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ONLY ONE NIGHT OUT" Quickest Time Evsr Me TO OR New Orleans, VIA FROM Toledo or Detroit. For Rates or Information, write to D. B. TRACY, Northern Passenger Agen l55Jefferjon Avenue. Detroit. Mich. JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agí 5 Bridge Street. Toledo, Ohio. D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Ager Cincinnati. Ohio. THE NEXT MORn'ÍÑg I FEEL BRIOHTAND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. ïly doctor says it acta gently on the stomarh, lïver and fcldneys, and is a pleasant laxative. Thia tírink ia made from herbs. and is prepared for use es easily aa tea. It is callecl LAÑES MEDICINE A 11 druüüists sell it at 60C. and 1 a package. If you cannot get it. send your adfiregs for a free samplf1. liflne's Family ïediïrinR moves the bowels eachilay. In order tn tip henlthy thisis necessary. AddresaOBATOKl?. WüOUWARB.UBoï.N.Y. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, s r . 1 t3 g :_flmEITiL_ GESETERY " o [ BUiLOiNO, Also. Stone Walks. - Est.imates cheer fully furnlshed. Cor, Detioit and Catherine Sts.. ANN AP.BOR, MICK ool'sCotíonRoot ÏÏ WÜffi. COMPOUND && Hw T - recen discovery by an old wf J phyBlelan. SuecessfuUy nsed iHml T iiioniWy b thousands of FXadies. Is the only porfectly Si&g0Pr saie anti roüablo medicine discovered. Beware of unprincipled lruggist3 who otfer interior medicines in place of this. Aslc for Cook'a Cotton Root Compound, take no subslitute, or Inclose $1 and 0 cents in postage in letter and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Po n d Lil y Co m p any, No. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Ann Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. TO FARMERS Tlie Yp8ilanti líolie and Tanning Co., feeling certain tbat they can make it au object to yon, invite you to cali at 25 S. Hurón St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to taü Furs ;i!ni Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens. Or we will pay CASH FOR HIDES. CUSTOM WORK. We wil] do Custoni Work, tanning hides for owners at reasonable figures. Farmers can Unís secure flrst-class Robes at nominal prices. Wc make a special ty of MOTITPROOF ROBES from hides of cattle, n-hicii to De appreciatea musí ue seen. L'ull and see us. YPSILANTI Robe and Tanning CoM 25 S Huron St., YPSILANTI, MICH. BURBANK & DEXTKH, BERRY & APPLEBEE, Proprietors. usa ipi nantnfl) The best History of the pmt tïm uïiv the u froHi the dis. IK eovery of America to y UaU B y è u"1 pre8ent tüne js" 1 CSLÜMBIi For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart, Ind. BOOK AGENTS PEIZE HISTORY OF THE GREAT FAIR. The World1! Coluxnbian Ezposition Xllustrated recelved the Highest and ONLY Awabd at the World's Fair, as the Rlchest Illustrated and the Most Authentic and Complete History of the World's Columblan Exposition. Sella at sight. Large Comraissions. Exclu sive Territory. Enclose lflc in stamps for terms and par ticuiars. Address J. B. CAMPBELL, 159-101 Adama Street, Chicago, 111.


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Ann Arbor Courier