Dr. Martin ]. Befeer, dase oí '00, has been made a Fellow oí the Royal Mierowoopical Society, London, Eng. The last AVrinkle was lgsued Tlnirsday, -.'inii contalned miuch iniormation up'on a subject that wae quite laughable. Tile cases tn the practice coart for 1his serirs will b;i jury trials, all the procedures oí actual practíLce will be made use of. On Saturday siext ithe Glee and '.'■ i o Clubs are to glve the Athletic Asso: ia i:n ,-i benefit in Dniversity Hall. siioulii have a full liouse. Prof. Geo. W. Patterson has in press a : ranslal km a wosrk on "Pho toanetry," by Palza, Croin tbc Frencli, ! . i;! wïü be on sale by Mas Lst. The professor has áddeJ a few ehapters br'uiging fche work up to date, and as this svill be the only English book npon a subject Is assumijig ;ni important positian Ln electrical science, ii will be invaluabie. The row coneernlng the Unlversity I funny paper is ended, and "grim visaged war has amoothed hls Wrinkled iniiii." The accordeon skirt-s and ltirid underwear of same of the Jokes met wit h disfavor froan the Y. M. C. A., and the humor in others, it is alleged, would draw green bottle-flies in nol weather. The charter board was abolished, the editors strangled, a new board and üterary corps appointed, end all jokes prohibit-ed iuider sueh penalty as a. majorlty of the facnlty, actlng under the manilaics of Y. M. C. A., may see cause to prescribe. All matter of a humoi-ous v'haractei', will be submitled lo the gas-inspector beïore
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier