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Should Be Expelled

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The lower house of cpngress owcs a tluty to tire people of this nation. That duty is to expel f rom lts membership, the Hon.(?) W. C. P. Breckenridge. His own story upon the witnecs stand was eo disgusting and disreputable, so corrupting of public moráis, that it ought not only to forever disbar liim from all decent society, bilt Bhould most certainly exelude him from the great body of men sent to Washington to make laws for the people. The idea of such a man, who confesses to have lived a Ufe of debauchery and shame, while posIng as au example lor others, making laws i'or other people to live by ! It is simply an outrage. There are, no doubt many other members of that body who could not eonsfs ently cast a stone -".t Breckcn■ . l u .h.'i-c sure y must be onougb 1 ir müided. c eau men incongre e i pr( fer the tiarge , d the decent coni . i. he oí hers should brino; : ssure. to :-' ar tha1 dar. nol do otherwise than t vote for hit expulsión, however much they may sympathize with him. Thia is a duty eongress owes to the decent .people of the nailon. No man ought to be allowed to sit for one momeni as a member oí eongress who confesses to the tliings he has voluntarlly told upon tlie witness stand. The trial of Breckenrldge lias been the greatest destróyer of public moral-1 since the infamous Beecher-Tilton sult, and the proceedings ought to have been suppressed for the public good. The testimony of Ureekenridge himself, is too vile for public. reading, and all papers publishing it ought to have been excluded ironi the United States mails beeause of indecency. Expel Breckenridge. Experiments with glass building bricks were begun in 1891 by M. Faleonler, as architect of Lyons. These brleks are hollow, being blown like bottles, and are given forms- such as cubes, hexagons, etc, - that permit of ready laying. A bituminous cement, with a base of, is used with them. The bricks serve as doublé windows, giving proiection against both cold and heat ; they are good insulators of humidity and noise ; and they lend theinselves readily to the decoration oï buildings either by their form or their color. Many applications are foreseen. The bricks are neater than marble in meat markets?, and are especially adapted for bath halls, hot-houses, hcspitals, refrigerating establishment, and buildings in which absence oí Windows would be an advantlage. A hot-liouse of glass bricks is of about ordinary cost, saves iue!, and resists hai!.- Ypsilanti Commercial. The law relative to registering ■itizens who ace eonnected in any way witli the üniverti y. should bé made so expiicit and plain that there eau be uo mistake aboul it. Tliere is always trouble about it. On the last reglstration day a gentleman applied lor registration in one oï the warde, and made this statement, in efiect : "I have lived in Ann Arbor eight year.s. This is my home. I have no otlier home. I came here to go to college, and have lived here, summer and winter since I first carne. I graduated two years ago, and am now an instructor in the University. That is my occupation." To the question if lie was not Ktill a student he replied that of conrse he was continulng nis studies in order to ad vanee his profession, the same way that any professor continúes his studie?, or any man studies his business. On that ground hls name was refused. The ground ïor the refusal being based on the instructlon of the city attorney that any man who cante here for educational pui-poses could not obtain a resldenee here even if he remained here a Ufe time. Now the law is all right, hut the interpretation of it by eome people is not right, and it ought to be sL;i ted in snrli plain terms that no lawyer or no board of registration can juggle with it. Furthermore it oug-ht lo be prlnted on large cards and taeked ap at every polling place. Central Mills producía are of the best. Ask your grooer for our Buekwheat flour,, guaramteed pure, for Gold Dust, a granulated mutil made fpom 1I1P clïo'cesl Nebraska corn, for the old reliable, ihe White Loaf brand and for the Jumbo Patent Flonr. If yonr grooer does not supply them, send your order direct to the mili. Telephone 00. AX-LMENMNGER & SCHNEIDEE. June 4.


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Ann Arbor Courier