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Prof. F. W. Arbury, Ut. '83, has iii'iü re-e!eeted superintendent of the Battle Oreek schools at a salary oí $1,800. The Manroe Commercial has tuis item : "Alire.l I. S&wyer will not return to Ann Arbor to conclude the scholastlc year, ae his health will not peranit. We are informeel that his work in the ekvtri -al department was so exeeptioaially gpód as to cali forth umlimited praise." The Adrián Times of April 20, gave the University Grlee and Banjo Club boys ia column and a quarter notioe, ui;l ;i must excellent utKiee it ■vas, too, pralsing the performance l in all ite paris with the right sort oí praise. They hope to have the boys wuh iifin again. W, W. Wedemeyer left Monday ïor a ti íí lo Kalamazoo, Chicago, imi oi, AYis. At tlie latier clty i a b'riday evening next, May 4th, he U to preside over the animal contest ol thie Nortlieita Oratori.-nl League, whi-h tocdudes Oberliu, the Xorthweetern, U. oí M., Iowa, Chicago, and YVisconsin l'nivers-ities. Mr. F. I'. Sadler, ,lit. "Jtí, representa the U. oí M. in the contest. Dr. F. (i. Xovy, junior professor of Hygiëne and Physioiogieal Cliemistry, lxas beeai very busy the past few weeks in getting out a new text-book ïor the use oí the medical classes in the Univeraity oï Michigan. It is a-work oï 300 pages, ejititled "Directions lor Laboratory Work in Bacteriology," and publiahed by George Walir. It will be one oï, if not the nest textbooks yet publishe-d Lu that line of study. In faet it will fill a vacant ni-he that has needed occupying lor soone time. Our state exchanges are favorably oonimeiiting on the Univei-sity catalogues recently sent out. Heveral oï them imcidentally remarle as does the Byroa Herald : "But three or four ladies' nanios are found in this more than eight score instructors." Wlrich leads us to say we do not wonder that it is noticeable. "Vhy would it not be a good plan to have some bright, brainy womeii lii the faculty wliere a third of the students are girls ? "When Mts. Louisa Keed Stowell was in the University she was a great help to the girls, who always ïclt ïree to go to her for advice and Dr. Mark Kockwell, a gradúate of the Ami Arbor High i-School, also of the departmeut of piiarmncy iii the Uiiiiversity class of '89, and of tlie medical department '91, died at liis home in Iientun Harbor, aftèr a week'si ülness, of pneumonía. Dr. Rockwell was one of the brightest young men the U. of M. ha.s ever graduated, and lio had many warm friends here in Ann Arbor, who will hear of his death wiili fin. ere soirow. He had been man-u:. 1 about a year, and had alvraily seeured for MmweU ar Benton llaibor a nioe practice, where lii' aad j ist erected a new home. iz i eertainly very sad that eo prO'mising a lile bhould go out.


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