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Funeral services over ihe rernains of the late Senator Vanee, of Georgia, ere held in the sonate cliamber on the lSth. No business was transaCtéd.. .In the huus-j a rule which provides for counting a quorum and for tlning absent members was rerjorted. The ■ ind'iiu approprlatton bilí (io,4"58i3i. was reponed It abolishes the office of superintendent of In dian bctiools, reduces the spe.cial agents from live to three and the lpspeolora from tive to two. IN the senate on the 17th a motion that all petitiony protesting againsf the ratificatlon of the Chinese treaty m.glu Le presented in open session was agretd to. fJ iie larifi bill vas dis ■ L A favorable report was made on the bill for the suppres&ion oí ihe lottery tramo and a bill was reported to set apart 1,0C0,0j0 acres tor each of 11 e arid land sta tes and lerritories to te reclaimed in small tracis by means of irrig.uion iiithe houe ihe quornm-countlng rule was adoptod by a vote of 21:2 to 47. The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was gisoussed and ;i large uumucr of committee re ports was preaemed. A jiiLL was introduced by Senator Palmer (111. ) in the senate on the I8ih repeallng the state bank 'ax but prohibiting the issuin of money by state banking insiitutions or by any other oorporations or persona except national banks. Senator Momll VtjspoKein opposition to the ia riff biil, while Senator Tnipie (Ind.) defended ibe measure In the house the consular and diplomatic a-ppropriation bill was further discussed aud the debate toucbed a wíde variety of sub jee is and was fuiï of perBonaUtiea ïhk tirre in the señale on the 19th was almost entirely consutned by a sptech against the pending larifi' bill by S naior Perkins, of California.... In the house the t:ni(; waa ocuupieil in díscubtíinp1 ihe uiplomatic ar.d consular Bppropriatiou bill. ÏN the senate on the 2 J tb Senators Gallinger and Dolph spoke agamst the tariff bill In the house a biil was ïn'.roduced íor a survey of a .ship canal route, connecting Lake Erie and the Onio river, by way of ihe Ohio canal and Muskingum river. The rest of tne day was spent in the fruitless discussion of the bill to settle som e Tenncssee war claims against the governmer.t ainounting to ;22,00J. 'ihe evening session was devoied to pension businesa DOMEST1C. ISCONMN repubiicans vvili hold their state convention at Aladison, July 25. □ C. Stevens, a wealthy member of the New York cotton exchanfje, was found dead in bis berth on the Rock Is'iand roarl at Wichita, Kan. A LONB highwayman robbed the stage near Milton, Cal., of the WellsFarffo treasure box containin1 ?',000. A boiler exploded in a. sawmill uear Bainbridgv, O., killing two men and injuring' four others. Alex. Johnson, a Rlchraond (Va.) negro, was whipped by white caps until he was ahnost dead. The cokers' strike in the Connellsviile (Pa.) región was said to be practically ended. Seven husdred ehiokens were burned to death on Joseph Farley's place at Oxford, O. " A DISA.STBOUS cyclone swept a portion of Pottawatomie and Lincoln counties in Okiahoma and two persons were killed, several injured, and a dozen or fifteen residences swept away, besides ranch other daman-e. Dn. J. B. Hübphy, of Cliicajro, was made honorary president for America by the international medical cong-ress just concluded in Rome. Babrï & Dovvning's bank at Nashville, Mich. , was broken into by thieves, who rifled the safe of L2,000 in g-old and 300 in stamps. The law plaeing1 a tax on inheritances was declared uneonstitutionalby the Michigan supreme court. W. L. Corbin", who left Xenia, O., a few days ago penniless. was being' sought by relatives who want to give him 300,000 left him by an unele who üied in the East Indies. In the law office of President Harrison at Indianapolis W. 51. Copeland shot.W. H. Bruning, his brother-in-liivv, with whom he had a lawsuit, and A. C. Harris, an attorney. The shot.s would not prove fatal. Massachusetts will pay off the last of its war loan of $8,102,18 May 1. John üuncan's three children were burned to death in a cabin near ville, Ky. Madeline Pollard declares she will not go on the stage, but will live in Washington and write for a livelihood. The exports of general merchandise in March were $4,750,000 in exoess of i imports, and for nine months the exeess was $323,000,000. A commercial alliance between the west and south was urged in speeches belore the national grain congress at Wichita, Kan. Many counterfeit two-dollar bilis j were in eirculation in St. Louis, and the work on -them is so good that no one but an expert can detect them. At Mount Vernon barracks, near Mobile, Ala., Hugh Seeltoe, an Apache soldier, in a fit of jealousy fatally wounded another Indian soldier named I Nahtoahghun and a female Apache prisoner and then killed himself. John Beshaet and wife, an aged couple residing at Rosedale, Md. , agreed to die together and with a razor he severed the arteries of her wrists and she did the same for him. Henby Montgomeky, a notorious negro, was hanged by unknown parties near Lewisburg-, Tenn. J. VV. Donigan, a prominent attorney at Joliet, 111., feil dead while waikinr from his home to his office. The Logan iron and steel works near Lewiston, Pa., were almost totally j stroyed by fire, the loss being f100,000. Mary Ann, afed lO'3years, was divorced at. Tacoma, Wash. , from William McDooiin. She claimed that McDoolin deserted her. Z. F. Merrill, assessor and collector of El Paso, Tex. , was and a shortage of $23,000 had been discovered. Lloyd Kodabaugh, a prosperous farmer living on Yellow lake in Calhoun county, W. Va., hanged his two children, aged 2 and oyears, respectively, and then took his own life. No cause was known. Agbicultural iniplement dealers formed a national association in Chicago to defeat obnoxious legislation. Col. A. L. Conjfer was elected president. Striking dyers and weavers in Paterson, N. J.,attacked the men who had taken their places and one was said to have been killed. At Oskaloosa, Ia., George Croft shot his wife, from whom he had just been divorced, and then ended his own life. W. II. Thomas & Son, whisky dealers and distillers at Louisville, Ky. , failed for Íñ00,0iu The entire eiectric plant of the Capitol Gas company at Sacramento, Cal. , was burned, the loss f300,000. Ky the explosión of a portable boiler at Keokuk, la., three men were killed and anoti er fatally injured. 'l'ii:: KékW York publishing firm of (havls's !,. Webster fe Co., of which Mark Tivuin is a meHiber, made au nssijpimeflt, vvith liabilities of about 150,001). Drüi.NO a fire in the Merehants' hotel at Hangor, Me., many of the guests jumped f rom the windows and nine were injured. AHDBEW SPKUCE, aged 73, and wife Hannah, aged 60, were iound dead in bed at their home in Boston, having been suffoeated by jas. . Mary Habning, 95 years old, was killed by fallins: off a íoot bridge while víalking m her sleep at MarLboro, O. At Nashville, Tenn., Saloonkeepe.' Torn Eamsey shot and killed Riley Forman and Torn Fagin, who had assaulted his bartender. Fok paying too mueh attention to a woman riot his wife Georre Keira, of Deshler, O., was nearly hang-ec' by a mob. while the obnoxious female was drenched with water and driven out of town. Mrs. Mary Cleary, a widow, and her sister, Mrs. Wiiliam Doyle, of Menominee, Mieh., started a fire with kerosene and were burned to death, A BKCEIVEB was appointed for the West Superior Iron & bteel companyol Milwaukee. The company's authorized capital wils 2,500,00ü. A match into a ke? of powdir caused an explosión which wreclted a country store near Sullivan, Ind., iiud injured three persons. The opening" g'ames of the natioual league ball clubs resulted as follows: Baltimore 8, New York b; Boston ia, Brooklyn 2; St. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 8; Washington 4, Philadelphia 2. Dock Bishop and Frank Latham were lynehed by the settlers near Walonga, O. T., for horse steaiing-. Patkiots' day, created to commemorate the battle of Lexington, was enthusiastically celebrated in Massachusetts towns. ín a cy clone whieh swept over Summerville, Tex., V. M. Keel's house was blown down and his wife and three children were killed. A decisión whic-h praclically annnls the South Carolina dispensary law was rendered by the supreme court of the state. Uobtcrt Mitciiei.l, a wealthy farmer of Mahaska county. Ia., was bunkoed out of 65.000 by three-eard monte men. Richard Huert, a miner, met a horrible death at Mountain View mine near Butte, Mont. He feil 1,000 feet down the snaft. The bill to abolish days of graee on notes was passed by the New York léeislature The anmial ccnvention of the Xational Society of Sons of the Revolution eommenced at Annapölis, Md., in the senate ciiamber where (Jen. Washington resisfned his commissioil as jrenera of the army and deliverud his farewel address. Thf. exchanges at the leading elear ing houses in the United States d uring the week ended on the 20 th atrgre .■. :U;i $909,889,815; against 1890,769,077 the previous week. The deerease, com pared uith the corresponding week in 188 ■. was 26.9. Otto Shanamos and Thomas Powell were killed at North Industry, O., by a oaving brickyard wall. Therk were 21 S) business failures in the Uuiled States in the seven days ended on ihe 20th, against 218 the week previous and 186 in the corresponding lime in 1893. At Glassboro, N. J.. Hannah Chard celebrated her 105th birthday. Among the gnests was one lady who wil] be 102 years old this summer. Mrs. Chard's oldest daughter, aged 81), was also present. Evehy liquor dispensary in South Carolina has received orders to close imraediately as the result of the g-overnor's acquiescence in the supreme court decisión that the law is unconstitutional. Patriciv J. Sui.livan was hanged at San Qnentin, Cal., for wife murder. John Mason and. 7. J. Slorgan, merchauts of Iliirris, Ark., whose business riviilry led 'to personal enmity, settled their diñicnllies in a street battle wilh j revolvers in which both were killed. Dispatches f rom Ingalls, O. T. , conSrm the reported battle between the Daltons and offiners. Three of the fortner were fatally wounded and two officers were killed. The works of the Crown Linseed OU cotnpany at St. Louis were destroyed by fire, a loss of Í15O,OOO. Mrs Emma Redpath, of Wisconsin, revealed a plot whereby an innocent man was sent to prison for Ufe for murder. At Rockport, Ind., it was discovei-ed thatunknovvn persons had been robbing graves. Henby Woblet, a Murray county (Ga.) farmer, was shot dead in his field by wbitecaps. He was formerly a rrember of the gang but had left t'iem. Elizabeth GOS8, widow of the pugilist Joe Goss, coramitted suicide in Boston by inhalincr gas becáuse she was threatened with a criminal suit to recover a loan of ?600. Genekai, trade throughout the country is said to have been injurel by the numerous strikes in progress, 6U,0ül) people being made idle thereby. The scores of national league ball gatnes on the '20th were: Cincinnati 10, Chicago Ö; Baltimore Vi, New York 6; Philadelphia 9, Washington 8; Louisville 10, Cleveland 3. United States marshals arrested strikers at öt. Cloud, Minn., for interfering with mail trains and Gov. Nelson threatened to use the militia to suporess further violence. Men in sympathy with Kelly's industrial army seized a train at Council Bluffs, Ia., and offered it to the leader of the army, but he feared to accept it Amo8 Waters, aged 40, aud John Rickards, aged 48, linemen for the Bell Telephone company, were killed by coming in contact with anelectric li(jht wire in Philadelphia. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Gen. VV. H. Slocum was buried at ' . 1 .New York with military honors. Three thousand men v.ere in the procession whieh folio wed the re m ai i is. O. J. Hakden, vvho made a tour of the mirkl, died at his home in Strong1 City, Kan. He measured exaetly 7 feet 8 inofaes in height. lli.NRY S. Ives, of New York, Itnown as the "Napoleon of finance," died near Asheville, N. C, f rom consumption. Hq was 29 years old, EBNE8T .). Knais.