hou. Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan, will be a democratie candidate for the presidency in 1896. Tlie democracy could go farther and fare worse. In fact they might better have taken him in 1892. Pennsylvania, and Ohio combined, rolled up two hundred and sixty-tive thousand majority lor protection to American labor and American indust lies. Soine of the democrats in the United States senate have heard about it evident ly. Senator Morgan, oí, is being commended by all parties for his pairiotism and manly independence, as shown m his report upon the Hawaiian question. Ii the souUi had more such representatives and few er ISlounts, it would be better for that section of our country. Sixty democrats in the House Bwore by Uie eternal, being genuine Jacksonians, that they would never vote for the Wdlson bill. liut they did - all but seventeen of them. The mi i]oi ili'monstration is now being jmade by democrats in the senate. The "conservatives," we fear, "vill be cucko'os in the end. Here Ls a little cotnputation oí figures that will give au idea oí the loss tliat the laboring maases have suifered tiuce ithe present admlnletration, witli its free trade tendencies has come hito power : A ten per cent, reduction In wages deprives the laboring men of the country of $1,200, 000,000 per anuum ; and 25 per cent. reduction robs them of $3,000,000,000 annually. The Detroit Free Press of last Friday comtained two or three notices of eastcrn facloiies resuming operations but every one of them read something like this : "The cotton. factory in this dty will start up Monday with a reduction of 20 per cent. on wages." 'Reduction ujjon reduction Xot a factory that resumes work but does so at free trade wages. Many oí them have reduced wages 25 per cent and more, but even such wages are ro much better than idleriess and Starvatkxn that the workmen accept Ulo inevitable and sullenly and sadly go to work agafoi. Free trade ís a sorry tlüng ior them and no mistake.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier