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Not A Cent From The South

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AccorcBmg lo Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa wiio is a great studiend i politica economy, the south does not pay one cent towarJ the pensions that thi adin'iiiilratioii is endeavaring to Hofceeanlth the northern soldiers out of. He says fliat of the $150,000,000 internal revenue taxee, the wouth pays less than $9,000,000 ; of the $177,000,000 custam rtceipts the south pays but $4,000,000; and ol the misc-eilaneoiis receipte lesa than $2,000,000. All tögether the south pays about 15,000,000 toward the suppoa-t of the govermment. It gets paid back $9,000,000 in sugar bounty ; $5000,000 in pensiona to Mexiean and Union veterans, tlieir -v Ulows, ete., and $.",,000,000 in post oïfice dep:irtmeni d licite. That makea a total oí $19,000,000, or $4,000,more tlwui it contribuí es, so that the late Confedérate states, that Hoke Smith represen ts in the cabiuet oí Mr. Cleveland, does not contribute one cent toward pensions. Still the south isn't satiisfied. It wants the sugar bOTinty, or protection to sugar in lieu thereoí. It wants protection to rice, oranigee, lemons and peanuts, d nd it wants no protection íor the north. More than that, the peöple of the south want $400,000,000 from the National Treasury on war claims which have been filed at Washington. These claims can never be allowed so long as there ís a bar in the federal statutes in üie form of a provisión requiring claimants to prove loyalty to the government duriing the war, and so long as a large share of the natlional revenues goes ior the payment of Unüon pemsicms as now. Several attempts have .been made to give Southern war claimants a standing in the Court oï Claims "without requiring iioof of loyalty. It' that co-iüd be done now and the pensions of Union veterans could be stopped, the south would be happy, indeed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier