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The boards of registration aie in seseiom tluoughout the city to-ilay. It required elght cai-s to comvey the lii-eat WorM's Fair organ to Ann Arbor. The republicana camlidate mayor is not a walker, but we all hopethat he will be an awíui gooil runner. Tlie new edii.or of the Democrat spells wliat is proinounced p-e-w, "Puy." Now is no! "Puy" promouncetl in Englisli p-i-e ? The new 'store erected on Washingetreet, by Prof. C. Gr. Taylor last summer, has been so'ld' to Albert Marshke, the prtee paid being $4,800. Miss Nina M. Henly, (Ownerly ■vell kiKiwn In Ann Arbor, was married recently in Chicago, to Mr. F. D. Denny. Their hoime wiill te at No. 15. "Waverly Place, Chicago. To the tax payers the a'.üae of superyisoT is the most important one voted ior nt tliis eleotion. Think of that wjien yon go to the polls Monday in your various warde. The misetonary colleclion in the M. E. Sunday School on Easter Day was $124.39. the largest aanmint. ever given ior that purpose. At St. Andrew'e Episcopal church the ainiouut given for thre eame purpose was $49. Lent is over and the gaities of the AVOT-ld that have had to Btand in the backgrouaid for a time are now on the carpet cmce more with joyous smtle and light and airy step. The dance will go' meiTily on, just the saime as of March cüuW Hot depart without giviing uis a toiich oí liis Icy hand, and so alter the stonn last Friday there was a freeze tip íot tiro or toree days, making vogctation and biiids ieel that they had been eadly deceived in their early start. Iast eventag, at the lioime of the bride's moither, Miss Annie C Durhcim was married to Mr. Nathaniel Kellogg, of Orange, Mass., Eev. Henry Tatlock përfonmang tlic eeremony. The couplie lett on the eveniing train for their Massachusot ts home. A man may stop his drinking, moi his smoking aml his chews. Stop hia broodlng and his thinking About all his debts and duo. He may stop his plan of credit, Aud 'iusist on huving cash; If oiie way íif's not misled, it Will not iinish Ín aerash. If to stop his regulation Advertisiiif? he is led, Then he stops his "ciroulation," And he might as well be dead. Oíd frosty March goos out with a good bye to the peach erop for 1804. We all have omr darlings, and Ann Arbor wiLl have a Darliing mayor thls year. Next M.onday wiH be a great day íor the elements - polltical element s caurse. Easter was not a good day for the new bonnete after all, and they were not plentlful. Tlïe "democrats are looking about them wlth a dazed expression and inquimg "Where are we at ?" Dr. Darllng will not be out of the city. He is always at home and ready for business, public or private. Vote for Adam D. Seyler recelved yesterday $1,000, from C. W. Mellor, as agent for the Equitable Life Ins. Co., for the poiicy upon the liíe oí hiá won John A., who died recently. A maple sugar soteial is to be given om Next Thursday evening, in Maccabee Hall, by Arboir Hive L. O. T. M., the proeeeds 'to be devoted to the purchase oí a new piano. Miss Cole readered a very excellent song aceonnpanied by piano and illute, at the Easter oipening of the Sunday School at the l'resbyterian church Sunday morning. Wben you go to the polls to vote next Jlonilay, don't forget the fact that Uie rL'publican candidates l'o-r supervisor would Hke to have you put a croes oppoeite their naime, and scratch out the othor ïellovv's name. The wanna weather preeeding Easter, was the benefit of the egg markeft At auy rate the hens took advantage oí it and yroduced such a quantity oí cggs that the retail price went down 't o 9 cents per doz., and te only 12 cents now. The bO'Oidluins who destroy young shadre trees, as was done in the Oth wanl the oither night, ought to be oaugliT and given a lesson that will tingle th't'Lr memories ior years to coinie, and deter other umart chaps tT'Cfm following their bad exa.mple. Andrew ï!. Petarson the repablican nO'minee tor alderman of the 3d ward, ueeds no introduction to the public. He is a gentleman anywhere and everywlvere. and u busiuess man oí the iiuality that ia needed in the cowncH-. No mam can make a mistake who votes íor him. The repuWioana oí the 2d ward have u persoD oí Michael örossmami u oandidate that would be