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The Cedar Springs Clipper Seems To

The Cedar Springs Clipper Seems To image
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bé out f wha:-k some way. What's the matter with the Colonel? Chicago is atte-mptlng to put its mark (email pox) on all íte i Sucli generosity i.s iiit-thul to behold. The public debt is Ktül incrcasinuv It is about time Seeretery Carllsle tesud $50, 00,000 more gold bearing boude-. The Adi-ia.n Pree booms Justin E. WJiiting for governor, and the Ypsilanti Sentinel appears to .second the nomiiiation. 100 amenamente to the democratk- Wil-on bill as it nowstands in the seiKite. The la.test one was to place a. tarifl oi five cents per doz. upan egge. Th suiidiiy's i-'rcc Press announces that l'n-sidcii! Cleveland "is liandy a gum." Jf so ne shniili ilic (i'.d bluiiderbusB ut the Wilson bil] and let 'er flicker. It is the general opinión of Aiin Arbor people tliat the Detroit papers treated them very habbily in reference to tlie May Festival. The keus mny Cümu home to l'OOSt same time.. It is .-i llttle mi of season for small pox to set up a rage, but that eruptive pest appears to have a hold that Asiatia vholera will ïind dil'iicult to ■vipe out - especially in Ghicu-go - If it ooimes along and atteinpts to do business tliis season. The civil servise axe feil oa the necks of -iOO employés of the government printing office last Saturday night and they were discliarged. Their placee will soon be filled witli 400 democratie patrióte out of a job. Graat is civil service reform ! I'lcnsr remember, my democratie iiicnd, iliat Cuxcyism is a direct result of democratie mlsrtüe, by its attempt lbo torce upan tin; Industrial niiith the tree trade faUaciea of the non-in(liistri:il soutlb Idle men are daneeroue. Congress sIhmiIU --uliourn arad let ilic country have tin opportunlty to recupérate. TUf president certainly has a queer Avaj' of tlwoshig resorts for pleasure and ion wlitch have doleful and sugKi-stive namee. Loon Lake, Buzztu-d's Bay, and Hog Lsland iollowed in order, nnd tJien caane the news that ihie lMid Boaie to the Dismal Swamp1 Can any seeker for health and pleas ure beat that list ? Tli!' uatious oí tiii' (',-irlh must imite and restore silver to its proper place as a currency metal. ín that way no Rothsehil-ds or other money sharpers can control legislation to that metal's disadvantage and to their uwii financial prot'it. Thi.s vül be done. It fe but a question of time when it must be ch The Cleveland Plaln Dealer says that tnere was, not a native American, a Genman, or an Jrishnian among the rioters that attaeked the Vaíict Iron Works Ín that city the other ;'.,v. 'J'licrc was searcely a man tlicin who could epeak Knglish. 'i'h.i'y were Híleos in fcbelr Bpeeeh in ihrir methods and in their iinderstandtog of laws oí this country. Tlny o-epresented anarchy, and they furnish ti. r-tood illustration of the i] 'iil for more (ítringent observance of out tanmigration laws and also for somie improvement in these laws whách .liall dLscriinaiate as to what kind of Immigranta wil] be acceptatie and hal kind WÜ1


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