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"the Man Of Destiny." Which

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Cleveland or Coxey ? The three great C's : Clevelandism, Coxey-ism tmd Cuckoo-ism. The iirst Ís responsible for the last two. As n czar the present speaker is a little more Crisp tham his jjredecessoe, l)ut not nearly as strong a Iieed. It is a fact Ithat should not be lost eight of, that there has not been a single American born person engaged in the great strike in the coke regions of Pennsylvania. It would be a fact worfcti finding out to aseertain the nationaltty oï Coxey's army and how many oí them are American-, and liuw many ïoreigu bom. There is an ol dadage io the effect ihai. a wlee man may change hie miad, but tx fooi liever. The electiona are provlng that these weit quite a, yooil many wise men in the democratie party, aftër all. Go. M. ruliman, who is worth $50,000,000, ayj he was happier wheoa lie was nol worth a dollar. Ii' Geo, wants to gel bacik to Uappi3, agaüi, we will Iiü glad to tal oharge ol hls 50,000,00J pluuke Penton Independent. ïou n i1 i in1 right pull, man. re i ■ a terrible alHiction in store for some oï the párente oï Kentucky. The lascivious Breckenridge threatená to speak in every school house in his district. But then, perhaps that does not mean uiuch, alter all. Kentueky is 'not noted ïor lts Bcaoolhouses. Don't thuot or Imprison Coxey and hifi arany, but snoot Uie party and kill the kgv-lation that makes sueh au anny poesible. The triumph oi' the democratie party and ihc proposed passage of the Wilsou bill is the cause. Do away with the cause. ■'.MTV une lias hrard ol Satan rebuking sin remarks the Ann Arbov tuinier. 'Ihe Prees lias, but uee.y doubte It. Wlien did ihe Courier ever rebuke wickednesa of its party ï- Adrián 1 Huw could the Courier rebuke Bornethlng üku uover existe:! in tact ? Go t o ! A bill has been introdueed in the Ohio legifilature, and Ls apt to become a law, thut makes each county in which a lynching occurs Hable lo the familjt o! the vietim 4n the sum of $10,000. A -wise liiw that ought to be adopted in every other state in the Union, What a burden taxes ■vuuld be though, in sume of the Bouthern statea, U such a Law weïe eniorced ! Adrlam Times : JJunn's oommerci 1 report saya that tlie growimg impretsiun that there will be no important legislation on Ihe tarifi question lias had a teudeney to revive businees. ilere is a pointer íort he democratie congreso, ii ljusiness improves under the belief that the McKinley law will uut bo materially disturbed, what wouM bO ihe efleet of the reïusal of congresa to pass the Wilson bill? ïhirty-three years ago tlie tlag was üred on at Fort Bumpter. Xo one daree to do it uow, but neiv perils eonirout it, liew dangers as.-sail it- frauil, bribery, eorruption, at the polls and eyila even greater still. ïhe elections that have taken place mark a liew uprlsing of the people in defence of ali they liold prec-ious. ïhe sj,--iioï-atioii of 'Qi stands where its ïathevs stood and fought in the stormy ctays of tlie earïy ■Bixtics.1'- New ïork Eeeorder. It is reirèsliing to know tha1 demo cratii offici U wjl a 8 me intance ],.,,.. ,, i; . i -, the bordeas of the presen demoeratlc depréssion, as the to lo-w li g M it mi nt ;n! ta : The hu-in, depresslon has cut olf the recelpta Oï the Jonèsville postoffUje ugj, ,,, decrease the postmaster's salarj two htundrea dollars per year. A b )ta is Wil] take notice that Aii:uvy General Ellls decides mortgages are real estáte, and musí !" asiessed m the township in which the mortg-agee resides. Mortgaee owncil by baaks are uot to be deducted from the capital etock. Keal eatate must be assessed at its true cash value without regard to mortgages threon. - In Germany they manage wife beat ers with au artless severlty that : sinsible and practioabls .h d ck.3 .il, ware wTilpp-ngposi r,s'ii. Wlin a man is coni te.l o beatin his wife he is allow("1 ui continue his v.nrlc, is looked af;e.