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A. D. Seyler Ís quite ill and coníinetl to his lioiine witli rheumatism. Win. M. Osband, of the Ypsilantian, was an Ann Arbor visitor Monday. Irving K. Pomd of Chicago, lias been visiting his parents, on 8. State st., for a few days., M. W. lílake, the pioture dealer, was taken with typhoid fever Saturday, and is dangerously ill. Austln W. Greene, of Jackson, has been the guest of "Wm. A. Clark for a day or so past. Th.0. A. Bogle has been attendóng to scme legal busmess in Kansas City Mo., during the week. Mrs Kugene E. Beal went to Flint Saturd;iy, rallfd there by the illness of her aunt, ilrs. E.. M. Barker. Jota R. K&mpf, sou of Hou. Keuben Keanpf, was married laet Wednesday to M.fcs Jean Kirk, at Madison, lii(Hiiiii. Aid. Taylor and wife ontertained a number of thcir friends last Friday eveming i:n thvir residence on Broadivay, northeide. Hon. J. T. Jaeobs will attend the hinieral i Senator Stockbridge at Ivalaanazoo to-morrow. Gen. Algcr's private car will stop hert' [or him. Charles Jacobs, resigned his position wiih J. Ij. Hudson, Detriot, and i alter visiting his lióme íor a short timp. w-11 take a trip througii the great west, prospeotiiuig.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier