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There Is Always Some Reason For

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tilinga that happen. The reren t eold ■weather was for the especial benefit of Coxey's army of fools and trampa. The vetoing oí the Seignorage biU by President Cleveland Is abt received very happlly by many of our good democrats. "Jll considered, carelesíly drawn, and contrary to sound policy." That is what Mr. Cleveland Baya of the Bland Seignorage bil!. Many more people than is generally supposed disagree with the president. Mr. Crisp rather lie speaker of the house than senator, so he decllned an appointment as United States senator tendered him hy Gov. Northern, oí (eorgia, to Uil the vacancy eaused by the deatb Ol Senator Colqui'. t. The republicana ol New York have notnlnated Eev. Fr. Sylvester Mahóhe of Brooklyn, N. Y., a republlcan cat'.iolic, for the offi-'.e of Regent of the Onlverslty. The democrats noaiinate:! Éngene Kelly, of Xew York. Sugar is to cost the people 50 per cent, inore under the Wllson bill than nader the McKtnley bill. All tor the benefH oi democratie CTnlted States senators who are lnterested in the sugar trust. Mark it down in your uiemoiv. The Wilson bil! makes a 1 9 per cent. reductión on foreign raus. The reduction was useless. From the wa.v thlngs are going this country wlll soon have millions of rags for export. Everybody wil! be covered with rags. -("cdar Springa Clipper. Cows are allowed to roam and pasture in the viilage of Newaygo to such ui extent that all the grasa In the streets is being eaten up and bieyclers and pedestrians are obliged to take to the nees.- Northville Record. Even the "fen'-es" didn't save ISily öonsldlne, you know. Dundee has been honored and one oï her cltizens has received a recognitlon of nis worth in the selectiön hy Gov. Rich, of Hon. "Win. A. French for state land commiBsioner. To say tlrit Mr. French is hlghly qualified for the position is unnecessary, and lie is too lavorably knownto need any mentton by the I-edger. Dollars to (inuirhmits iliat the gentleman wil] prettï a higher tltle bhan land eommlfBloaer to his name before many more years. - Dundee Iiedger. The wa.v In which the Argus attempted to slur the "honored professors o! the OniVersity last Friday, was iuite astonishing. Oí course the ArguB did it for polltical effect. H probably has not lost lts respect for those gentlemen simply beeause they are In a reputable professlon and sonnected wlth the Onlverslty. The trgus thought to make votes with a class whose ignorance and prejudices would lead them to oppose any man the professors in the Onlversity might ravor. When the Argus thought all the pvoiefsors in the University were mngwumps and -vere going to rote Cleveland, it purred very prettily to them. It also nestled iovingly in thelr arms when Prof. il. E. Cooley as i-s candldate for president of the councll. It emitted no screeehes then. What do tlie honored professors theinselves think of the treatment of the Argus, we wonder ? And we also wonder what the Argus real]y thinks of itself beeause of its treatment of the Universily peoplc.


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