Must Be A Stupid Lot
Prof. David Swing preaehed in Chicago recently in Central Music Hal!, on the subject "The New Catho,lies." In the eoHi-sr oí liis sermón, referring to tlüe cantroversy between cathblicism and protestantisni, Mr. Swing said : "Mucli as it is regretted that the olie ch'iircb does not indorse and make use of the public schools, and fchamk G-od for a republfc that comthie taxi's r the rih to give a co.mmon education to all the chililpem, even thjoise oi the classes the most poor, yet ive must a!l le in wient tire mosi jnst and inusi not assume tlial to appose our school tem k any prooi that' the days oi blood and torture are to return. In d:iys rellgiJus opinioms do not mean guns. Once they dld, bui that long ago ; and in those bim-es, uilen o])inii)iis ncan; guns and sworde, tbey had that import among the protestants. Tlie shadow of the swoird feil on .-i 11 churches alike. As ao cinu-cii could '3scape the dominant ideas ■: tlie earlier tinis, so no church can escape the happier philosophy oí the present period. "(uiis tor one means guns for all; and huw boleration for one means toleratdon for all., soeietles Thai aire bow arming thema si be cu;ii)(-eil ï protestants and Catholios oí the hainblest mental equipment. It is fnll time for the higlier and i'.'ilmer classes to speak out in favor oí peac'6. It would be a disgrace to our country should a single Oatholic or protestant ba slain in the 11,-une of any church of Jesus Christ. Under the inïlueuce of our schools, literatura and freedoan, fanaticisms onght to disappear from religión and permit its large place to be oecnpied by charity and pity."
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier