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The Democratic City Convention

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The democrat'.c city convent ion was held ;it last on Monday evening. There was a ini! atiéndante as usual. L'o:-! mast er Siliuh (rapped the convi n :o:i 10 ord r and call-ed Hou. Chas. R. Whi man to the ehair. l'pon assirming whi;-h he made fl speech. He saïd that the dem ).-r.ic,v was all vitilit ; that M wasn'i .011 the run at all ; and that since lie liad been a demoerat, fcne ï-epubiisans had ulv.ays l:e?n trytog to bury the öemoeracy but yet sncoeeded, and that il' any ome had ever been a detaosca.4 there was 'ten-í-old more reasoil why he should 'be a (ïemoorat now than ever beïoire. (The reasons "were not given.i After thls speech Richard E. Kearns was made secretary. S-offne ome made a motion that the usual to'inmittees be appoJnted, and the chainman, renïemberins hls recent experience in the 4th ward caucas, failed to put the mottoai to vote, but proceeded to appoint on Credeuiialis- E. I!. Noirjris, M. J. C'avnaugh and Cpt. Manly. Order o Bustoees, etc.- tí. W. Beakes, Mosca ieaboT.t, Chas. Dwyer, and a little later 011 as an after thought, 6O to speak, Greo. B. Schwab. A mo.ion was made and carried that eaeh ward orm ttseü taito a caueus. deciiíe upon a ..hairman, and these iii tinnen get together and coofi up a Uofcet, and thua avuld any evldeoee ol' üiscord. The conference ras held, but i'or sanie reaeoo its deliberations were nevcr reported to ihe convent ion. and 11 bal'ot was oim! taken. The scheuie is said to have originated with the president of the Politiciau's Club, and to have been in the interest oí Cap't. Manly's candidate ïor mayor, who eventually got there, and to shut ofl all the democratie orators who had come there to make a speech. Tliere was a display oí innate modesty when the co'mmittee reported the tempo'rarj' o.iicers as permanent, that was wondeKully refreshing. The chairarían calied apon Mr. Xorris to put the questiooi, and amidst a silence that was truly touching and prolound, the delicate motion was carried. The verdict was received by the recipiënt with downeast eyes and proluse bluslie.s that seemed strange and weird. It was a great moment ïor the demooracy. But the spt'U only la-sted ior a seeond. The chairanan toon rccovered liimselï and proceeded to busint'ss, and extremea niet agaio as KoIi't: l'Müiips and Win. Glaney were appoiaated tellers. A bal'ot was ordered íor mayor and it resulted : Warren E. "Walker - - - - r(. Dr. Zimmerman ----- 28 Sc;;; tering - -' Total &■ A formal ballot was ordered after ol'jecïkm being made to a motion to make the in-t ballot uuanimous, hk-li resulted : Walker - 67 Ziinnie-rman 20 I 7 Mr. Walker was tlit-n fleclared the ïioiuinee. Nexi a ballot was ordei-ed ïor president '; ili' conncil, the result being : Win. W. WiattB 71 MoseS Sea buit - Jolun V. Sheehan - . - - - - 3 Walter I.. Taylor - Scattering - 84 Tliis was made formal and Mr. W. W. Watts de-.-lared the nominee. The following city committee was then appolinted : ivi v .rd-.l. I'. So.aili 2d " -Titus F. Hutzel. :il " - W lïi. Ulaiicy. 41I1 '■ -- Ai -Hiur Brown. 5Mi - WalierTaylor. lith " E. li. Non is. President Watts being called upon ui make a speech, told how he liad promiaed nis wife not to run for olflce any more, and how he learned that the breaklmg oí that promisc might prove lelrinn'iii al to the capillary snbstance on hts head. NotwilhtamdJ'ng, now ihat be was nominated, h tiiouid keep his part ol ihe ti'!-.?t on tile move. in fact he acknowledged tlien rmd there that hl shcra.ld eodeavor to swallow the n: Wines of the republicana ï he CUUlli. A coanmiltee, consisting of Capí. Mmly, John. V. Shee-han and Fred A. Howlett was appointed to iind the cainlilatc or taayor, Mr. Walker, aiul eaofiTt hira to the convemion. II ilidn't take the eommittee long to rfi-iii-iii diiii . After being In1 1 iKincccï, Mr. Walker thanked the eopventlan for the oTerwhelming . conira-red upop lrjm. and eaid th n he coala say qo more. Some o' the Hsteaiers sivid that tlie speech w;;s really in Dr. Darling'8 interest, but it was no t so iiit-erided. The comvention then adjourned.


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