m honor to a.ny ticfcst. Ho is a thoroaigb golmg, hard working man, and built out oí timtoer that would make aai exeelli tri member oí the couneil. He O'Ught to be elected too, The sad newa reaehed thïs city M imday oi the death on the day previous oí Mts. r.i'iyü Clanay Lewis, at her home in Keed City. She leit an ïaut five days oM. The remains weré brought to this city yesterday tor iiiirvüH-iir. The many fr'ends of the deceased in this city wiïl liear this witli great sorrow. The yorong repufoltoans oí the rth waril nmv have :m opportunity to put a cepresentative upoin the council. Win. A. S-hadioni is a toan they c-an stand by and om' who wiU stand by tbem. He is clfear headed, strong minrted and a hu.-tlei-. ïliat ward in hini, woüld have a man would do foi ilieiu, surei James L. Gi'Jbert, who Jias represented the towDShjp of 1-iyl.van ',ipon the board of Bupervteors bo admirably fov so many years, has decliued a itMi-oanination and U partner, Mi'. George J. Crowell, anotlier excellent republiean, hae been nominated to take Jiis place. The demócrata have nomiaiated HLram Lighthalll. Fruit .lii-owei-s in this section all have the blues just mow, over the piviispect of a of nearly all small (rultfi. Jack Fi-ost has pretty effectuaïly kUled the sfcrawberry, raspberry, blackberry, peach an.l fh rry buds. At least that is the way it iooks, and the empty fruit eans ol the thrifty liousewife willl either remaln empty this year, ot be filled at considerable expeixse. This is a sad story of bad and be-rry. We wteb the story we could bury. On Wednesday last, Mrs. Ma.ry A. DeForest, wiilow of the late David DeForest, died at her hoirae on X. Divteiora st., aged 68 years. The deceased had been a resident of this county some 60 yeara. She M-as of Enfilish desetent, her father, George Gadd, havlng been an English soldier, a member of tbe Royal Horse Guards and of the King's body gaard, takinsï part in the battte &f Waterloo. for whtoti service he was awarded a medal, whk-h is nmv in the posséssion oí Wfi sirandson Ceorge, in Detroit. Funeral services were held Friday p. m., from the residenoe, Eev. Henry Tatlofk coáducting them. Mrs. DeVorcst was a rcfincd and cnltured lady. a jnembor of St. Andrew's Episinpal clmrch, nnd hichly estceined by neighbors and triends. The thermometer ttcioil only 10 degrees a-bove zero Mondny morning at 0 o'cloek. The regular i prins? examination of teachers for this county oecurs Thurslay and Friday of thifi week, at the court house. The bh'tls have closed their early nïoraing concerté until old Jack Frost gete doime shoving the mieroury down in the vieinity of zero. Tlit-re could be no better man for president of the council than Ievi D. Wines. H has the ability and experinc, and kno'ws the needs of the city. Vote for Wines. An entertainment is to be given on Friday evening, at High School chapel, for the benefit of Miss Brown'8 charitable sewtag schooi, under the directioa of Mirs T. C. Trneblood. Miss Joeephiine Gafney, wlio took the house toy storm at a recent banquet at Ypsilanti, ha kindly consented to glve one of her soprano tlons at the concert by the Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar Olub. It is not necessary to teil the voters who Horace G. Prettyman Is. He makes his presence feit wherever he goes and he is one of the kind who never gives u-p the ship. Tlie 6th ward has tried hhn and will keep him in the couneil. For alderman in the lst ward, Mr. Pearson L. Boflmer, although not an old resident, is known to all the business men oif the city. He is a man of excellent business ability, of Sterling mtegrity and thorough wortli. He wïil make au alderman that tlie lt ward will be proud of. Mr. Eugene Iv. Frueaufï,1 who has been the local editor oí the Daily Times since its inception, has severed his coimection therewfth, and Mr. ürmvn gets a hustte om and collects all the news hümaelf. Mr. Frueau.íf'is a conscientious, hard worker, and had allowed Init little to escape his n.otk. He can obtain the bedi of recoinmends from hits Ann Arlioibrethren of the quill. Tlie Easter oifermg at St. Andrew's Episcopal church last Runday, waf probably tlie largest ever taken up in that church upon a simiilar occasion, a.niouinting as it did to $1,515. There were two checks for $500 each and O'iie for $100. The balance was given by the congregatkwi in aniouiun ranging froan 5 oents to $25. That momey reprcseiited a great deal of coms-cientions self-denial during the Lenten eeaw. At the anmial meeting o: 8t. Ani'r; w's pai-ih ycsterclay, the iollowin, gi.-n; 1. men were chosen vestrymen an warüena : Semkw Warden- Edward Treadweï". Junior Warden- Henry .!. iirown. Yi'str.vnu'ii- Ur. C. T!. Naucred'ï, James Clemente, E. D. Kinne, 1!. M. Tboonpso-a, ('. 8, Denison, Gei H. l'oml. Geo. W. Pattensaa, -Ir., Moes Seabcüt. At a subsequen.1 mee i ig i,; ihie v strymen C S. teniton was eJiecied eecretary, Ge. W. Pattereoq, Jr., treasurer, and tlie usual stamlLng lO'inmittets appointed. Mar.-'n meeting al the Wonian's League &oimes this week Ijaturday ai 1 oKíK'k i,u McMíllan Mali. Thfe gufcjeci fcxt lii -riission will I). T'ue Inlluenee oí Boiitlcal KíjíIhs lor Woraen. Ís:, On AVo'inan tterseilif ; 2d, On the Hosnie : :■!!. :i Soeiety ; éth, On the ! Lltical World. KUht young iaGiee wil! part in the symposium, four taktog the affirmative, iour ,the negative eide oí the questioji. A gen-eral dtecusston wlllïollow. It i lioped ai: miembers o! tbe League will be pres n . ;or non members tea een is.. Cily ReeOTdr Huiit, of Jackson, whio had hia right lég omputated at Ihe Vniversity Hospital the other day, is a phdlosophical gentleman, without any pessimism in his make np, and alwaye bellevee in looking upon tbe bright aide of everythlng. Néxt day a ter the opera t ion had been perlonned the physiclan who had rlipped oif the offeoding member, stepped mío üiis room wlth the greetlng: "Well, how are you thiis morning ?" The reply carne quiekly, "very well, indeed, thank you. Do you know, Doctor, I an awful corn upon the bis? toe af that loot you took away trom me, and it tB lan actual comfort to think that that corn will uever bot her me any more" The glow in the eye of the average housewife just now ie caused by the time having arrived when she can set the furniture out o.n the front stoop, tcar up carpets, slush soap suds all over the floors and wood-work of the house., and the minute her husband appear.s in sight, greet him wlth : "Now John, I want that carpet beaten out jiist as quk-k as you oan do it. Hang it out on the Hne, and set some sticks and pound it, right away, íor I want to get it down again before night." The relish with Avhich she rolls these worde out of her dear mouth, is sweeter to h-er than new maple gyrup, unadulternied with glucose, ever was. And Jolm, poor John ! He had been look Ing this day and secret ly dreading it for a whole year. Hów John does ny. '-'r Easter part ies to aM their pupils I will be give-n by Mr. and Mrs. lloss Gra.nger at their academy tliis week. Next MoDiday evening, April 2d, the I meeting O'f the Unity Club takes the form of a social. An interesting , giramaiie and an enjoyabie time may ' be expectedMrs. Trueblood will give an entertainment in 'the High School Hall Friday evening, March 30, lor the benefit of the Sewlng School. All interested in the welfare of the school are imvited to be present. AdmissSon ten cents. Patriot Mulligan, aged 71 years, died last Friday morning, at his home on Broadway, of the grippe. i'uneral -services were held Sunday afternoon, Mrs. E. K. Sunderland conductlng tlie eaiae. Tlie deceased had resided in Ann Arboir for Torty years and upwards. It is all very well our merchants to keep up an attraetion by putting iin the sliow ivindow such things as piEtures oí cli-Tiics, neste of chickens and Ferriis Wheels, Init we warn these gentli'iraen that unless yom have a reserve stouk of plate glass, don't you dare to put a real handsaras, live niiin in the window. - Democrat. Thie polls in the varlouB wards wil! be held in the places on Monday Be svure yon vote eariy, bul fton't vote oiten, as Boss McKane and Dome oí bis ipfends did : Kir-t Ward, corner of Washington streel Rnd Fifth A.venue, Xo. S7 East Washington Seeond Ward, West Liberty Street (Walker's i.'iuriaïe Room I. Tliird Ward, I'oinological Room, basement of the i'oiirt House. Fourtb Ward, Engine House. Fiftb Ward, (CnRine Hou-'-. Sixth Ward Engine House.


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Ann Arbor Courier