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Hoods anti Only Hoods. Are you wenk and weary, overworked and tired ? Hood's Sarsapariila is just the medicine you need to puriiy and quicken your blood and to give you appetite aiwl strength. lf you decide to take Hood's Sarsapariila do not be induced to buy any otlier. Any eífort to substitute another remedy is proof of the merit of Hood's. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Entire Body with White Scales; Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cuticura. My flisease (ïsoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, spreading across my nose, and almost covering my face. It ran into my eyes, and the physician was afraid I would lose 'my evesight altogether. It spread all over my heail, and my fliair all feil out, until I was entirely bald-headed ; it then broke out on my arms and shoulders, until my arms were júst one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, head, and shoulders beinp; the worst. The white scabs feil constan tly from my head, shoulders, and arms; the skin would thicken and be red and very itchy, and ■would crack and bleèd if scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars, I was pronounced incurable. I heard of the Cuticuba Remedies, and after using two bottles Cuticura Riísolvest, I could see a change ; and after I had takeu four bottles, I was almost cured; and when I had used six bottles of Cuticura ReSOLvext, one box of Cuticura, and one cake of CUTiriEA Soap, I was cured of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for five year3. I cannot express with a pen what I suffered before using the Remedies. They saved my life, and I feel it my duty to recom'mend them. My hair is restored as good as ever, and so ia my eyesight. Mis. ROSA KELLY, Rockwell City, Iowa. CUTICURA Üí W0NDERS Everythinp: about these wonderful skin cures, I bloofl purifier.s and humor remedies, inspires confidence. They aíForrt inscant relief and speedy cure of the most torturing and disfigurinf; of itohinjr, burninp;, scaly, skin and scalp diseases. They cleanse the blood and skin of every eruption, impurity and ilisease, and constitiite the raost effective treatment of modern times. Sold throughout the world. Price, Cüticttra, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, $1. Potteu Ubuq and Cuem. Cokp., tíole Proprietors, Boston. jCéít" " How to Cure Skin Diseases,' mailed free. niMPLEB, blackheads, red and oily skin pre1 171 veuted and cured by Cuticuba Soap. Jft IT STOPS THE PAIN. wCjEL Backache,kidney iain.s,veakne?s, W&Zffgf rheumatism, and muscular pains re■ JBr lif lifved in one minute by the CutiV Aft locura Anti-Pain Piaster. 25c. m MUTUAL LIFE IÏ80MCË" COMPANY OF NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY, President For the year cnding December 31, 1893 Income Itoceivcil for Pmnlnms - S33,."0J,SG7 !)S From a.l othcr hources - - 8.358,807 70 $41(9üS,145 (;S Disbursements To Pnlicy-holders - - C20,SS5,172 40 For all other accounts - - 0,484, 5i 7 47 Assets Unitod States 1i::ks and other Sccuritios - - - S72,93G,S22 41 First li(;n ijuans on Hond and Mortgage .... 70,729,988 3 Ijoims on Stocks and Iiouds 7,497,300 (10 Ií:-:il Estáte .... 18,üS,91S 09 tasli in lianks and Trust Companies .... 10,844,091 72 Accr-.iü:! Interest, Deferred Premiums, Ac. - - . . 0,00900889 SÍSO,7077SO"1 Kcscrvo for Policies nud other Lialiilitifs - - - lfi8.755.071 23 Surplus. . . . L17,052,(108 'Ji Insnranco and AnnnitioB :■, .uii'i'.-! ind renoiud $ÏOS, 692,552 40 ?íote - Insnranco!y written is dscardcd from th's Str.'íTnfírit rs whoíly mi.ilou'.r., :::á on:y iasarance tctUüUy Eicd and paid for in ch is iaotudii I have caiefnlly cxamincd ihe foregolng Statement ;id ünd the sa:rie to be correct. :.::s A, Prellsr, Auditor From the Surpl-is a dividend will be apportioned as usuaL ROBERT A. GRANNISS, Vice-Prcsidcnt Valtf.r 11. Gillette General Manager Isaac F. Lloyd 2d Vice-PreFicltnt FrEDERIC CrOMWELL Trc.'iSf.rcr Emorv I.IcClintock ll.d, im.a. Actuarv Schuyler Grant, General Agent, Detroit, Michigan. is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and bestknown factory in the world - 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. lts products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, nów fitted with the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled off the case - the Askyourjewelerforpamphlet. THE NEXT MORNÍNG I FEEL BRIGHTAND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acta gently on the atomaeh, liver and kidneys. and is a pleasant laxative. This drink ia made from herbs. and 13 prepared for use as easily as tea. It is called LANESMEDICIRE All druügists seil it at 50c. and t a package. If you cannot get it, send your address for a free sample. J.nnf'M Family Medirine niOTen the boivels each dar. in order tn be healthy thls Is necessarv Addresa ORATOKF. WOOJJWARD. LeEoy.N.Y." JNO. BAUMGARDNER, s ? : 00 o _JIONUIEKTIL J fi _CEIETEIT_ M w and o BÜ1LBÏNB Jl Also, Stone Walks. - Estimates cheerfuLly furalshed. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICH 3oot'sCottoiRoot fj[ P COMPOUND. ■yv TA recent discovery by an old 'EL V -J physician. Successfully used qfflmjrLadies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliablo medicino dlscovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of thls. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, taha no substítute, or inclose SI and 0 cents in postage in letter and Tve will send, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars iu plain envelope, to ladies only, ' 2 stamps. Address Pond Llly Company. No. S FisherBlock. Detroit, Miell. Sold in Aun Arbor and everywhere by all druggista. TO FARMERS The Ypsilnnti Robe and Tanning Co., feeling certain tbat they can makeit an object to yon, invite you to cali at 25 S. Hurón St., Ypsilanti, and examine sam]les of goods of our make. Our business is to tan Furs and Hieles, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens. Or ve will pay CASH FOR HIDES. CUSTOM WORK. AVe will do Custom Work, tanning bidés for owners at reasonalile figures. Farmers can thus secure first-class Robes at nominal pnces. We make a specialty of MOTHPROOF ROBES from bidés of cattle, wbich to be appreciated must be seeu. Cali and sec us. YPSILANTI Robe and Tanning Co., 25 S Hurón BL, YPSILANTI, MICH. BURBANK & DEXTER, BERRY & APPLEBEE, Proprietors. tijAB III IBIIH The best Historv of the Pil T M DlTV1 the írm 'be disI 1 I V Ml 11 covery of America to WVayillvUlf the present time. w i COLUMBIA For special terms apply at ouce to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart. Ind. BOOK AGENTS PRIZB HISTORY 01' THE GREAT FAIR. The World's Colobian Expósita Xllustrated received the TIighest asd OXLY Award at the World's Fair, as the Riehest Illustrated aud the Most Authentic and Complete History of the World's Columbiau Exposition. Sells at sight. Large Commissious. Exclu sive Territory. Enclose 10c in stamps for terms and particulars. Address J. B. CAMPBELL, 159-101 AdaniB Street, Chicago, 111.


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