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Warren EX Walker has gone to Zukey lake with new lboats, etc. Mr. ]). B. Bently, of Chicago, visiterl Ann Arbor friends during the week. Prof. mul Mrs. PatterSon gave a reception last Frlday evening to their frienda. Mrs. Dr. A. ('. NicUols is entertain- Ing lier mother, Mrs. Dr. Howell, of Alpena. Gov. Rich was the guest of President Angelí white in the city last l'riday evening. Mrs. J. W. Goodspeed has returned home frora a visit wlth her párente lu Clarkson. Mrs. E. R. Curtís was called to Battls Creek yesterday by the death of a brother. The senior medies were entertained by Dr. anti Mrs. .1. X. Martin last Saturday evening. Mrs. Victoria Morris and children left Monday for a two week's visit with relatives in New York City. Mrs. M. Louise Walker expects to start for Jïurope tliis week, in company witli au aunt, Mrs .Phillips, of .New York. Mrs. Belle Goodwin Grant, of Syracuse, X. Y., has been visiting Mrs. '. W. Wetmore, on W. Hurón st.. d uring the week. Walter Hicks will exehange his clerkship at the Cook House ïor a similar position in Mr. McC'lure's new liotel at St. Jo. 0r. W. F. Breakey now enjoys the prond dlstinctlon of being agrandpa. J i i -í daughter, Mrs. May Adams, of Lawreuce, Kas., havtng a son. A number of the friends oï Mr. and Mrs. Paris Baniield surprised tliem at their home on Bummit st., last Wednesday evening, and had an enjoyable time. Kenny & Quinlan have moved into thefi' new quarters in the Greene block on Detroit st., and are handsomely located therein. -It is no great credit to the student community that the splendid oratorlcal contest of i st Priday evening was not better attended by tliem. The ladies of St. Audrew's church give their monthly tea social at Harris Hal! ïhursday, to-morrow, eveniní. A general Invltatlon is extended. The ö7th biithday of John A. Freeman was observeïï by liis friends dropping' in at nis home on Jliller ave.. last 1' riday evening-, and liavlng a pleasant time. On Frlday the high school deparïinent of thé Epworth League Will glve a pi gramme of interest, in the parlors oí the ÍM. E. church, in preparation ior a prize contest. County Treasurer Öuekey turned over $52,980.22 to the state oï Michigan on the lst inst. It was a hand' sonif little check, and the county parted eompany with it very relucbantly. Prof. IJrescott and wil'e sail to-day for Europe, going direct to Antwerp. The professor will be employed most o.' nis s.x months vacation looking up the various systems of laboratory work in Germaaiy. Mre. Eliza Fitzeimmons, aged 88 years, died at the resldence oï her daughter, Mrs. J. V. Eenwiek, at Northiield last Frlday. Funeral services were held Sunday, and burial at Lelaad's cemetery. Mr. .1. A. Keith, oï the Mt. Clemena Pi e s, a íoimer Dexter boy, has bten appointed Depaty V. S. Collector and Inspector at Mt. Clemens, and will assame ilic dutles of the oiiice Mon(iay. HiB many friends here are glad oí hls yood fortune. The Christian Endeavor Union of Wathtenaw eounty, wi.l assemble In convention at Dexier, Friday April 20th. Excellent programmes have been prepared ïor tlie three sesslons o.: the day, tlie firsst cominencing at 10:15 a. m. Two very attractive leatures oï the convención will be the addrese5 by Mr. C. L. tevens, expresident of the State C E. Union, and Miss Florence Ben-Olie', aJewe-s [rom Jérusalem. Eaeli society in the uiiiou is urged to send a large delegatiou. AV. W. Tidd, formerly of this city, now a resident of Ualvaston, Tex., in a private letter to a gentleman in tlúá city, says : "I sliould dearly love to vlsit Fraternity Lodge again, and see the M. AV. degreë conferred. They work so dilierently here, and, to my idea, spoil soma parts of the work, that it niakes me long to ee it done as in Ami Arbor. I have seen iive Masters do the work here, and aot eme can approach the M'aster that ralsed me- Chas. B. Davisoni" Mr. üavison's work in that line is tamous all over the country, and it is doubti'ul if any better 'W. il. eau bc tound in tlie Union. In con nection wc might add that there are a. large nuniber of the boys here wh would like to see Tidd's genial fac and balil pate up here once more He would gel a warm grasp of tb hand if he should como.


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