- by the pol e, m arrested evcry Saturday and locked up until Monday mornlng, when he 13 again delivered over to hls employer. Hs wagea are given bo his wife. It' he won't work he is taken to jail, where he has to woi k harder than outsider. The more out studies this plan the more sensible it seems.- Harbor fiprings Eepublicaji. Mayor Stewart, oí Philadelphia, was eonsistent w-hen Jie refused to allow the liiivci-snl Veace Union to hoist the Anu'iii-an jieace ïlag over [ndependence Hall during the hours of i meeting in the hall Wednes(';. [ndpendence Hall is the most sacred remlnder of the declaration of independente, and representa America more than any other building we have n the country. None but the American flag has ever been permitted to fly over that building, and it is perfectly proper tliat no other flag ever should. Had the mayor of Philadelphia allowed the peace flag to be raised over Independence Hall last Wedmeeday, he "vould have next year beeo appsaled to to allow the green flag to be raised over the same building. It is just n.s well to have a distiuct und-eretanding regarding these things, and in this particular instance u is best that "Old Glory" should never have a compan'.on ilag.- InterOcean. The student of poJitlcal history often meets with singular t-hings, but do eharacterlstic of the demoractic party has excdted more wondering enmiüi in, OS that qneer organization kas ii], 11. h cea alóng Lte devious ana unaertain way, than ita Inabllity to chaaige ipii-kly. nrl lts unwillingnéss tp í - 1 1 : i at all. Studente oí the i!i mal süienoe oí éomparative stupidity have marveled mu&h that anybody of men could be so averse to aci , ,ai--v cbnditions and learn by tlie raar:'u ol eVentSi It is even held taal fcbere Ls no-thlng in the whole Ki-lr'inc ol the created universa to match the painful and belated progre s , icracy from tlie okl and mi grown to 'the n:'v and timely. Ibe an ■ nipt oí the southern people ai th name oí deino racy, to foist np. ui tin-; inatinii tree trade with all iis attendant evils and misery, Is an every-day congre sionaJ Illustratlon oí ili,' tiaiiii of the above paragraph. Wbeo wil that party learn this les sou? The patieive of the people is ia-i beiittg ais Ipated, and the raiskng oí au annj su Ji ae Coxey's, l bul ome torra oï protest for this fos' sjlized aggregation, that can only le made to see a po:,nt by havlng it pounded in with a cJub. Coxey'e club appears to be haring sorae effect. In a recent Issue of the Detroit Tril:uie is this, in referenceto a former principal oí the Otate Normal School at Ypsdlanti, and a man -well known in this county : Houiorabde Kdwin "Willutt-, of Monroe, ex-aseistaat seeretary oï agrieulture, ex-prc-ilriu of the State Agri cultural College, ex-pFlaieipal of the State Normal School, and also a uieiiilioi- (ii congreas iroiu tin; second district, 'has decided to practice law here and make Washington hls home. The li, -i 3 ars of hls lile have been given to the public, wliile his private interests have teea greatly negleetd. As a member oí congress, as a teacher in its broadeet and truest sense, and as a puMU-. man, be luis served nis genieratten ïaithlully, ably, honeatly and wieely. His BChcilarly attainïnriüs, genial marnier and knowledge of agrJenlture, made him an ideal seeretary and no man is more missed thaa lie iii departmental liïe. Mr. WillettB has his oiii-e here in theloan and Trust building, and while he is not making muen noise, is doing a very tair amooat of business. TJnlike a K!'C:lt many ex-members of congress, or men who have held prominent posüions in the departanents, N!i-. Wületts is not seen about the halls of congrega seeking to coin his intimacy Aviili awa knowledge of prominent men and public affaire into gold.


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Ann Arbor Courier