-;, senior member of the well-known fira of piano tnanufacturers, died in Baltiniore from heart disease, aged 57 years. The Wibconsin republicans will hold their state convention at Madisoa on July SS5. Mrs. Geohge II. Uir.i.iAMS. aged 0:ï, wife of the United States attorney genera!, whose reliarious idibsyiicrasiea bad brouffht her notoriety, died at Portland, Ore., af ter a fiist of seventy days. K. Cai.lowat was nominated for governor of Washington at the democratie convention in Astoria. Case Brodkkick was reuominated for congress by the First district Kansas republicans. The republican state conventiori of Verraont has been called for Montpelier June 2U. The governor of ííorth Carolina appointed ex-Gov. J. T. Jar vis as United States senator to succeed the late Senator Vanee. G. S. N. Mokton, acting governor of the state of VVyoming, died at Cheyenne. FOREIGN. Nicaragua has revoked the exequátur of the American minister. The Belgian steamer DeRuyter, which sailed from Brighton March 12 for Koston, was reported lost. She carried a crew of twenty-eight. AT Honolulú Admiral Irwin transferred the command of the vessels on the station to Admiral John Walker, taking nis own place on the retired list of the navy. The Australian government has decided to loan uconey to needy farmers irom the savings bank balances. In a fire. that destroyed a quarter oí j a mile of property in Yokohama two American saüors naraed Moore and Wood and four Japanese women wera ' burned to death. Princess Victoria and Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse were married at in the presence of an assemblage which included Emperor Williain and Qiieen Victoria. A firf. at Iiuntsville. Ont., destroyed thirty-four business places, several dweiling houses, a hotel, one church and the post office, the total loss behiL t;:ü!,0i)0. Ex]'LOR?:rs verified the discovery of a deserted city in the mountains near Uurarg-o, Mexico. lts population must have been 25,000 people. August e Laueau was guillo tined at Dijon, Franee, for the murder of 'nis motlmr, his wife and hls mistress. Prixoess Helena, second daughter of (neen Victoria.' unveiled a tablet iu Westminster Abbey in London to the memory of Jenny Lind, who died on November 2, 1887, at the age of 67 years. LATER. The tarifï bill was further diseussed in the L'nited States seríate on the 21st and a message was received from the pj-esident Hawaiian covrespondeno.e. In the house the diplomatic appropriation bill was further eonsidered and enloyies were delivered on the late Senator Gibson, of Louisiana. ElCH discoveries of gold were reported irom the Dixie district in Idaho. Tom BLACK, Joha Williams and Toney Johnson (negroes), charged with incendiarism, were taken from the jail at Tuscumbie, Ala., by a mob and hanged and their bodies riddied with bullets. The fire losses for the week ended on the, estimated from telegraphic reports, amounted to $3,33 9.000. The steamer Los Angeles ran olí the rocks at Point Sur liffhthouse uear Monterey, Cal., and sank, and four of the passengers were drowned. James W. Thkockmokton, who was ffovernor of Texas in reconstruetion times and was removed by Gen. j dan, died at McKinney, Tex. Krakly 130,000 miners iii stc.tes east of the Mississippi obeyed the order of the United Mine Workers to suspend j work. The Sshing schooner Dauntless waa wrecked on the north California coast and four men were drowned. Ei.beut 15. Monbob, a memberof the United States board of Indian conmiissioners, dropped dead at his country home near Tarrytown, N. Y. Eakthquakb shocks in Greece deBtroyed eiht villajes in the district of Ataiar.ti and the t tal number of persons killed was said to be 160. Mrs. í'ka.nk Wabneb was killed and three other persons fatally hurt in a runaway at Decatur, Ind. , while oinir to a funeral. Col. T. K. Ripy, of Lawrenceburg, the largest distiller in the state, made an assig-nment with liabilities of (500.000. Mus MARIA Kobinson (eolored) died at Carl.vle, 111., aged 105 yoars. Walter L. Ukagg, a yountf lawyer, and Dr. J. H. Nafiel foug-ht with revolvers in a Montgomery (Ala.) drug store and the fornaer Was killed and the latter fatally -.vounded. W. B. Daniels, aged 7l, ex-governor of Idaho, died at Tacoma, Wash. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the national league for the week ended on the 21st were: iialtimore, 1,000; Boston, 1,000; Cincinnati, 1,000; Pbiladelphia, . .666; Louisville, .500; St. Louis, .500; Cleveland, .500; Pittsburgh, .500; Washington, .833; Xew York, .000; Brooklyn, .000; Chicago. .000.


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